Black Sheep
Black Sheep
PG-13 | 02 February 1996 (USA)
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When dignified Albert Donnelly runs for Governor, his team moves to keep his slow-witted and klutzy younger brother, Mike, out of the eye of the media. To baby-sit Mike, the campaign assigns sarcastic Steve, who gets the experience of a lifetime when he tries to take Mike out of town during the election.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
capone666 Black SheepThe hardest part of life on the campaign trail for most candidates must be keeping themselves from forcing the media bus into a ravine.However that scene is a possibility with the simpleton sibling of a governor hopeful in this comedy.To keep his blundering brother Mike (Chris Farley) from ruining his candidacy, Al (Tim Matheson) assigns low-level aide Steve (David Spade) to baby-sit him on his canvassing duties.Meanwhile the incumbent Governor Tracy (Christine Ebersole) releases photos implementing Mike in an arson case.Costing his brother the election, Mike makes amends by discovering inconsistencies in Tracy's vote count.A feeble attempt to build on Spade and Farley's comedic chemistry, Black Sheep fails to capture their previous magic: the characters are hollow, the script is clichéd and the jokes are abysmal.Besides, every politician already knows to simply appoint any possibly embarrassing relatives to the position of official food taster. (Red Light)
namashi_1 'Black Sheep' is a decent comedy from the 1990's, that offers laughter here and there. But, the main reason why I really enjoyed this film was - The Great Chris Farley. In the lead role, the late legend delivers a lovable performance, that only goes onto to say, what a talent he was!'Black Sheep' Synopsis: A gubernatorial candidate hires a wormy special assistant whose only job is to make sure the candidate's well-meaning but incompetent brother doesn't ruin the election.Fred Wolf's Screenplay is funny in parts. However, the writing could've been tighter & more cohesive. Penelope Spheeris Directs this Light-Hearted Comedy, ably. Cinematography, Editing & Art Design, are ordinary. Performance-Wise: It's Farley all the way. He delivers, as mentioned, a lovable performance. Also, he suits the role perfectly. David Spade contributes nicely in some sequences. Tim Matheson is perfect. Christine Ebersole is fair. Gary Busey & Grant Heslov are as usual. On the whole, 'Black Sheep' is a decent comedy, with Farley ruling the show.
spencer10 While many critics did not like the comedy duo of Chris Farley and David Spade I thought those guys were funny and while 1995's "Tommy Boy" was panned miserably by critics I thought that film was hilarious. Since that film did well at the box office director Penelope Spheeris who made the hilarious "Wayne's World", lost her directing skills a little bit with "The Beverly Hillbillies", and improved once again with a 90's version of "The Little Rascals" thought it would be a good idea to re-team the comedy duo for another film that would be released almost a year after "Tommy Boy". Boy did she make a HUGE mistake. This film makes "The Beverly Hillbillies" look like "Citizen Kane"! The story of how I got to watch "Black Sheep" was after I saw "Tommy Boy" and loved it I took a trip to Blockbuster and picked this up. I thought it would be hilarious the storyline seemed funny but there was not one part in this film I laughed at. If you don't know even Gene Siskel before he died said this was the only film he ever walked out on in a theater since "Million Dollar Duck" in 1971 which forced Roger Ebert to say "boy Gene I envy you". So do I Mr. Siskel and I typically listen to audiences not critics. But I should have listened to you in this case. I even turned this off immediately and turned it back to Blockbuster because it sucked so much. An embarrassing waste of talent. If you need something to watch with Farley try his next film after this called "Beverly Hills Ninja" it is hilarious. If you under any circumstances see "Black Sheep" I will never recommend a good film to you again.
callanvass Black Sheep is a pretty funny Comedy, at times often laugh out loud hilarious, and Farley and Spade just have great chemistry together!, plus, the scene where Farley and Spade act as police officers and get stoned from the Nitrous Oxide is absolutely a scream!. I really don't know how Tim Matheson played it straight around Farley, cause that guy is just hilarious, and the ending is a big hoot as well, and will have you in stitches, plus while it may be a rerun of other films I still found it to be funny as hell. Gary Busey is a riot in his role as a crazy former Sgt. and it's a damn shame Farley died when he did cause he was so funny and I was looking forward to seeing more great funny films of his, plus slapstick and buffoon humor is right up my alley so of course I enjoyed this!. Overall This is a pretty funny comedy, that had me in stitches quite a bit of the time and I say this is a must see for all Farley and slapstick fans!. ***1/2 out of 5The Acting is fun!. Chris Farley is funny as hell, he always cracks me up with his funny outbursts, this guy goes non stop, as I love his type of humor, it's just a shame he's not around anymore R.I.P Chris. David Spade is great here he had excellent chemistry with Farley and was also hilarious, I thought he did a great job. Tim Matheson is great as the brother Al and Governor candidate and the most incredible thing is he played everything straight!. Christine Ebersole is decent as the villain as the Govenor who is a crook I rather liked her. Gary Busey is a riot as the Vietnam veteran, he plays crazy so well and just cracked me up I love this guy!. Bruce McGill is good in his short role.