NR | 20 June 1997 (USA)
Fall Trailers

For Michael Shiver, life as an easy-going cab driver in New York suddenly changes when he picks up supermodel Sarah Easton and falls head over heels in love. But Sarah has more than just passion on her mind; she also has a husband and a glamorous lifestyle that she can't seem to leave behind. Torn between her feelings for Michael and the security of her marriage, Sarah is forced to make a realistic decision about the sacrifices that must be made to be truly and totally in love.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
frannlucy So obvious that reviewer @jpadres did not understand the movie.Also, it seems a lot of people linked the title with FALLing in love and the consequences. Incorrect. The title is from the season, Fall. There are comments that the story about a super model and a cab driver falling in love is unbelievable. How ridiculous! I have been a passenger in a cab and hit it off with the driver and become friends with him and it was very natural. OK, i'm not a supermodel but there is a distinct possibility that this scenario could occur.Check out 'Winter' by the same author/director.
bruswayn I thought this movie would be interesting (base largely on the "loved it/hated it" reviews on this forum), but instead felt it was pretentiousness wrapped up in the Freudian wish fulfillment of its writer/director/lead actor, Eric Shaeffer.This whole movie seems to be Shaeffer's tribute to his own ego- of course the world's most beautiful woman would find him to be fascinating! It's kind of like a Woody Allen film in that sense, but without any of the humor or talent.Kudos to Shaeffer for making an ambitious independent film, but it just reminded me of an arrogant "artist" trying to show the world how awesome he thinks he is.
imdbnyc If I could give this movie 0/10, I would.I'm fairly positive anyone giving this movie more than a 1/10 is either Eric Schaeffer or one of Eric's hundreds of email/IMDb accounts. He's the sort who would do something like that. He's oversensitive, frail, and a basket case.The movie FALLS under the category of so laughably and horrifically atrocious, that it makes for some of the best comedy I've ever seen (laughing at you, Eric, NOT with you).Do yourself a favor and get the back story on Eric Schaeffer the boy-man. Read his salon interview (where he nonchalantly tells the reporter that as a child he had sex with his cousin), and check out some of the stuff on gawker. It begins to explain his insecure psyche, his repressed and latent homosexuality, his sub-acute anger towards women (he tells a woman he wants to bash her skull in with a rock). In two of his movies now a supermodel just happens to find him unbearably cute and attractive (yeah?! Really, Eric? I mean. Really?) It says that the guy's self worth is so rock-bottom that he would need a really attractive woman to validate him.One theme in Eric's life -- fiction and actual -- is the ubiquitous insecurity about his looks (and by extension his masculinity and sexuality). He's constantly asking women if they find him attractive. Women he's just met on a first date. And he'll badger them with the question until he gets the answer he's looking for. The tragedy of it all is that the man is almost 50. These are the kind of issues you should have ironed out -- oh, I dunno -- at least by the end of your thirties.There is a time when I probably might have liked this movie: when I was 16 and didn't know jack about life. It's no coincidence that most of the IMDb viewers who rate this movie high are teenage girls (check out the stats). There are some nice American Indie movies from the 90's. Kevin Smith, Edward Burns, etc. But if Eric Schaeffer is in any way associated with that group, it's completely by accident.In short, this movie isn't about idealistic, old-school romance and tenderness. It's about a guy who believes women should woe, fight for, and court him (and it's **so** unfair that the world doesn't work that way for him). A guy who wishes society found him as attractive as a supermodel. A guy who thinks women will instantly find him attractive just because HE thinks he's a helluva nice guy (which is kind of questionable). A guy who fetishizes tortured agony in lieu of real intimacy.Watch FALL to figure out how NOT to live your life.
shark-43 Obviously there are people who admire this movie and that's fine - but in an almost cult-type way they also seem to lash out at the many people who also DO NOT admire it and see it as a narcissistic trainwreck - an unintentionally hilarious movie - not quite as twisted and awful as The Room because Schaeffer is a competent filmmaker, but just as filled with hokey writing, bad acting and an ego as big as the universe. Schaeffer, a short little character actor must think he's Tom Cruise or Russel Crowe they way he tries to carry himself - but he looks like if Lance Henrikson and Christopher Meloni had a baby - well, that'd be him - so with his heavy lidded smirk - he wants us to believe his obnoxious, overly confident character actor could seduce this supermodel - OK, fine. And nothing against the actress who plays the supermodel - described in the film as "the most beautiful woman in the world" - well, sorry, if you choose to write that line, you better make damn sure you cast someone who IS that beautiful. But this actress looks like a beat-up Rebecca Stamos and her range goes from dull to duller. And the fact that the true seducing element is supposed to be these tremendous love poems that he faxes to her - well, that is when we really started to laugh. THey come off like those sappy greeting cards you might find in a new age gift shop - they are truly stoner freshman beatnik poet crap - so lame, so standard and the fact that the femme fatale acts like she has just been faxed Pablo Neruda's best work is hysterically funny. So, in short, FALL is one of my favorite bad movies and in my circle of friends - who really enjoy bad movies - movies so bad that they are "good" well, FALL is right up there. And from what I understand, people I know in NY who have met the real Schaeffer say his ego fills Manhattan Island. Confidence is one thing, cluelessness is another, Michael Shiver.