Donnie Brasco
Donnie Brasco
R | 27 February 1997 (USA)
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An FBI undercover agent infiltrates the mob and identifies more with the mafia life at the expense of his regular one.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Nadeeshan Tennage (nadeeshantennage) The most incredible assets about 'Donnie Brasco' are the knee deep perfect performances by Johnny Depp and Al Pacino as Donnie and Lefty respectively. The film is a terrifyingly authentic film about the lack of unity among mafia gangs and the kinda lengths such gang members would dare to go in order to protect themselves even if that protection is shielded by cold blooded murder. Donnie played by Johnny Depp is seen to be stuck in an emotional crisis because he starts believing that he gets Lefty to go on a self destructive path. The film also plays out well to portray the difficulties faced by an undercover agent and the dilemma he faces when leading two separate lives and the challenges he faces on deciding where to draw the line between his personal life and professional life and therefore, in this context the movie also pays homage to all dedicated undercover agents including the real Joseph Pistone who carried out their jobs with so much emotional heft. Lefty played by Al Pacino while being intensely inhuman and senseless at times is portrayed as the closest to being human of all the mafia members. specially, the emotionally tender scene where he cries out for his son in a coma gave a strain of humanity to Lefty's character. The movie also is supported by great supporting performances. That all being said if you are the kinda person who is patient with this kind of FBI based movie which is less toned when it comes to action/shooting sequences but manages to keep the grip of momentum throughout the flow of the plot, this movie is a must watch. I'm going with 4/5
muons This is an exceptionally good thriller on organized crime because it is based on a true story and actual Pistone acted as an advisor in the production. That leaves virtually zero plot hole in the whole movie which makes the events and characters very realistic, which is further helped by the superb performance by Pacino and Depp. The cast, directing, story telling, acting, character development, pretty much everything about this movie is of top notch, hence 10/10 without any reservation.
devalsaxena Brasco(depp) works as an undercover agent for FBI,makes friends with lefty(Pacino) and finds his way into the most dreaded gangs pursued by FBI Brasco proves his loyalty in the mafia group and establishes himself as a person on whom Sonny black can rely upon, and Lefty can boast about his new found friend.As time passes,it is a test for Donnie to do justice to both his friend and his department FBI. He dumps Lefty,completes his mission and gets a lifetime award to live anonymously, to save him from the gangsters- who don't forget any favor.
Anssi Vartiainen It's the 70s in New York and Donnie Brasco, a young jewels experts, gets pulled into the mafia by an ageing gangster named Lefty. Donnie is introduced to people, given responsibilities, allowed in the know about the rules of the crime family, all that jazz. But not everyone is as they seem and soon inner quarrelling threatens the integrity of the family.Watching this film feels slightly weird if you've seen Goodfellas, like I have. Because they're eerily similar in their portrayal of mafia. Like scene for scene similar. There's talk about made men, my friend versus our friend, all that stuff. They even exchange wads of cash for Christmas, just like in Goodfellas. I get that that is actually how the mafia just might work, but it's still weird how much stuff is pulled from that movie. Because the stories are not all that similar at all. Goodfellas is about mafia from the point of view of mafia, whereas this is about infiltration, examining the mafia from the point of view of an intruder.And it's a good movie all around. Johnny Depp and Al Pacino are both powerhouse actors, despite this being relatively early on in Depp's career. The story is interesting, the gangster world created is even more interesting and it just has style to it. Goodfellas perhaps portrayed the lure of mafia better, but this allows us to see the ugly underbelly of that.All in all worth a watch for all gangster movie fans. It has it all.