Booty Call
Booty Call
R | 26 February 1997 (USA)
Booty Call Trailers

Rushon is sexually pent-up and ready to take thing things to the next level with his girlfriend, Nikki. But when he calls for a date, she asks to make it a double — bringing along her brash friend, Lysterine, whom Rushon sets up with his lewd buddy, Bunz. Things go better than expected. As the evening transitions from the restaurant to the bedroom, the two men go on a madcap search for what will surely make the night complete: condoms.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
chthon2 Tommy Davidson and Jamie Foxx want to nail Vivica A. Fox and Tamala Jones. The thing is, the two of them can't even seem to get that right. After running around all night trying to get protection, trying to get the right kind of protection, and then getting shot...just watch the movie.This was an alright film. Jamie Foxx's character (the "Germaican") seems like a completely incompetent human being, too over the top to be real. He provided many of the funny moments.Some things I didn't get, though. The part where Tommy Davidson gets shot is horribly edited. What we see is an assailant dropping the gun, it goes off, richochets off a lamp post, and then we see a short (about 1 second) clip of someone getting shot in the leg with no sound. It then abruptly cuts to the four characters in a vehicle on their way to the hospital. It took me a few minutes to figure out what the hell had just happened.Also, I have to ask...Lysterine? Why did Vivica A. Fox's character have to be named Lysterine? Geez. Aside from that, an alright movie.
skippymolloy I could not stop to laugh at every joke in this film. But was most intriging about it is how all the character represented there particular minority with dignity. Yes there where sterotypes but there observations of each other where dead on. On a side note, many of my friends have talked about how Rush Hour is the first time popular movies address the issue of East meets black in films, this film introduces this relationship between these people in a healthy way.
floorking The movie is all about how the guyz try to get the girlz. Beside being a great comedy movie, I think that it also carries an educational message to the youth. Bunz, and Rushon go through a lot of tricky things just to finaly get some 'o dat suga. Bunz: "I never had to go through this much s***, just to get a piece of a**". The weak sex is being exposed too. Some of its most unpleasant flows are revealed in the movie. Well, see it. I totaly recommend it.
mattymatt4ever Come on, when you're planning on seeing a movie entitled "Booty Call" you're obviously not anticipating a Disney comedy. This film delivers just as much raunch as its title suggests. The comedy is sometimes overdone and sometimes plagued by lame sitcom material, but I still got tons of laughs. Jamie Foxx is a terrific comic actor, and he delivers many funny--and memorable--one-liners. Even when the story runs flat, he livens it up with his quirky sense of humor. There's also a good cameo by multi-talented comedian Bernie Mac, who has some of the funniest cameo roles in movie history. I enjoyed the two Middle Eastern guys who worked at the convenience store. Sure, they were stereotyped caricatures of what a foreigner at a corner store or 7 Eleven would act like, but they were still extremely funny. This film has a chock full of outrageous, yet original moments. The argument in the Chinese restaurant is a classic! If you're looking for good, clean fun--"Booty Call" is NOT the movie to see! But if you're looking for big laughs, no matter how raunchy and profane, you will have a blast! Don't leave this call on hold!My score: 7 (out of 10)