R | 26 May 2006 (USA)
2:37 Trailers

At 2:37, someone commits suicide in the school lavatory. The day is told up to that point from the viewpoint of six different students.

BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Sakshi Jain A film that leaves you thinking for days after you're done watching it. The concept of the film is so powerful that it fails to not leave you intrigued and wondering for a duration that is much longer than one hour thirty minutes. It successfully captures the demons that haunt everyone's life and ultimately leaves you wondering that which demon would claim its prey. There are characters you might like and sympathize with and there are characters you would outrightly hate but every character falls so perfectly well in the story. A grossly underrated coming of age film. As a viewer I feel fortunate to have watched it and learn so much in the process of its running. It is a brilliant piece, a great debut for the director and one film that should not be missed for sure. 17 minutes standing ovation at Cannes-every minute is so well deserved.
josh I actively hate and abhor this movie. I cannot think of enough words to express my disgust and distaste for this amateurish, exploitative refuse.Let me get a few things out of the way first. Yes, this is a blatant rip-off of "Elephant." Yes, this movie is cliché ridden to the gills. Yes, this movie deals with delicate issues indelicately and flippantly. Yes, this movie is filled with amateur actors and a first time screenwriter and director, and yes, it shows.(Can I stop right here and offer an aside? I refuse to believe that the good reviews offered on this website are in good faith. I think someone is padding their bra, or else the idiotic unwashed masses are even more ignorant than I initially believed.) So, after all that I think the real problem I have with this movie is all the f'ing crying. Give it a rest. Lighten up a bit. Throw in a joke, something optimistic.Something realistic. You people think this is what high school is really like? Where did you go to school? Days of Our Lives High? The incest scene is not realistic, it was simply stupid. The suicide scene was not a dramatic Kaiser Soze twist. It was exploitative, gratuitous and cheap. That character was ancillary, she had a few minutes of screen time. Let's pop her in at the end and have an overly graphic, exploitative, bloody mess of an unintelligible suicide...Idiotic. I really want to punch the director in the face for making this tripe. And I'm annoyed at others for propping it up as something other than what it is.There are movies that are so bad they are good. This is not one of those. This movie is blatant plagiarism and an insult to film making. Seriously, do yourself a favor and avoid this at all costs.By the way, to those aussies propping this movie up because it's an Aussie film: give it up. There are real Australian movies to back, and this is not one of them. I just saw "He Died with a Felafel in His Hand" again, and that's something worth watching. This movie is double derivative excrement, and that's going easy.I think the biggest notice of how intensely I feel about this film is the fact that I was motivated to write a review in the first place. I've never written a review, this is my first. I've seen many fantastic films that have changed my life for the better. I've also seen loads of dreck. I watched "Hobo with a Shotgun" and I said to myself "Boy, that was a crappy movie but I can find some redeeming values in it." I wasn't even close to being motivated enough to write a review. But this movie did it for me. Kudos. You've driven me to act.
cilek-zeyno We watched this film in class in order to hear the Australian accent. Because of this I focused on the player's speaking more than subject of the film. But as watched from the beginning to the end I thought that how the nonsense film because anybody in this film feel happy in any moment. And I do not like such a drama films very much especially in a crowded areas like class while everybody commenting. Except for this I think there was a no connection between events. I think the director and the scriptwriter wanted to us think about events and correlate them each other. And I tried but sometimes I could not correlate them. End of the film we all thought that the fat boy took his life, but when we saw the girl in blood we surprised. And I thought that she extremely right because she felt unhappy, alone and she is in depression. Until I watched this film I had found taking someone's own life nonsense but if I were her maybe I did the same thing. And in this film this depression that she in reflect the audiences successfully. I liked this film very much in this aspect.
bsr-gl93 Sometimes all of us may think that we have many problems in our life and we may think we are the most unlucky human in the world. After i watched this film my opinion has changed. At the end of the film, indicating the reality of the film is really impressed me. That is why my opinion has changed.At the beginning of the film, they let you know there is a suicide and then the film tells you about the six teenagers and their psychological problems and you want to learn who is the suicided. It makes this film more enjoyable and it makes sensation.There is a girl who helps everyone. She is the most lively person. You may think she is the person who has the least psychological problems but unexpectedly she commit suicide. I think she commit suicide because of being ignored and unnoticed. That is really unguessable ending.