PG-13 | 10 January 1992 (USA)
Kuffs Trailers

George Kuffs didn't finish high-school, just lost his job, and his college-age girlfriend is pregnant. To top it off, George's brother Brad is killed and George inherits Brad's "patrol special" privatized police district and all the problems that come with it.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
gwnightscream Christian Slater, Tony Goldwyn, Bruce Boxleitner, Milla Jovovich, Leon Rippy and George De La Pena star in this 1992 action-comedy. This takes place in San Francisco, California where we meet arrogant, young man, George Kuffs (Slater) who tries to take over his murdered brother, Brad's (Boxleitner) police district/precinct and find the man responsible. Goldwyn (Ghost) plays Ted, a cop who helps George, Jovovich (Resident Evil) plays George's girlfriend, Maya, De La Pena (Popeye Doyle) plays crooked businessman, Sam Jones who tries to take over George's business and the man behind Brad's murder along with his friend, Kane (Rippy). This isn't a bad film with some humorous and suspenseful moments and Slater is good in it. I recommend this.
trojans7 i just love this movie had not watch this in sometime, i had forgotten how good it was. i just laughed all the way though again slater is perfect in the roll of kuffs. it was a character tailor made for him. the endless banter to the camera is great and yes i no some people hatred it for that alone.each to there own.the cop story is your standard fare but its like ferris bullers day off with guns.it has good comedy good action and milla what more do you need i mean serious even the non widescreen DVD didn't distract me. and for me that is saying something. yes it is old school but you know thats its appeal it puts a smile on your dial for 90mins.
nhendley-1 Kuffs is a truly awful film that contains one of my all-time favorite show-stopping plot points. Slater's character walks out of a church where his brother is praying. Hears gunshots. Runs back into church to see thug standing over his dead brother, smoking gun in hand. At the police station, Slater is informed that the police can't press charges because-quote-"You didn't actually see the thug shoot your brother. Therefore, he can just claim he saw a gun and picked it up."-unquote. Of course, the police let the thug go...I know Kuffs is supposed to be mindless, but this scene caused my jaw to hit the floor. Evidently, the San Francisco police have never heard of fingerprints, ballistics and testing for powder burns. Much less, questioning a suspect, as to why he was standing in a church with a smoking gun in hand and body on the ground (with bullets in it that no doubt match those fired from the gun).I never knew that modern-day police had to rely solely on eye-witnesses to secure convictions.awful awful awful - avoid like the plague
blinktwiceyes I will keep this short and sour. I'd like to get into the sheer horrors that this movie lays out there, but there is a one thousand word maximum, so that would be impossible.First of all, any effort to make exposition any less painful than it became was clearly abandoned in the early stages of the writing process and replaced with painful "into the camera" sequences. Not only does this device show an astonishing lack of creativity, but it also grates on your nerves after an hour and a half. I'm not saying I expected this film to be some fine accomplishment of cinema. Or even less than a total embarrassment for everyone involved, including the viewer, but to unleash this on an unsuspecting public is just cruel.On a totally superficial side note... How short is Christian Slater? I never thought him to be a tall man, but unless everyone else in the film is roughly the size if Shaquille O'Neal, Mr. Slater should inquire about membership to the lollipop guild.