Mrs. Doubtfire
Mrs. Doubtfire
PG-13 | 24 November 1993 (USA)
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Loving but irresponsible dad Daniel Hillard, estranged from his exasperated spouse, is crushed by a court order allowing only weekly visits with his kids. When Daniel learns his ex needs a housekeeper, he gets the job -- disguised as a British nanny. Soon he becomes not only his children's best pal but the kind of parent he should have been from the start.

Chatverock Takes itself way too seriously
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
EBJ 'MRS DOUBTFIRE' was directed by Chris Columbus and stars Robin Williams, Sally Field and Lisa Jakub. ​After a divorce results in David Hillard(Robin Williams) only seeing his kids once per week, David decides to embody Mrs Doubtfire, a happy go lucky nanny who applies to be the nanny for his kids. But as his normal persona and Mrs Doubtfire collide in everyday life, things begin to spiral out of control.I think this movie deserves the award for the most mental concept of a film. This movie beats of 'Armageddon' and 'Face/Off' for that title for me because, if you look into the psyche of David, it's the most random and absurd premise of a movie ever. Robin Williams tries his very best as Mrs Doubtfire and provides some wicked one liners that can make your stomach hurt. On the flipside of that, his performance of David Hillard was very weak and any of his slapstick comedy was very weak and poorly done. This movie is certainly one way to pass the time but I could think of a dozen better ways to spend it.The actual story for this movie is very bland and it contains weird subplots and arcs that are never finished. It's very slow starting off and only gets interesting 20-25 minutes in, perhaps. The ending is also overly sappy and they REALLY hammer in the message. Granted, it's a good message but they could have been a LOT more subtle. Sally Field was perfectly passable as Miranda Hillard but neither impressed me or directly annoyed me. She was present and performed her role perfectly well. I honestly despise the children in this movie. They are annoying and serve no real purpose other than being motivation for a character. Their performances were pretty weak and none of them were enjoyable or entertaining to watch on screen. Pierce Brosnan was dull and bland as Stu and also served no real purpose to the story. The 'villain'(yeah, I'm calling them that) was very weak and also did nothing other that irk Hillard. This movie is technically proficient. The costume design is marvellous and Mrs Doubtfire is genuinely fantastic. The set design was fine but could seem a little generic and bland at certain intervals. The movie was competently shot and I have no major complains other than some dodgy editing and overly long shots at points in the movie. This movie is entertaining and definitely has some moments that could make you cry with laughter. These moments are too few and far between. Williams' tries his best to keep the movie afloat and does deliver some hysterically funny one liners but aside from that, it was just an okay movie. Nothing was particularly impressive. If you've got nothing else to watch, see it. You will have some level of enjoyment but aside from that I cannot recommend it. I'll rate it 5 Psychotic Fathers out of 10.
Davis P This is an absolute classic! The late Robin Williams (RIP xoxo) plays a husband/father who is going through a divorce with his wife Miranda (the incredible Sally Field). He wants desperately to still be involved daily in the lives of his three children. But after the judge rules that Miranda has full custody and he only gets visitation rights, he sees no other option but to..... become Mrs Doubtfire. Williams goes to his brother and his partner for help to transform him into a woman in order to be able to be his children's nanny. After a hilarious transformation sequence, it's done. Let me just take a moment and say that Robin Williams is great in this role, his portrayal as Mrs Doubtfire is just hilarious. There are scenes where the script just works so well and more than succeeds in making the audience fall over laughing. And Sally field is great as his ex wife Miranda Hillard. She can be funny when the script allows for it, and then she can be very serious and dramatic. And Field succeeds at both. Pierce Brosnan is good too, I enjoyed his performance as Miranda's new love interest. The writing is awesome for this film. Loads of laugh out loud hilarious lines for almost every character. And then the script allows for some very endearing sweet family moments. 8/10 for Mrs. Doubtfire! Very fun time.
mariamsaad-04820 The film Mrs. Doubtfire directed by Chris Columbus explores a lot of adversity through the use of Drama and comedy. Characters such as Daniel Hillard use many strategies to overcome adversity. In the film Mrs. Doubtfire, Daniel (acting as Mrs. Doubtfire) faces many tough challenges. It starts off when he quits his job when he realizes that the studio he works for is portraying negative images to the younger audience. Later that afternoon he throws a party for his son Chris who his wife Miranda strictly told him not to hold, when she realizes what Daniel has done she finally realizes that there not compatible for each other as Daniel is very unreliable, bad role model and very careless of what decisions he makes in his everyday life. When Miranda takes their divorce case to court the judge rules in favor of Miranda to have full custody of their children and Daniel is only given one day each week for his kids to visit him, as he doesn't have a job or a place to live. But the judge gives him 3 months to get a decent house and a stable job and will be given a court liaison to check up on him in order for him to receive joint custody with his wife. When his ex-wife comes one night to pick up Chris, Natalia and Lydia she brings up she is placing a ad in the newspaper for a house keeper as she needs help around the house and with the kids, when she rejects his offer to take care of the kids instead of hiring someone he takes it into his own hands. So Daniel dresses up and impersonates an old English woman named Euphegenia Doubtfire in order to get the housekeeping job so he can be able to spend more time with his children. During the time Daniel is impersonating Euphegenia Doubtfire he learns a lot of new skills, which help him cope with what he going through, organize himself and understand why his wife divorced him.
Hitchcoc When Robin Williams died, we lost one of the most creative forces in the history of the entertainment world. He seemed able to latch on to any sort of role and make it his, with that nonstop mind of his. This, of course, has him impersonating a 60 something British nanny who moves in with his own kids in order to be near them. His ex- is Sally Field. Of course, it seems unlikely he would be able to get away with this, but in the context of the movie, he does. What we have from there on are sight gags, close calls, and marvelous improvisation from the master. He also creates an endearing figure that would still pass as a wonderful grandma type in any case. There were times when I forgot Williams was in that costume. There is a delicate touch here that really works. One of the best movies of the year.
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