High Fidelity
High Fidelity
R | 17 March 2000 (USA)
High Fidelity Trailers

When record store owner and compulsive list-compiler Rob Gordon gets dumped by his long-time girlfriend, Laura, because he hasn't changed since they met, he revisits his top five breakups of all time in order to figure out what went wrong. As he examines his failed attempts at romance and happiness, the process finds him being dragged, kicking and screaming, into adulthood.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Mihai Toma Being on the verge of yet another disastrous breakup, a record store owner starts to present his top five breakups, in an attempt to figure out what went wrong and eventually make things right.It's a very interesting movie, based on a main character who seems to have had and still have problems with the ladies. By constantly speaking to the viewers, he seems determined to bring back his historic failures or even make contact to the persons involved just to realize what went wrong. The way the main character performs and interacts with the audience has to be the best part of the movie. As the story unfolds, the dramatic but also funny life stories begin to influence his life, seeming to affect even his part at the store, but his two unique colleagues and friends will always be there for him.I have to say that the plot is very enjoyable, together with its excellent characters, very well described and played, complex and full of surprises, which manages to transmit plenty of emotion, drama but also laughter. Boredom is out of the question, although the action seems to be on the lower side, having plenty of substance to keep you attracted to what's going on. The finale is very satisfying, making the whole story worthwhile.To sum things up, it's a very good movie, full of great characters and actors which, through a great plot and way of communication, manages to provide a quality time for its viewers. It's not a masterpiece but a wonderful movie without any doubt.
Michael Mendez Now this one was a tough call. Everyone knows how much I love movies with LOVE and HEARTBREAK, but this sort of took me by surprise, and NOT really in a good way. I watched this film first when I was nine, when my dad took me to see it. I probably didn't understand a word and was confused why the main character is hurt so much by a girl.. // What I do remember pondering was how Jack Black was the BEST! and how much I felt bad for the character, Dick (Todd Louiso), who takes so much shyt from him. Viewing it now, as a film student and somewhat a critic, I think he is the best part of the movie. No Joke! We all have those people in our life that make us feel a little awkward and just ask too many god-damn questions. I think he changes the most throughout the film, too. In fact, our main protagonist, Rob (played by John Cusack), does not change at all. That is why I am not being too reviewer-friendly with this entry.The thing is: I am a realist (sort of). I like movies to speak to me; give me some answers to the things that I should already know that I have not fully grasped yet. That, and the fact that I want to relate with something. But this story let me down towards the end. - I swear, that rarely happens.****Seriously, though! It is a universal understanding that "once a cheater, always a cheater", and I do not take it lightly when someone ends up with the wrong person in the end. I wish it finished more truthfully; BETTER CLOSURE FOR THE BROKEN HEARTED. Not the old 90s ending where everything is okay, because it is not. Especially, for the viewer who, chances are, is alone and wonders why they cannot connect with anyone. I can go on forever, ranting about how I was let down in the climax of this film, but I do not want to bore you - and frankly, I do not want to write negatively about any project. **Maybe in ten more years, when I am a completely different person than I am now, I might enjoy the corniness, but as of right now - Too cliché (ONLY IN THE END, THOUGH).I rate this film a 6 out of 10. It honestly hurts me to do this, because I WANTED to like it. Really, I did! I WANTED it to be good, and a ahead of its time. In the end, I think it was nothing but an afternoons delight. — Heart-on!— Michael Mendez
Michael Radny What I like about High Fidelity was the fact that the humour was really well done and the story didn't feel boring and clichéd; at least at first thought. In my personal opinion, the first half of this film is fantastic, funny and sophisticated. The second half of this film fell quite flat with that typical romantic comedy storyline which seems to plague most of these films. But all in all, the film ends up being decent, leaves a slightly bad taste in your mouth at the end, but you will reminisce the first half to make it better. Good for the most part, but I very much dislike the final half hour. It seemed unnecessary and boring, but above all clichéd and typical. But if you get your hands on this film, the glory is the first hour; that is comedy that you will never see in a film again!
Andre Carvalho (avcarvalh) That's is a excellent movie (period).The plot goes around the life, memories and self narrative of a guy who owns a music store. He gets messed up between his actual relationship and all other lovers that builded his history and his way to interact with womens.He starts it listing his top five break-ups of all time.Then he goes to other lists.Then he focus on his relationship comeback.It's just awesome!!!Don't lose the opportunity to watch this!!!
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