Untamed Heart
Untamed Heart
PG-13 | 12 February 1993 (USA)
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Caroline, a young waitress who seems to have bad taste in men, is on her way home one night when thugs attempt to rape her. Adam, the mysterious busboy who works at the same diner, helps fight off the assailants, and she begins a relationship with him -- but not all their fellow Minnesotans are happy for them. Meanwhile, the couple face their own difficulties when Caroline finds about Adam's past, including his unique health condition.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Robert J. Maxwell Christian Slater is a young man with rather freakishly long hair who has been raised in an orphanage and now works as a dishwasher in a Minneapolis diner. He rarely speaks and keeps to himself. Marisa Tomei is a waitress in said diner, and Rosie Perez is her earthy but sympathetic sidekick. Slater has developed a crush on Tomei and follows her around at a discreet distance, so when she's attacked while walking home from work he's able to rescue her. Later, her attackers wreak an unpleasant revenge on Slater. All of this brings the two of them together. Slater lets her know, in his recedent way, that he adores her, and she responds by falling for this shy, silent kinda guy. Their love is, how you say, consummated. But there is a problem. Slater was told by the nuns at his orphanage that he's had a heart transplant, with the donor being a baboon. Whether that's the case or not, his heart is now weakened and needs a booster shot, which Slater is unready to undergo. Eventually his heart, simian or hominid, beats its last, but not before he's had a heck of a good time exchanging tender gestures and body fluids with Marisa Tomei.I can't really tell if this is a particularly well-done example of the genre because I watch so few examples. I could see most of the developments coming, and so would you. And the crooning of Johnny Mathis and Nat "King" Cole's mystical pop song, "Nature Boy," from the 1950s really wasn't necessary. We get the picture. Slater is quiet, shy, and mysterious -- like Montgomery Clift in "A Place in the Sun" -- the sort of man who attracts women, but only in the movies. In real life I would imagine that he would absorb the attention of women who were chiefly neurotics. A research plan for young men who DON'T look like Montgomery Clift: Get a menial job, speak to no one, don't meet anyone's gaze, and see what happens. If you save a co-worker from rape, you might get a Thank You note and a box of chocolates.Well, I've made sufficient fun of the movie and it's a bit unfair, like stretching the iridescent wings of a butterfly on the rack. It's supposed to be a sweet and endearing story, and it is, even if it's some mutant form of Beauty and the Beast. At least I was able to get into it, though I hadn't expected to.The "Nature Boy" business was an irritant, and the baboon heart slipped motionlessly by me, but Slater is quietly effective in the role and Marisa Tomei is quite good and thoroughly believable as a sensitive young woman who serves ham and eggs and reads "Catch 22" at home. Rosie Perez is always a kick in the pants too.The film stands as a beacon of hope for those of us who trudge off to work, looking exactly the way we feel, and yet suffer from an intense desire to find love in an unpromising milieu. Or anywhere else.
anniesm10 I just discovered this movie recently! I was looking for a romantic movie and after reading the opinions on here about it, I decided to give it a try and buy it! I did like Christian Slater in Robin Hood, Murder in the First, Kuffs, to name a few, but after this movie he is totally at the top of my favorite actors' list!!! His performance was so true, so moving!! As for Marisa, I didn't really knew her before this movie, but she was also truly amazing in her role!! They make such a cute, believable, perfect couple!! I usually try to keep the tears in when watching a movie with someone else, but this time, I just couldn't!! Truly one of the most romantic, touching movie I've ever seen!! I wish there was more movies just like this one!
lizzie_87 I just saw this movie last week for the first time and what can i say??? I so loved this film-it is one of the best films i have ever seen-seriously. It is a classic love story-a real weepy. I think the story line is so satisfying-you find yourself gripped by the romance on the screen and as soon as it's finished you want to watch it again and again. I would highly recommend this film to anyone and everyone. Christian Slater if just brilliant in it-his performance is so sweet and touching-it makes you simply fall in love with him. Anyone who likes romance flicks will just adore this film. It is quite simply a must see movie-i recommend you go and and buy it-you will not regret it.
blockrockinbeats_04 I just saw this movie for the first time about an hour ago, I loved it! I'm a sucker for a good romance, whether or not it was unrealistic doesn't really matter to me. Every girl hopes that one day her world will be transformed because of a guy as sweet as him. The only thing that sucked was that he died of course, there was no happily ever after, but she got a chance to see how much of an effect one person can have on another person and obviously that changed her forever.I have this book called "10,000 Ways To Say I Love You", in it is a list of the 21 most romantic movies of all time, this movie was on the list, for any of you who find that interesting.