Almost Famous
Almost Famous
R | 15 September 2000 (USA)
Almost Famous Trailers

In 1973, 15-year-old William Miller's unabashed love of music and aspiration to become a rock journalist lands him an assignment from Rolling Stone magazine to interview and tour with the up-and-coming band, Stillwater.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Kingslaay Still water does not need to be a real band for a person to get wrapped up in the times and vibes of the film. The setting, band rivalries, complexities and great music make this a great journey. One could even imagine the Beatles or the Stones having this type of film journey made about them. William Miller goes along for the ride of his life and experiences all the band's life has to offer. The performances are great and Penny Lane was a great piece in the puzzle. There are some great scenes and some okay scenes but overall a decent film. 7.5/10
grantss The early 1970s. William Miller is 15-years old and an aspiring rock journalist. He gets a job writing for Rolling Stone magazine. His first assignment: tour with the band Stillwater and write about the experience. Miller will get to see what goes on behind the scenes in a famous band, including the moments when things fall apart. Moreover, for him it will be a period of new experiences and finding himself.Wonderfully warm and engaging drama from writer-director Cameron Crowe. The movie is essentially a biography of Crowe's teenage years, with a few names and bands changed, and you can feel the personal investment he has in the movie.Quite nostalgic too, as you think about how great it was as a teenager, discovering and experiencing new things. Has the other Cameron Crowe hallmark: a fantastic soundtrack (well, he was a rock journalist, remember...). Stillwater may be a fictitious band but the music is genuine. Cameron Crowe won the 2001 Best Original Screenplay Oscar for his efforts.
kheterpalayush You have to watch this piece of class. They just don't make them anymore. But what makes this movie so great? Acting, Storyline, Direction, and most importantly how emotions & continuous search for identity in the people leads them in their journey of life. Russel says- " But… it's not what you put in, is it?It's what you leave out. Listen to… listen to Marvin Gaye…A song like "What's Going On." That single "woo" at the end of the second verse – you know that woo – that single "woo."That's what you remember. The silly things, the little things… there's only one, and it makes the song.It's what you leave out. That's rock and roll."And this movie is full of these silly little things.A simple and honest high school boy(William Miller) gets an assignment to review a band. He meets Miss Penny Lane, who is a "band-aid" (euphemism for groupie). Miss Penny Lane's constant desire to do something exciting is what leads her life, and Stillwater's music is what excites her the most. She looks like a free bird who can go anywhere, do anything. But as it turns out this very freedom restricts her from seeing the reality of life, right in front of her. On the other hand, William is just the opposite of Penny, bound by her mother's control. And when these two opposites meet, They make them see the entirety of life and its balanced beautiful nature.
thebluemex I'm attempting to watch this movie and I can't help but feel bored. So I checked the reviews and was stunned to see such high marks. What am I missing? I'm an old rock and roller from the 60's and still live in the past always playing and collecting 50's, 60's, 70's and some 80's rock and roll, but this movie doesn't get it for me. It's cheesy, predictable and boring. I feel like stopping it halfway through, but I'll tough it out and see what's so great. Don't judge me harshly, for I dig movies about rock and its history, but this...? I just don't get it. Enlighten me, please. The "rock stars" are flat, the decadence of rockers, the mom and son relationship are all stereotyped and, of course, the drugs, booze and sex are gratuitous, but I guess what else can I expect from a movie about "rock and roll." Maybe I'm a dinosaur because I don't subscribe to Rolling Stone magazine anymore, either. I think I'll watch "Backbeat." The past has passed me by.