The Acid House
The Acid House
NR | 06 August 1999 (USA)
The Acid House Trailers

A surreal triptych adapted by "Trainspotting" author Irvine Welsh from his acclaimed collection of short stories. Combining a vicious sense of humor with hard-talking drama, the film reaches into the hearts and minds of the chemical generation, casting a dark and unholy light into the hidden corners of the human psyche.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
brianhemstreet I saw this movie at the Film Forum in NYC back in 1998. In my opinion it is one of the funniest movies ever made. In fact the audience was screaming and falling on the floor. The portrayal of God (and I am a Christian) is classic. There was a scene in the movie I will not detail, but you must see the sex scene with the older couple. I will not sugar-coat this--there are some very disturbing situations with drugs. And even though the movie is in English, subtitles were used do to the heavy Scottish accent. This movie is clearly not for everyone, but for its genre--the Trainspotting genre--it is as funny as anything ever made. Also beware of the fairly harsh language. But If you love dark comedies, there is none darker.
darranrowe81 I'll have to say that i personally love this movie. All three stories are gritty and realistic, but not overly stylised, and this gives the film the feeling of the earlier trainspotting but thankfully with less of the 'cool factor'. Although the stories are anything but realistic as far as storyline is concerned, the acting, locations and look make the characters feel totally believable. If you are easily offended then be warned - you will see things that you will not expect, but the great part is that you never feel that anything was cut out - this film goes there and then goes further.Fantastic performances by the actors, a brilliantly well selected soundtrack and truly terrifying storytelling by the master Irvine Welsh, this is a great example of British Filmaking at its best.I am intrigued by the fact that the US version needs subtitles, and i am glad that so many people outside the UK have had the chance to experience some no-holds-barred modern British storytelling. And by the way - i think its better than trainspotting.
Superunknovvn Wow, those accents. I did catch the occasional f- and c-words but most of the rest was like a foreign language I don't speak. "The Acid House" is a reminder of that short period of time when drunk, violent, sexually perverted and/or drug-addicted Scotsmen were the hippest thing in cinema. "Trainspotting" had established that kind of hipness and "The Acid House" tried to cash in on that success by bringing some lesser short stories by Irvine Welsh to the big screen. Well, "The Acid House" doesn't come close to "Trainspotting". It's silly stupid in its best moments and incredibly annoying in its worst. The stories are neither very original, nor are they very entertaining and the editing already seems hopelessly dated (after all almost ten years have passed since 1998). In the end "The Acid House" serves as little more than a reminder why it sucked growing up in the late 90's with rave music and bad drugs.
2445-749 What I've read so far didn't persuade me. I saw the trilogy both in the German synchronization (which is btw. really very close to the original in intention, authenticity and feeling)and the original. And, I admit, I haven't read the novell yet. Nevertheless I know what I'm talking about, as I' ve thought a lot about the films and have a lot of others to compare. So, let's come to the films itself: THe red line drawn through this trilogy is a crass interruption of the life that the main roles had been living up to. Three losers, lost in their own prison, are being confronted with actually mind-/ personality- changing phenomens. There isn't (hardly) an pathos in neither of 'em and they simply describe what is being percepted by the figures. I cannot say anything about the adaption, as I haven't read the book, but the roles are performed absolutely realistic. Yeah mates, people like these guys actually exist. Except the first story, the other two are having a very deep sense ontop of the obvious ones. The stories itself are open into any direction, things happen, as they seem to need to happen. But, and this is one -propably unwanted -message, although it seems that the figures are caught in their roles, reality can change from one second to the other and nothing is as it used to be. We decide what we are! Life and the perception of it is something very weak and we just hold on to our imagination of the reality we expect! Technically the films are very interesting! There are great effects in it, camera drive is sometimes absolutely genius and there is a very strong mood to be felt watching! The music too fits perfectly into the scenes. There are some great pieces in it! The trilogy is a great piece of art and I wish that ignorance and expectations would become less to enable clear reception! Watch it if you haven't yet!