Jesus' Son
Jesus' Son
R | 16 June 2000 (USA)
Jesus' Son Trailers

A young man turns from drug addiction and petty crime to a life redeemed by a discovery of compassion.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
PeachHamBeach This is a strange film, a combination of goofy, sad comedy and profound tragedy, but it is a very pleasant film nonetheless. FH (Billy Crudup) is a drug (mainly pills) addict who seems to have a life devoid of any direction or purpose, and yet he has odd abilities and premonitions, along with an "everything will be okay no matter what happens" attitude. He hitches a ride with a family, all the while knowing a car accident will kill most of them. He rescues the infant member of the family, and it strangely coincides with the fact that his girlfriend Michelle (Samantha Morton) had an abortion around that same time. FH lives through the horrible suicide of Michelle somehow, and begins to try to get away from drugs and have a life that makes sense. There are bizarre scenes involving baby bunnies, being able to put a hand through a glass window as if one were a ghost instead of flesh and blood, and an ensemble of characters whose lives FH touches in one way or another, played by Jack Black, Denis Leary, Holly Hunter, and Dennis Hopper. There is no solid "plot" as it were. It's just a tour through a lost, lonely soul looking for a place in the world where he belongs.A very different kind of film, with a cryptic story and main character, but it feels like a refreshment compared to many movies being made today.
blatony Being a fan of Jack Black, and trying to see all of his work, I decided to give this a try. He was actually only in it for maybe 20 minutes or so, but it was a good performance. Even when his parts were done, I was still very drawn in by the main story. Without going into the story itself, all I can tell you is that I was enjoying myself. I was being entertained and was curious to see the conclusion. After I was about two thirds of the way through. Everything really (and here come the spoilers) got stupid. The third act started with the main guy finding his girlfriend overdosing, she dies, eats her note, follows a guy into a laundry place, wonders if he is having a "I might be gay minute", goes to rehab where he shaves Dennis Hopper, watches some Amish woman sing in her shower, hangs out inside and outside her house, meets another woman whose boyfriends keep dying, and then works at a mental hospital where he learns to touch people. Its like they just put in all this "stuff" for him to do. Made no sense and made the move suck.
vortexrider Jesus' Son Can be analyzed from various angles. From a cinematic perspective this is a really enjoyable film. The camera shots are very creative and well done. Diverse in color and imagery as well as in the kinds of characters you will see this movie is an interesting change from most coming-of-age and drug movies you will see.But let me tell you how this is a disappointing film. This actually bothers me the most. The plot seems to progress as if something pivotal is going to happen and you expect to see a resolution and a change in this man. I don't think this is portrayed well at all. With the deceiving title like Jesus' Son, this movie is very simplistic and shallow in its spiritual content. There are some references to Christianity and Jesus but thats about it. You do not see this man change or accept Jesus. There is nothing like that. What you are presented with is a very man-centered idea that its good to be a "good guy" and to be "compassionate" to people and not do drugs.But as if the lack of any substantial Christian content were not enough, I think this movie glamorizes sex and drugs instead of emphasizing their vanity. Even in the end, when you think that maybe he is changing there is no indication of any true Christian character in him. Even when you feel like the main character may be feeling compassion and love towards the wretched people he encounters he doesn't show it in any way.So, be warned, this is not a Christian movie, nor is it a good anti-drug film. Its a very cinematically pleasing noir-style indie film that simply tells you that people should be nice. It is sad that there are very few real Christian movies out there. I can only highly recommend The End of The Spear, Saint Ralph, Francis of Assisi, or Simon Birch as good Christian movies.
jwidaosh this was one of the best movies i have seen in quite some time. The opening sequence and the unnamed main character played complicatedly by a mostly dazed billy crudup, is one of my favorites, when unnamed standing by the side of the road wrapped in a blanket thinks "the rain drops were falling and i knew every one of their names" i was hooked. this movie is thoroughly entertaining, and thought provoking , this is a grouping of interrelated short stories and feels like this as every new story is labeled with a text on screen naming the story. the time progression here, is not strictly linear, with a few special effects? maybe imagined (by who?) such as a nude woman flying thru the air by some type of harness suspended by something out of sight. there are so many good scenes in this thing.