Lady Jane
Lady Jane
| 07 February 1986 (USA)
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The death of King Henry VIII throws his kingdom into chaos because of succession disputes. His weak son, Edward, is on his deathbed. Anxious to keep England true to the Reformation, a scheming minister John Dudley marries off his son, Guildford to Lady Jane Grey, whom he places on the throne after Edward dies. At first hostile to each other, Guildford and Jane fall in love, but they cannot withstand the course of power which will lead to their ultimate downfall.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
elle_kittyca I give this film a 7 our of ten with an important caveat-it is far more inaccurate historically than any decent historical film should be. I am not talking about the small kind of details than many historically oriented people might complain about... I'm talking about the major details such as the focus on reforming the shilling, which is made to look like a major accomplishment of Jane's even though it did not occur at all in her very very short reign. Most of this film is completely fabricated, from the depiction of her personality to the relationship with her husband. The only thing that is true is that she was used as a pawn by people around her who wanted a protestant queen instead of Catholic queen....and their misuse of her in this plot cost her her life. In all likelihood, so much of the biographical details are fictionalized because we have so little information on what she was really like.The reason I give the film so high a rating is that its a total guilty pleasure for someone who likes a a bit of historical drama. Helena B-Carter is great as a a Jane that is willful, but both strong and vulnerable at the same time She's a pleasure to watch in this, even if we have little information to suggest how Jane herself was. I also like the complexity of the relationship with her husband, even though by most historic accounts, he was a drunken louse and there's no reason to believe they won each others hearts as they did in the film. In short, this is a reasonably well written and presented historical drama, even if not a great representation of Jane and her life.
TheLittleSongbird Lady Jane had much going for it, including a talented cast, that it had Trevor Nunn directing and that it was covering an interesting but not-quite-as-well-known part of Tudor history. And while it has its imperfections it is more than worthwhile. Some of the first part of the film is sluggishly paced, the film is often over-scored in both a bombastic and syrupy way(though also with some lovely moments) and a lot of the supporting roles are written in a stock way(ie. Duke of Northumberland, as untrustworthy as the man was I'm not sure whether he was quite the scheming villain that the film made him out to be, could be wrong though). There is also one unbelievable scene which was when Jane swore that her husband would never be given the title of king, that would have made sense if the film had maintained that Jane and Guildford hated each other but instead it makes them madly in love which was rather conflicting.However, there is much to recommend. If you're wondering how accurate Lady Jane is to history, in places it does play fast and loose(the romance being the biggest one) but most of the time it is accurate(especially with Jane's execution), at least it didn't feel grossly distorted and gratuitous like Henry VIII with Ray Winstone did. First off, Lady Jane is incredibly well-made, the costumes, sets and scenery are colourful and immaculate in detail(perhaps too much so at times), the lighting is dynamic and the photography is beautiful. The script doesn't do as good a job with developing the supporting roles but does a wonderful job with Jane, who goes through several character stages. The dialogue is thoughtful and avoids being too mawkish. The story is compellingly told and plausible on the whole, despite a few pacing lulls and that one conflict in the central romance, there's plenty to be entertained by and the ending is truly emotional. The romance is not 100% believable and has an 1980s feel at times, but it was also rather touching and the chemistry between Helena Bonham Carter and Cary Elwes smolders. Trevor Nunn directs beautifully, and Lady Jane is very well cast and acted. Helena Bonham Carter is both sexy and fiery but in the later parts she's heartfelt as well, while Cary Elwes is similarly excellent. John Wood's Northumberland is one of his serious roles and he does great at being sinister and Patrick Stewart plays a scheming, cold-hearted character menacingly and movingly. Jane Lapotaire is a haunting Mary and Michael Hordern and Sara Kestelman's performances are fine too.In conclusion, imperfect but well done. 7/10 Bethany Cox
ma-cortes A dramatization of Lady Jane Grey's short life ,as the death of King Henry VIII throws his kingdom into chaos because of succession disputes . It deals with Jane Grey (a very young Helena Bonham Carter) from her forced marriage , which she resisted at the beginning , though after falling in love for Guilford Dudley (Gary Elwes, director Trevor Nunn personally chose him to star this role , Nunn later offered Elwes to join the Royal Shakespeare Company) to her brief reign as monarch of England , his early downfall and finally , to her ultimate beheading . The film portrays her as an innocent set up for the slaughter while the scheming courtiers and pretenders to the throne barely pay her mind, as they stab each other in the back in their attempts to gain power and influence . Anxious to keep England true to the Anglican Reformation, a scheming minister John Dudley , the Duke of Nothumberland (John Wood) marries off his son to Lady Jane Grey, whom he places on the throne after Edward VI dies . Thomas Wyatt was the leader of the rebellion, proclaiming her Queen of England , her father, Henry, was a part of this rebellion. But all of them cannot withstand the course of power which will lead to their definitive fall . In 1553, Lady Jane Grey ruled the throne in Britain for just nine days. Jane was imprisoned along with Guilford ; in reality, Lady Jane and Guilford Dudley barely knew each other and were not together during their imprisonment . She was aged sixteen years when she was the Queen of England . She was the Grand Niece of King Henry VIII. Jane Grey is rarely referred to as Queen Jane and is more commonly known as Lady Jane .This is a correct portrayal about political intrigue , lovers and war during Edward VI , Henry VIII's weak son , is on his deathbed . As are splendidly recreated intrigues , treason , turmoil and power fight of its time , including the troublesome days and machinations surrounding . It deals with a wonderful love story between Lady Jane Grey and Lord Guilford ; at first hostile to each other, but later they fall in love . It's magnificently captured by marvelous sets , splendid production design and glamorous gowns . This elaborate , colorful costumer drama packs outstanding performances from an extraordinary support cast . As the film was cast with several members of the Royal Shakespeare Company . These included prestigious players as John Wood, Michael Hordern, Patrick Stewart, Sara Kestelman, writer David Edgar, and the film's director, Trevor Nunn, who was also the Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company . This was the third filmed for the cinema version of the Lady Jane story . The tale had been filmed twice before for the big screen, the most recent at the time was half a century earlier in 1936, as The Tudor Rose , and before that, the first time in 1923, about sixty-three years earlier, as Lady Jane Grey ; or, The Court of Intrigue.Colorful as well as glowing cinematography , being final British film shot by veteran English cinematographer Douglas Slocombe , the picture was also the penultimate film overall lensed by Slocombe, whose final film was Indiana Jones and the last crusade about three years later . Evocative musical score plenty of chores , lyrics and Baroque music , being the only ever cinema film score composed by music composer Stephen Oliver whose work was mostly in television. The motion picture was well directed by Trevor Nunn . This was first theatrical film for director Trevor in eleven years , the last had been Hedda in 1975 and the third and final was Twelfth Night or What You Will ; all three pictures are costume period films.
belinda_au This is definitely a tissue box movie girls, so keep a full box handy.I first met this young couple, Lady Jane and Guildford, in 1990 and watched it over and over until I had my favourite quotes down pat, like all those mentioned on this site.The music and drama draw you into the movie, from the opening scenes with the pounding horse hooves to the passion and love found in the closing scenes.Seeing the movie 15 years later renewed old emotions, dreams and memories of the past. I've encouraged friends to watch it with me, including my new husband! He won't admit it, but even for a period movie, he enjoyed it. He also enjoyed teasing me when I was blowing my nose through the final scenes. I cry every time! It's such a touching and inspirational movie, of the excitement of first love, family torment, and just wanting to experience life and make a difference.I highly recommend this movie, it has something in it for everyone.
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