A Lot Like Love
A Lot Like Love
PG-13 | 22 April 2005 (USA)
A Lot Like Love Trailers

On a flight from Los Angeles to New York, Oliver and Emily make a connection, only to decide that they are poorly suited to be together. Over the next seven years, however, they are reunited time and time again, they go from being acquaintances to close friends to ... lovers?

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a man and a woman, who has a connection but have not got a chance to be probably together. They spend seven years drifting, and finally they make a decision about their lives.The story is built rather slowly, and it really should not have taken almost two hours to get to the inevitable, predictable ending. The two leads walk through their lives, and the story does not get interesting or engaging. It does not feel sweet or romantic, which is pretty hard to achieve for a romantic comedy. I have been wanting to watch this film for years, but unfortunately I am hugely disappointed by it.
adi_2002 Oliver has an affair with Emily in the toilet of a plane then the two fall in love but do not realize this at the time because they are two different characters and seem to have nothing in common. When they meet and go to a bar he leaves his parents phone number but also makes a bet that he says not ring six years, after he you will be on his feet, no longer live with his parents and will have its own home and business. Of course that does not happen and Emily can not wait that long and it rings faster, the two are seen again and go for coffee and catch tell what each has done during the past years. Meanwhile each has found a partner but the relationship did not last. After Oliver singing a song in the yard finds that she is engaged and hopes seem to have been swept away. The end is OK when she hits her head to a window that didn't see and have believed all that Oliver is the one getting married and not his sister. It's a bad movie, and segments are annoying "three years later", "one year later", "six months later". I mean the two needs years so they could know each other and realize that they are compatible? If you choose a good love story, choose one without starring Asthon.
Bob Usher 1. They don't use a real sky in some of the scenes 2. The movie really got in the way of my conversations with other moviegoers. 3. I have a nagging suspicion that Ashton Kutcher is mentally handicapped. I hope they followed the correct labour laws whilst employing him. Example - his hair at the beginning of the movie. 4. During the graveyard scene, my friend thought Amanda Peet's character had died but in fact it was her cat or something. My friend then went into a deep depression. 5. Ashton Kutcher's Mom appears to only wear one outfit throughout the entire film, and it's ugly. "It's like a clown outfit and she has clown hair. Why does she just stay home to answer the phone?" - Fellow moviegoer 6. In short, his mom is a stay-at-home clown
Barry Robinson I stumbled across this movie in the special offer section of a supermarket so I thought I would give it a shot...well I was pleasantly surprised! I thought the movie was fantastic, a true romantic comedy that played more to the personal side rather than focusing on constant funny quips. The pairing of Amanda Peet and Ashton Kutcher was perfect as they both brought an equal share of mixed emotions that truly worked. I will say that this is now one of my all time favourite movies and is watchable over and over, with many memorable scenes. Give it a try!