R | 26 July 1991 (USA)
Mobsters Trailers

The story of a group of friends in turn of the century New York, from their early days as street hoods to their rise in the world of organized crime...

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
SnoopyStyle In 1917 NYC, local mob boss harasses Charlie 'Lucky' Luciano (Christian Slater)'s family. Five years later, he, Bugsy Siegel (Richard Grieco), Meyer Lansky (Patrick Dempsey) and Frank Costello (Costas Mandylor) are a petty criminal gang. They work under bootlegger Arnold Rothstein (F. Murray Abraham). Lucky falls for showgirl Mara Motes (Lara Flynn Boyle). The old bosses are competing and they survive by joining Don Masseria (Anthony Quinn). Faranzano (Michael Gambon) tries to force Lucky to join. The boys decide to take out both Masseria and Faranzano.The overacting overwhelms this movie. It's not just the young cast. The older cast don't come off well either. Anthony Quinn is going over the edge and there are a few side characters that are too insane. Slater and Dempsey leads the younger cast. I'm actually fine with Slater and Dempsey does better I expected. They are not good but there are worst acting involved. This movie is pretending to be a gangster movie rather than simply be gritty. The story is a mess. Not much of it works.
Spikeopath Under Charlie "Lucky" Luciano's reign, organised crime met peace for 15 years. This is the story of how he, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel and Frank Costello, came to sit at the top end of the table after forming "The Commission". Mobsters, a film that has some where along the line attained an extra part to its title - "The Evil Empire" - is a movie that seems to consistently let down newcomers who venture into it. I'll state right from the off that I very much enjoy the film, but, and it's a big but, I'm fully aware it's hardly a shining light for the gangster genre, or even a deep and detailed historical point of reference of the four boys who grew up to be mob "legends". However, those folk who harp on about the "G" movies by Marty and Francis; using them as a point of reference, should know better, while those venturing first time into it expecting "that" type of gangster movie clearly haven't looked at the facts. Lets examine said facts. It's directed by Michael Karbelnikoff, who? Exactly. It stars Christian Slater (Luciano), Patrick Dempsey (Lansky), Richard Grieco (Siegel) & Costas Mandylor (Costello). Collectively they were at the time known for what? 21 Jump Street, 80s teen romances and 80s edgy angst. Hardly a roll call of actors about to take the gangster genre to greater heights is it? True, the film does offer hope by having the good pros Michael Gambon & Anthony Quinn as the two waring bosses about to be given a stern life lesson from the young upstarts, but at the time of Mobsters' release Gambon was still a fledgling name and Quinn was doing films like Ghosts Can't Do It & Only The Lonely! After 1988 had seen the then current Brat Pack of Sheen, Estevez, Sutherland et al take on the Western genre with Young Guns, it was kind of inevitable, given that film's success (and its Slater starring sequel in 1990) that a young spunkier foray into gangster land would follow. And here it is in the fun, violent and semi-fictitious Mobsters. While Young Guns is no Magnificent Seven, and did the same Mobster hating crowd expect that also? So Mobsters is no "G" film either. The young cast work hard and enjoy themselves, with Grieco really looking the part in what was his first film. While F. Murray Abraham, Chris Penn and Lara Flynn-Boyle also feature; even if all are underdeveloped and in the case of Flynn-Boyle, a victim of one of those cheese laden slow-mo sex scenes! If not expecting something too serious then this is a decent treatment of the legend of Luciano and Meyer etc. Over the top performances (Gambon/Quinn) blend with the watchable (Slater/Dempsey play off), and the manic (Nicholas Sadler as Mad Dog Coll) to leave an entertaining film that really wasn't trying to be one of those "G" films in the first place. 6.5/10
carolynay I really enjoyed watching this movie. Everyone says that the characters were too young, but that's how young Lucky and the guys really were. Christian Slater was actually a couple of years older than Lucky at the time the movie was set. The age of the characters adds to the amazing ability of the kids to "succeed" the way that they did. All in all, the movie was a lot of fun. Even if you don't care for the movie itself, you can definitely appreciate the determination of these four guys and the power and strength of their friendship. The movie is fast paced and fun to watch, so it does a great job of keeping you entertained. It doesn't hurt to have four hot guys with power and guns, either.
goodfellas1018 It is no Godfather or Goodfellas, but it still is a must see for someone into mob movies or even a good story line with action. You still get to learn a story and see good violent parts. Slater does a pretty good job playing Lucky Luciano and the rest of the cast did good as well. Does not compare to Robert Deniro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci or any of those guys, but for what it is i highly recommend you go see it. You won't feel like you wasted your time, and i guarantee you will end up saying it was a good movie if you take a good look at it. After i saw the movie i went online and researched more information on Lucky Luciano and his crew. It gets you in that feeling to be into the movie. When you watch it you can not think of comparing to the godfather or Goodfellas then you will be upset. You just need to let it be its own movie in its own way, and enjoy the film.