Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow
R | 19 November 1999 (USA)
Sleepy Hollow Trailers

The curse of The Headless Horseman (Christopher Walken) is the legacy of the small town of Sleepy Hollow. Spearheaded by the eager Constable Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) and his new-world ways into the quagmire of secrets and murder, secrets once laid to rest, best forgotten, and now reawakened, and he too, holding a dark secret of a past once gone.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
williamgoodman-50562 What works in this sleepy hollow adaptation by Tim Burton? The haunting atmosphere and the fantastic production design. I feel like I was transported to Sleepy Hollow of the past centuries. Johnny Depp as the milquetoast constable Ichabod Crane is more than competent and frankly I could not have envisioned anyone in this role. Supporting cast are Christina Ricci and Casper Van Dien and of course Christopher Walken as the scary headless horseman. The pacing is excellent although I feel this is a niche film and you need to watch it with a certain mindset.
jimbo-53-186511 Detective Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) is sent from New York to Sleepy Hollow to investigate a series of murders and bring the culprit back to New York to face justice. Using advanced forensic techniques, Crane believes that the task that he has been given shouldn't prove too difficult, but his world is soon turned upside down when he learns that the man that he's pursuing is not quite of this world...Sleepy Hollow is another dark and somewhat macabre offering from Tim Burton and Johnny Depp (whom have both collaborated many times together over the years). I've never read Washington Irving's novel (upon which this film was based), but was interested in this film when I read the plot summary. If I'm honest I didn't find the film to be consistently thrilling, but in fairness the basic story was fairly good and had enough about it to keep me involved (particularly in respect of the Horseman and how and why he selects his victims). Due to the very fact that everyone was a bit wacky I was never quite sure who to suspect and I found it entertaining trying to piece everything together.The screenplay is pretty good, but Director Tim Burton and star Johnny Depp are both on top form as well; having worked together on a number of occasions you do get the feeling that both men understand each other fairly well. Although the film has a dark plot and overall dark feel about it, the film does still have some amusing moments and a few gentle winks from time to time which made the film slightly more enjoyable overall.Depp gives a very impassioned performance here and does make the film a lot of fun to watch. It was interesting watching him getting swept up into the mad world of the inhabitants of Sleepy Hollow. The supporting cast all do fine with what they have to work with, but this is definitely Depp's film and he carries it well.Whilst overall the film has more hits than misses I didn't find it to be entirely successful; it does have its slow stretches (particularly in the first half of the film) and character development is quite poor, but I suppose part of Burton's problem is that he does sometimes get more swept up in the style of his products at the expense of substance. It's also fair to say that the film also suffers slightly when the headless horseman isn't around.FINAL VERDICT; Worthy of your time, but with the odd miss here and there.
Hitchcoc Come on. If it weren't for the names of the characters, including the Headless Horseman, we wouldn't have clue that this had anything to do with the original. A remake has to have something to do with the original plot, even if it's butchered. For God's sake, Ichabod Crane is a police detective!? He comes to investigate murders using forensic techniques. Katrina Van Tassel is a potential suspect. Remember that Ichabod, in the original movie, was the victim. So let's let that go. If this is just a period piece it's a decent movie. It is well constructed and has some really interesting plot development. The detective must wade through the provincial prejudices against him and try to solve the murders. I suppose most of the people who went to this film had never read the original, but it bothers me that the title and characters have any connection to that story.
jjknowstheway I love Edward Scissorhands and am getting into more of Tim Burton's stuff (I was born in 2000, yeah yeah yeah...) but I was so bummed with this film. It was almost too dark, if that's a thing and I know he likes that whole pale blond and pale skin but it was too creepy and Cristina Ricci deserves to have eyebrows Tim, just saying. This one was too depressing for me and I won't watch it again which sux because I bought the dang thing already. But I did not have a good time watching it at all, no amount of beer made it better. I was maybe a little surprised by the end but I think even that could have been written a lot better. I won't give up on his other movies just yet, but I think what I liked about Edward Scissorhands was there was at least a little lightness and humor.