The Truman Show
The Truman Show
PG | 05 June 1998 (USA)
The Truman Show Trailers

Truman Burbank is the star of The Truman Show, a 24-hour-a-day reality TV show that broadcasts every aspect of his life without his knowledge. His entire life has been an unending soap opera for consumption by the rest of the world. And everyone he knows, including his wife and his best friend, is really an actor, paid to be part of his life.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
carlmyers-80296 The Truman Show is Jim Carrey as you have never seen him before. This is straight out of The Twilight Zone(in fact writer Andrew Nicchol based the screenplay on an episode of The Twilight Zone. Jim Carrey plays an insurance salesman who has no idea that his entire life is scripted and part of a television show. This is a departure of sorts for Peter Weir also and though I have forgotten much of this film I remember liking it a lot. There are many underlying themes and the entire presentation is something you don't see often. This is a healthy recommendation regardless of whether you are a fan of Carrey or not.
Okan Yurttaş The film really questions the perception of reality. By whom is the real? What is the truth? At the same time, it has been a very good criticism for the ever-increasing human life, especially the commodification of private life and human relations. The film has taken up the growing television madness during the filming period and has drawn attention to a possible danger, and when it says that it will be so in the future in the future, the television madness is suddenly replaced by computer internet and social media madness. While the film really makes people think about this kind of things, it also feels the happiness that being free to live on their own (again free and according to what is free and how it is discussed), but the play of Jim Carrey, who can directly convey these happiness and feelings to us, Even the seeing of Jim Carrey's face in the Wild Animal Detective Jim Carrey is causing people to grin or I said to myself that most movie stars are actually a bit of a Truman movie.
eeshad My review for this movie was 9 out 10 because there weren't enough twist in this movie. Also, why I picked 9 out of 10 was because Truman did not know that is life was a show but the other cast did so that's not fair.
d-snake1 On the surface, The Truman Show is about a man who has lived his life trapped inside of a bubble. He tries the entire movie to pop the bubble, and he eventually does.Under that layer, though, is a complex theme. Does Truman really enjoy his cell? He seemed to for years. At the same time, he struggled with memories, but don't we all? As the viewer, we're left to determine the morality of the happiness of millions versus the freedom of one. We're also left to consider whether Truman's cage was better than his freedom. A child born into a system that doesn't have a great track record or a life of relative safety with no knowledge of the cage. The viewer also has to determine the sturdy nature of reality. What is reality besides our perception of it? What's real to Jim or to Bob? Are the things that are real to them real to me if I've never seen or heard about them? Beyond the philosophical questions the movie poses, the film itself is solid. Jim Carrey pulls off the part wonderfully. He's more than just a comedian, although he can bring the humor the instant the scene needs it. The supporting cast fell right in line. The pacing may be a little slow early on for many viewers, but that is remedied once the action begins to pick up.
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