Big Fish
Big Fish
PG-13 | 25 December 2003 (USA)
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Throughout his life Edward Bloom has always been a man of big appetites, enormous passions and tall tales. In his later years, he remains a huge mystery to his son, William. Now, to get to know the real man, Will begins piecing together a true picture of his father from flashbacks of his amazing adventures.

Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
besherat This is a beautiful story about a man with the rich inner world, which was not understandable to his son. Developed by his imagination, the whole life he told an incredible stories to the others. And so, his ordinary life in a small provincial town,he painted with unreal colors, and made an unfinished fairy tale. On the other hand, there is his son, who, due to his father's frequent absence, was forced to relate his life to the fantastic stories which his father left him, instead of reality. And he trusted him, until the moment when he realized that he had believed in only one great fairy-tale throughout his life. And then there is a split in him and he rejects his father, because of his own misunderstanding of the specific personality which his father has. As a result of circumstances, he begins to realize that his father was in fact all his life, one honest person, a man who always helped to the others, who was always guided by goodness and courage. Because all of our lives are actually how we seen them, and if someone wants to make his life as a fairytale, let him do it. And whats happened at the end? Using the same formula, out of love as a base, not wanting to disappoint his father , he told us the incredible story of his father's end, seeking to round up the magical world in which his father lived. And the fairy tale story continues to live, through the unrealistic adventures that the son is now transmitting to his son. A wonderful story indeed.
Matt Greene Big Fish posits a strong ideal: that a story can be full of immense truth even if it never literally happened. Burton's Forrest-Gump-esque personal epic is his sweetest film, full of whimsical silliness and fable-like hyperbole. As a whole, the film never quite sinks into me the way Finney's stories do with his audiences, but it's still a good parable about living in the shadow of a larger-than-life character.
miryamos You've to search for your place in the world to be happy - this idea seems to be suggested in all the adventures that the main character discovers in his big journey. It's an incredible sense of freedom and a true empowerment that never leaves one while seeing this movie. It gives you the impression that there's no thing in this world that cannot be accomplished once you're ready to even give up on your life for your true passions. Quaint, lovely, funny quotes seem to be everywhere.
mwveliz This is my favorite film ever, every aspect of the movie is so great that I can watch it over and over for the rest of my life.I love the story and the ending is so (un)expected, you can catch a tear dropping on your cheek without even realize before, it's so beautiful, you feel so in touch with the main character and forget everything, just dive into the plot.