Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt
PG-13 | 10 April 2001 (USA)
Joe Dirt Trailers

Joe Dirt is a janitor with a mullet hairdo, acid-washed jeans and a dream to find the parents that he lost at the Grand Canyon when he was a belligerent, trailer park-raised eight-year-old. Now, blasting Van Halen in his jacked-up economy car, the irrepressibly optimistic Joe hits the road alone in search of his folks.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
john-shannon-903-426510 The tile "Joe Dirt", and promotional material did not do this film justice.It really a fantastic back story. It almost epitomises the rags to richest lifestyle of the very rock bands that he liked AC/DC."Life is a garden" one of his catch cries, it is so true.When asked if he had wasted a decade looking for his parents, he really lived a life many of us would aspire to.That's what made it such a good story, and we went on the journey with him.I am now looking forward to watch the reboot Joe Dirt 2.
Arne Aardvark OK, absolute silliness, yes. Yet, there was a depth to the movie that kept you intrigued, gripped.I watched this movie solely to see Christopher Walken's cameo and tag line threat. But by accident, gained an appreciation for David Spade who I have never paid much attention to in past.So once you come to grips with fact that this show is primarily a goofy comedy, and like many goofy comedies, plot weaknesses abound (why would one even expect a solid plot... duh). It is a succession of brilliantly executed comedic dialogues and settings. The naivety of the fireworks vendor's endeavors being a great example.And the fact that a number of more notable actors of the time would participate in the film (Christopher Walken, Rosanna Arquette, Dennis Miller), tells me that there was something more to it than just a silly slapstick comedy. They must have felt something bigger was being created. I feel it was. A bit of a classic that not only has clever antics, but a positive, uplifting message.I would recommend it.
vchimpanzee Because I like David Spade, I probably liked this movie better than a lot of people. He seems to play basically the same character whatever he does, but this character seemed different, and Spade should get credit for challenging himself. He is at his best when being funny, but he lacked something in the more dramatic scenes.And I can't say I liked every scene, but many scenes were enjoyable. In general, I like the type of humor here, but some gags were just too disgusting for me.Dennis Miller did a great job. While I know he has had a radio show since then, I don't know anything about it, but he proved he could do that.The audience for Joe Dirt's story added something. So many people seemed fascinated by him, and that added something to the movie.I liked Kicking Wing and the bizarre fireworks jokes. One went kind of overboard but this particular joke could be forgiven for a reason I won't give away.Brandy was not only a sweet girl but quite good-looking, especially in short shorts. And even if I don't like dogs, the dog added something too.Christopher Walken gave yet another weird but quality performance as a janitor who hired Joe when he needed work. It appeared some of his lines recalled other movies or TV shows. His story turned out to be quite interesting too, and I shouldn't give away any of the wacky twists.Jaime Pressly was another hot girl and more than just pretty. I have seen her win awards for similar characters, and I could tell she was more than just an ordinary actress. Whether I would have known this if I had seen this first I can't say.There was just so much silliness of the Jerry Springer and possibly Myrtle Manor variety (I've never seen "Myrtle Manor") that I couldn't help but be happy at times. And then there were the warm and touching scenes, which made all the suffering worth it.And if you like classic rock radio, many of your favorites are here. I'm not really a fan of that kind of music, but some of it was appealing.It's not a masterpiece but if you just want to laugh and don't have any expectations, and you can handle really sick humor, this just might work.
The Broadster I absolutely love this film. I've watched it countless times, and given the DVD to so many people. Its Basically a White Trash version of Forrest Gump. It has lots of big named actors, who don't just appear as cameo's, but help in holding the story together.Its never going to win any Oscars or ever be considered anything more then a Beer and Pizza movie with your buddies. But if your willing to accept that fact then you will enjoy it.Not to mention quoting it at every opportunity. Great fun for all the family."Life's a garden, Dig it"