PG-13 | 29 June 2001 (USA)
Crazy/Beautiful Trailers

At Pacific Palisades High, a poor Latino falls hard for a troubled girl from the affluent neighborhood.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Geoffrey DeLeons Certainly, one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I will disagree, however, with other reviewers who said the movie is bhoring: I was too busy cringing at the embarrassing behavior of Dunst's character, Nikki to be bhored. I really felt sorry for Hernandez's character, Carlos. We have all hung around with the wrong people for the wrong reasons, but when there IS no reason, like in this movie, then it is just 90 minutes of huge embarrassment: Having a drunk, promiscuous chick with no personality or depth, hanging all over you. Nikki's actions and words beg the questions, "Just how hollow and vacuous can one person be? How pretentious? How much self-awareness and identity can one person lack?" The screen writing is the most drab and lacking-in-quality that I have ever experienced. I managed to watch Crazy/Beautiful until they drove up to Carlos' house and the mother came out. Then, I was done. 90 minutes of a reminder of what the worst night of your life was like, when you were smashed out of your mind on booze. Then again, you had a personality. No one in Crazy/Beautiful does.Absolutely disgraceful, especially considering the potential of the base story.
VisualAssault Watching this film and then reeding that it barely payed for it self in theaters seemed to me a bit odd 'cos it's not bad at all. Crazy/Beautiful is a refreshing switch from all those stupid and overexploited teen films. The story feels genuine and does without any unnecessary babble. Also the actors give a fairly convincing performance. Kirsten's very charming and the lack of make-up really helps to reveal her beauty. Same goes with Taryn, almost to the point that she nearly steals a few scenes (we no longer see her this way, sadly). A word or two has to be said about the soundtrack: well selected, and nicely accentuating the whole film. All in all Crazy/Beautiful doesn't try to win Oscars, but because of that it does win your heart.
pikazu This movie is one of my favourites. It went right into my heart. And the soundtracks were brilliant. I still like to hear them sometimes when I'm home. This movie is so romantic but also dramatic. The young girls in this movie is fighting with herself for her future. She is having problems with life. I think she is too good, so she can barely take what's happening around her. Although she isn't living a bad life in a bad neighbourhood. But how the teenagers are, they are rebellious, but she isn't stupid. She isn't after boys and she can see things much more clearly. Her mother is dead, so she has a reason to be how she is, she hasn't got over it. And her father is very concerned about her.She want's to escape from everything by drinking and smoking weed (like 50% of teenagers)and fooling around and playing with people. She isn't concerned about what others are thinking about her, some are thinking that she is cold and doesn't care about anything, but that's a facade.It is the kind of movie, where you don't expect a happy end, but hope for it, and you will be positively surprised.My favourite scenes are the ones, where she is photographing. She was making so beautiful photos. It seemed like those photos where having so much heart, they seemed warm and cosy. I could feel the love between Nicole and Carlos.It is also the movie, where I fell in "love" with Kirsten Dunst. I can't say I'm a fan of hers. I don't run to see a movie of hers just because...I pick out movies, that have spirit. And she is a talent in picking out movies. You should only see the list of her movies. Well, not all of them are my type of movies, but the most are. "Little Women" was my favourite cartoon, when I was a child. I watched the movie actually because of Claire Danes. She is also an original and has been one of my favourite actresses many years. Now Kirsten is in that category too. She is so talented and beautiful. I would say she is a "deep" person. And she really touched my heart. She is exactly the type of people I like personally. She brings joy to life. Not many people can be so positive. I don't want to describe the movie, everyone should watch it them self. It is worth it. Makes us to think about the situations we put ourselves into.
highmanblueberrycodein All of Kirsten Dunst's movies I am impressed with.She has a good eye for good rolls and I enjoy every movie that she has been in.this is one that is right up there with The Virgin Suicides for me.Crazy/Beautiful was so wonderfully off-beat and laid back for me it made me see California in a totally different way then total L.A. and Hollywood.I love Kirsten's character Nicole Oakley the to-fast-for-life 17 year old who is struggling with a relationship with her father and trying to forget about her mothers suicide.until she meets Carlos Nunez.a fellow student at Pacific High School.her and Carlos Become closer and have a very serious and deep relationship until Nicole's father Tom Oakley urges Carlos to stay away from Nicole if he wants him to sign his recommendation for Annapolis's.Nicoles friend Maddie (played by Taryn Manning) is a comfort to Nicole and so is her alcohol,drug,and party addiction as she tries to cop with the loss of Carlos.until Carlos realizes he wants to be with Nicole more than going to Annapolis's.the two run away until Nicole decides she wants to make things right so the two return and Nicoles father thanks Carlos for not taking his advise and staying with Nicole.a very beautiful movie You'll want to watch more then once with lovable Characters and good morals.