25th Hour
25th Hour
R | 19 December 2002 (USA)
25th Hour Trailers

In New York City in the days following the events of 9/11, Monty Brogan is a convicted drug dealer about to start a seven-year prison sentence, and his final hours of freedom are devoted to hanging out with his closest buddies and trying to prepare his girlfriend for his extended absence.

Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
FountainPen Many of the very high ratings here for this flick are from neophyte filmgoers. For example, "irotas20" in September 2004 rated this 10/10, saying "Best movie I've ever seen". Hmmm... it is also the ONLY movie that "reviewer" has ever reviewed ! Ridiculous. I suspect that after discounting the bogus ratings, the actual figure will be my 5/10 or lower. This is an extremely uneven film, with some boring parts and a couple of mildly entertaining bits and one memorable long scene. Without Hoffman it would have been 2/10. #
rebeasonjr1967 I won't give away any spoilers or any real details because as this movie went along at the end if each boring segment I just wanted to forget I wasted that time of my life on this easily forgettable movie. The only character for whom I felt any sympathy was the dog Doyle. Because being a dog he is the only one that was an innocent. It's a story about a scumbag drug dealer with scumbag friends and trashy girlfriend. The only characters they go out of their way trying to make you hate are the DEA agents. Typical Spike Lee crap movie told from the perspective of someone who identifies better with criminals than law abiding citizens.
greg_bbb This was a Great Movie. It is a special kind of movie that grabs you by the soul and forces you to like Monty, the drug dealer. The entire film builds to the ending and every step of the way is fraught with interesting scenes, emotions, script, and above all so many Great MOMENTS. That is what sticks with you after you turn it off. The acting is superior, and Edward Norton is at his best in the lead. Some great support from Rosario Dawson especially, and then (of course) Philip Seymour Hoffman and Barry Pepper. Spikes fixture Isiah Whitlock as Agent Flood is perfect. Anna Paquin is dreamy as Mary who is just discovering her sexuality in a most satisfying pair of sequences. And Brian Cox puts in his best as Monty's Father, and he contributes much more than you think at first. I love this movie, and hate it. Spike gives us his best here and it's filled with NYC references and special scenes as well that only a New Yorker can really appreciate but all will enjoy. It's NOT an uplifting film, but a real human experience.
Rich Wright What would YOU do if you had one day free, before you spent the next seven years in the clink? If you're Edward Norton you say a last goodbye to your family, take your dog for a walk, go on an all-night bender with your buddies... And find out who set you up to take the fall, that's what. After all, we're not talking about UK style holiday accommodation here. It's 200 men to a cell, hard labour every day and the most basic food you can imagine. Of course, we could NEVER think of implementing such a barbaric regime over here. After all, even hardened criminals have RIGHTS. (Thanks, EU) So we follow our future jailbird as he seeks to repair broken relationships, put things in order and basically have a funtastic final fling before his extended expulsion from society. It's engaging material, the sub plots involving his two best friends (One an egotistical stockbroker, the other a neurotic teacher) hit the target too. One day is a short time to base a film around though, and even with all the constant flashbacks about how he got in this situation, the story does have a tendency to drag. Some of the dialogue can be over melodramatic, too.Still worth a watch, but NOT the masterpiece some are proclaiming it to be... 6/10