Suburban Girl
Suburban Girl
PG-13 | 27 April 2007 (USA)
Suburban Girl Trailers

Publishing assistant Brett Eisenberg wants to be a big-time editor. However, she lacks self-confidence, a problem that isn't helped by her new, overbearing boss. Brett soon enters into a relationship with Archie, an older man who has plenty of his own issues, including alcoholism, diabetes and a difficult relationship with his daughter. Intent on helping Archie get past his problems, she turns to her dying father for advice.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Brian Wright "My Great Aunt Hilda once told me never take a job whose sole purpose is to make people feel imperfect." Which is some advice for an editor, who's job is to root out imperfections or more positively, make a manuscript the best it can be. But you know, I love this quote because it expresses how we should all find work that not only elevates ourselves, but sends positive vibes to the ones who work with us. The sentiment also would seem to apply to personal relationships... and may even be good sense for the relationship between Brett and Archie. ...For my complete review of this movie and for other movie and book reviews, please visit my site Wright Copyright 2008
jmdforsmg Im outraged this got a straight to DVD release, i thought it was a lot cuter, funnier and more dramatic that a lot of the crappy wide released Rom-Com's.Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alec Baldwin work very well both giving strong performances. Sarah who hasn't done a Rom-com since Simply Irresistible (which I loved) was great and was a complete scene stealerIf your looking for a nice little romantic comedy/drama with a little bit of a difference don't give it another thought and pick it up. You feel like shouting shalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala once you see it
indieusa If you could include every formulaic scene between an older man and a young women it would surely be Suburban Girl. Quirky advice giving best friend--check Super smart girl climbing up the job ladder=check Older millionaire bachelor=check family with conflict=check hip NYC parties=check montage of couple having fun to shortcut developing relationship =checkIf you have tried Ambien and it didn't help you sleep..just watch this movie guaranteed to put you to sleep and wake up refreshed knowing you didn't waste 120 minutes watching this completely banal piece of twice baked digital film. There weren't enough montages ...we need more montages of Alec Baldwin and Sarah to drive the point home that they are having sooo much fun. Oh wait..include a hip soundtrack to help substitute good writing and acceptable acting ....yeah thanks ...I'm buying it now. Hey Alec you're 49, lose weight porky.. You have millions..can't you pay someone to eat for you??
BillMyers1-1 I am generally not a fan of romantic comedies, they tend to be rather brainless, you see one and you seen them all sort of thing. How ever I was pleasantly surprised with Suburban Girl, it doesn't take you to the same old plot that seemingly all romantic comedies go to. I am sure you know what I mean, boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy looses girl, boy gets girl in the end. Instead we are introduced to a young woman, unsure of herself, looking to her relationship with an older man to give her the answers she can't seem to find. This is not your usual fare, and is a funny, well acted look at a May December romance. I think Alec Baldwin and Sarah Michelle Gellar, worked well with each other, giving a very good perfromances. I would go see this again.