PG | 13 February 1987 (USA)
Mannequin Trailers

Jonathan Switcher, an unemployed artist, finds a job as an assistant window dresser for a department store. When Jonathan happens upon a beautiful mannequin he previously designed, she springs to life and introduces herself as Emmy, an Egyptian under an ancient spell. Despite interference from the store's devious manager, Jonathan and his mannequin fall in love while creating eye-catching window displays to keep the struggling store in business.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
TheGDfather I grew up loving this movie to be honest with you. I was born in '77 so I would would have been around 10 actually closer to 9 considering my birthday was late in the year. And I didn't really realize how much I liked Kim catrall till I got older. My memory of movie stars wasn't as great at 10 like it is now at 40. I didn't even realize it was here until after sex and the city was almost over and reviewed the movie again recently. I have it Blu ray and I'm looked to find mannequin two which Kristy Swanson is hot as well too.But Kim might have just made this movie what it was. I showed this to my roommate who is 27 so this is before she was born. She has never seen it and all she talks about is the the guys girlfriend and what she is wearing and her hair. I must say that's my favorite part about watching these older movies. Yes 1987 to 1993 had their own look. And shoulder pads for women and their huge hair spray hair (which I'm not sure if she had) was in. Even how they wore their hair was really unusual compared to before an now. The 70's girls hair was model looking and a lot of people wish they could get their hair like Lynda carter or the charlies angels. The whole Melanie g working girl is out.And the plot is honestly horrendous now that I look at it. Great idea but you didn't really sell me on it. The police officer who plays a police officer in every movie was just out of place. He made sense in short circuit, and made sense in police academy but here he was out of place. Then again all mall cops are out of place to be honest. But a mannequin from the past that comes to real life. Interesting but sell me on it do. And the guy black guy in place with mannequins. Not buying that either. Probably what he is most remembered for and technically he was a better actor than that. I saw him in an episode of the heat of the night. Good actor died way too young. Mannequin two was funnier. But you are still stuck in that '87 to '93 time line so keep in mind the attire. Its not exactly top of the line.But Kim's part she was hot. And just like in porky's where you had to put a jock strap in her mouth when she had sex. Heck she turned into a mannequin just to avoid people. She also made you feel like you just wanted to do something fun. A beautiful girl makes you do crazy things...Now that's an original idea...hmm think not. Probably the easiest casting that director did. Her acting was great, her looks great and she gave it a feel to it that the show needed or it would have died. Plus just like your typical 80's, a great movie song. I love the "Nothing going to stop us now" Still play it at bars when I go out. Its a classic. So should you see this movie, yes you should. If anything its great to talk about and Kim's part alone was good enough. Not to insult the other actors, but the director should have including some room for other actors to be themselves. The main character was flat too and so was his girlfriend.
richspenc I don't understand Roger Ebert's review of this film, calling this film dead. This film is anything but dead. Its got actually a fairly unique comical idea to it, a maniquinn coming to life to help give an insecure man confidence. The idea's not totally new, but there have been much more boring films than this. Sure, the film isn't perfect, but there are some pretty amusing moments.Jonathan Switcher (Andrew McCarthy) is a young twenty something who has had continuous bad luck keeping a job, due to his creative side overtaking the practical sides of his jobs that his bosses expect from him. That problem continues to annoy his bosses and gets him fired again and again, and we get to see a colorful montage of this. His girlfriend Roxy (Karen Black, a hot sexy half Italian / half east coast woman who also had an incredibly sexy moment topless on a boat in "Pirrahnas 2") has trouble understanding him too to where she wonders if staying with him is a good idea. Jonathan is an artist type who a lot of people view as someone with his head in the clouds and is not a hard nosed practical type of person.Through a (humorous) by chance situation, Jonathan runs into the elderly owner (Estel Getty) of a department store right outside the store. He saves her from getting injured from a falling sign, she then takes an instant liking to him. Jon asks for a job at the store, she immediately obliges. She introduces Jon to Richards, the store manager, who takes an instant disliking to him. Then Jon meets Felix, the night watchman, who also right away dislikes him. Felix is played by Richard Harris from the "Police Academy" films, and plays the same type of character here, a short tempered but dim witted cop. Jon also meets Hollywood, a very flamboyant man who I found annoying, but who liked Jon. Then, the fantasy part of the film occurs. A manniquin in one of the store windows, the same manniquin that Jon assembled at one of his other jobs, comes to life. She is played by Kim Catrell and plays the manniquin as a very nice and sensual woman who really takes a liking to Jon. Kim was pretty sexy here first in a scene where she started taking off her shirt, and then in several displays during the song "Do you dream about me". I know that song was very much like a late 80s Mtv music video, but I really liked it and it had a great beat. Kim was also pretty sexy in "Sex and the city" in the late 90s. Anyway, Kim helps Jon put together very spectacular window displays and that helps get Estel, the store owner's attention even more positively focused on Jon. Of course, no one but Jon can see the manniquin come to life, causing some people to start thinking he's a little Looney. But to Estel, it doesn't matter because Jon has now greatly helped the store's business, and that's what she cares about. But Jon does lose his girlfriend Roxy and makes other people including Richards and Felix really now hate him. Anyway, I'm not gonna say any more about the film here. Just watch it and enjoy.
lisafordeay I remember this movie a long time ago so here is my review on it.The story is about a young man(played by Andrew McCartney)who works in a department store in New York City. He of course is in love with a girl,but the problem is she isn't real. In actual fact she is of course a mannequin. But when no one is around,the mannequin is magically brought to life(played by a very young Kim Catrell). You see she was cursed a very long time ago as she is of course a mummy so she ends up being transformed into a mannequin and is sent to modern times(you will see this of course in the beginning of the movie). So will Andrew and Kim's charcthers ever get together and can she become human in the end of the movie?Bottom line this is a very contrived movie with a very contrived plot,but if you love a bit of fun and you want to watch a feel good 80s chick flick,then check it out. I enjoyed it as I have seen this film so many times before on TV.6.1/10Also keep an eye out for a hilarious stylist with cool looking sunglasses and Estelle Getty who was in The Golden Girls.
Spikeopath Mannequin is either a sweet affectionate nostalgia movie – or an empty vacuous experience that fronts the bad side of 1980s American film making? Of all the teen comedies and brat packer pictures that flooded the decade, Mannequin appears to be the one that has no in between fan base, you either love it for what it is, or despise it and everything it stands for.So how do you review something like that? I mean if you have seen it already and are reading this, you don't need any guidance from me. Your minds are already made up, if you have not seen it and have any interest in the 1980s strand of such fare, then give it a go. It's hardly an abomination, while for fans of Kim Cattrall and Andrew McCarthy it has to be worth a watch to see them try to cope with such under written lead characters.It's frothy and cheerful, but yes, devoid of substance, while one stereotype coupled with James Spader's worst performance hardly help matters these days. Soundtracking is decent enough, led by power pop ballad Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now sung by Starship, while the costuming is garishly period.Not to be taken seriously, obviously, and it has flaws galore, but it does have fans. Who knows, you may become one as well? Or you may want to stick sharp implements in your eyes instead? Roll the dice and take the chance. 5/10