Under The Greenwood Tree
Under The Greenwood Tree
| 26 December 2005 (USA)
Under The Greenwood Tree Trailers

Set in a rustic English village in the mid 19th century, Under The Greenwood Tree tells the story of a poor young man who falls for a middle-class schoolteacher and attempts to win her over.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
wordsmith_57 Being in the mood for a period romance, I was a bit cautious when I realized this was an adaptation of a Thomas Hardy story. They tend to end unhappily, especially when there are divided love interests. Fortunately, Under the Greenwood Tree is light, even humorous, in parts. Truly I had no idea who Fancy would marry, the wealthy farmer, the austere parson, or the poor (yet brash and handsome) harrier. In the tradition of Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, there is the mix of position, miscommunication, and the delightfulness of authenticity of period. A treat to watch. The acting, script, and setting all played well together. If you adore period romances, then this should go on your list to watch.
axsmashcrushallthree This production is based upon the wonderful Thomas Hardy novel. Don't expect the novel, but expect to receive its inspiration in multitudes via Ashley Pharaoh's adaptation.The acting is superb and the chemistry between Hawes and Murray is as good as it gets, selling their evolving relationship completely. As beautifully photographed, designed, and directed as "Under" is, I found the editing to be impressive in particular. It's quite a feat to pull off this entire story (or any Hardy work) in about 90 minutes without a hitch while maintaining the propulsion of the plot. In general, editing is an extremely underrated occupation, and without the work of Mr. Steven Singleton, this particular production would have been the sorrier.We just saw this on "Masterpiece Theater" for the second time, and it has the makings of a classic. 10/10.
benbrae76 Every role Keeley Hawes has tackled has been played to perfection and totally believable, and her performance as "Fancy Day" in "Under the Greenwood Tree" was no exception.This terrific Ashley Pharoah adaptation brought Thomas Hardy's novel (albeit abridged) and it's wonderful characters and settings to life, and credit must go to director Nicholas Laughland for his careful control, particularly in not allowing the comedy pieces to develop into slapstick. The entire production was superbly acted by a perfectly chosen and brilliant supporting cast.The music too must not be forgotten. It melded in beautifully at every turn.One minor criticism I have is the choice of the filming location. Not that I wish to denigrate the island of Jersey (I've been there and it's a beautiful place), but it's not Hardy's "Wessex", but then I suppose there's very little left of England that is. However great credit must go to the production designer Dave Arrowsmith for making us believe it was. (Incidentally I agree wholeheartedly with his exception of ALStubbino's comments. The latter must have been watching a totally different film to everyone else.) The only real downside was that the whole joyous occasion was over too soon. Thankfully I taped it, for this is one to savour.
mexican_seafood I normally approach Hardy adaptations with extreme caution as they have the ability to tarnish the brightest of moods. I read some of the previews and persuaded myself to give it a go. To my joy and astonishment this was a fantastic Christmas treat which the reviewer above clearly failed to understand. Whoever wrote it has clearly no real authority on Hardy whatsoever. The pages of the novel came to light perfectly on the small screen. Hawes was a perfect Ms Day, playing delightfully and genially into the audience's hand. However, for me the performance that stole the show was Pemberton playing a fantastically funny Shiner. He portrayed it with both depth and humour and lit up the screen every time he graced it. The scenery was stunning, the plot had depth and kept me and my family gripped throughout. I thoroughly recommend it to anyone with a warm heart, as it certainly warmed mine.
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