Bruce Almighty
Bruce Almighty
PG-13 | 23 May 2003 (USA)
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Bruce Nolan toils as a "human interest" television reporter in Buffalo, NY, but despite his high ratings and the love of his beautiful girlfriend, Bruce remains unfulfilled. At the end of the worst day in his life, he angrily ridicules God - and the Almighty responds, endowing Bruce with all of His divine powers.

IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Winifred The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
stormhawk2018 In the comedy, "Bruce Almighty", Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) is passed over for a job as anchorman on their local news channel. He believes that God is forgetting his needs and blatantly ignoring him. God (Morgan Freeman) contacts Bruce and gives him all his powers as a test for Bruce to show that he can do a better job. With his new powers, Bruce uses them for himself until he realizes the world's prayers are being unanswered. Before writing this review, I have watched Bruce Almighty countless times. It's my favorite movie, it's funny, and my sister and I enjoy watching it together because it's a very family friendly film. Based on the first category, Action, I would give this movie an A. There's little suspense, but the comedy in the film keeps the viewer interested. A good example of action in this film is when Bruce runs into a group of gang members beating on a homeless man, later he runs into the same group, this time, scaring them off using his newly found powers. This movie deserves an A in the category, Actors. Jim Carrey is so funny and outgoing but also believably serious when he is needed to be. A great example of this is when he asks Grace (his ex girlfriend) to come back to him and give him another chance (serious). When she refused he tried to use his powers to make her love him again even when he knew he couldn't go against free will (goofy). I gave Bruce Almighty an A in the category, storyline. The story is wacky, funny, and easy to follow. An example of putting comedy into this movie is when Bruce went to the cafe right after gaining God's powers and prating the tomato soup, resembling the parting of the red sea mentioned in the Bible. In my opinion, this film is an A in length.The runtime is about an hour and 40 minutes long. The movie is not extremely long but it's long enough to keep the viewers interested and you definitely feel satisfied by the end. In the category, cinematography, I rated this film a B. It doesn't have horrible editing and effects but they're not extremely impressive or believable. An example of this is when Bruce was filming a segment on his news channel and wanted to bring interest, so, using his powers, he made a meteorite crash down in the distance. Not fabulous editing but it made it funny. As a result, in my opinion, this move has 4 A's and 1 B. It's a great family movie and it's funny, Interesting, goofy, and some-what sad at times. It's perfect for late movie nights if you're looking for a good laugh.
meganphipps I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I just recently watched this and it still makes me laugh and Jim Carrey as always does his very best. The film from start to finish was amazing as usual, the effects were awesome and the music to the film fit perfectly with what was going on and of course Morgan Freeman was amazing as god. One of my favourite characters has to be of course Bruce, he is funny and also he is such a genuine character. My favourite moment has to be when Bruce is walking along testing out god's powers and the song 'I Got The Power' comes on, funniest, moment ever in the film. If you like Jim Carrey or Morgan Freeman then this is the film just for you. "He saw and it was good'.
Python Hyena Bruce Almighty (2003): Dir: Tom Shadyac / Cast: Jim Carrey, Jennifer Aniston, Morgan Freeman, Philip Baker Hall, Steve Carell: Film about the suspension of self. Bruce Nolan works for a news network where he is bypassed for position as night anchorman. He lives with his girlfriend and a dog that uses the sofa as a toilet. He blames God for his misfortunes until God meets with him and proposes him his job. Bruce enlarges his girlfriend's breasts and makes his dog literally use the toilet. Provocative yet predictable with a touching climax. Directed by Tom Shadyac who previously collaborated with Carrey on the inferior Liar Liar and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Jim Carrey displays our frustration and lack of understanding of who God is. Jennifer Aniston as his girlfriend is straight forward seeking to move on to the next stage of their relationship. She is merely a prop for sexual sight jokes. Morgan Freeman plays off the wisdom of God who steps aside and allows Bruce to realize the true nature of God although Bruce becoming the likeness of Clint Eastwood fails because it is the media concept of Eastwood instead of God's creation of him. Philip Baker Hall also makes an appearance, and Steve Carell is also featured in a sabotaging segment that doesn't elevate his comic potential to the heights it would later reach. Film demonstrates God's power and our inability to fathom it. Score: 7 / 10
HowlingSnail I'll admit, my experience with Jim Carrey movies isn't large, but of the ones I've seen, this is definitely my favourite of the bunch.The film follows Bruce Nolan, a news reporter who's fed up with his life. He's stuck doing the boring stories, such as reporting on Buffalo's biggest cookie. What he really wants is the job as an anchor on the evening news. When the job opens up, and he doesn't get it, he vents his rage, which results in him losing his job, and getting beaten up by a gang of thugs.Bruce blames God for his misfortune, so in response, God decides to teach him a lesson, by giving him all his powers, with his only two limitations being that he can't tell anyone about it, or affect free will.What follows is about half an hour of Bruce indulging in his powers. Whether it's making his girlfriend orgasm from the sound of his voice, punishing the gang of thugs that beat him up, or messing with the man who stole his job to get him fired, if Bruce wants it, it happens.The problem is what happens next. Bruce girlfriend Grace becomes disheartened with how much of a selfish dick he's become (Or rather, how much of a selfish dick he's always been, but now he can express it more), and leaves him. After that, the entire rest of the film becomes about Bruce moping around, and trying to get her back.Now, I have no problem with having a little bit of romance in this movie. The problem is the mix. The movie spends just as much time, if not more, on Bruce's failing love life, as it does on the promised Godly antics. I watched his movie expecting a man to have fun being God, rather than it being about him losing his girlfriend and trying to win her back.The thing is, it didn't have to be that way. Between the deleted scenes available on the DVD, and more scenes that are in the script (some of which were filmed, as revealed by production photos), there was plenty of content that could have been done to stretch out the "Bruce enjoys his powers" bit of the movie, so that the movie was closer to what was actually advertised.Because that's my biggest gripe with the movie; it's unrealistic. Now, I can understand that, despite it being the most realistic situation, this movie can't be 90% sex, since age ratings and all, but I don't believe what we got was realistic even with that proviso. I've mentioned before that the entire last half hour of the movie is Bruce trying to win his girlfriend back. He can't just force her to take him back, due to his inability to edit free will, but did it never occur to him to just erase her memory of what he did? Or just re-wind time to stop it happening in the first place? Especially as Bruce himself said that God could just "clean everything up in 5 minutes if he wanted to".It's these faults that ruin the movie for me, and prevent it from being perfect. Despite this, it's one of my favourite movies, and I do recommend it, if only so you, like me, can wish God would give you his powers too.