PG | 19 June 1987 (USA)
Roxanne Trailers

In this modern take on Edmond Rostand's classic play "Cyrano de Bergerac," C. D. Bales is the witty, intelligent, and brave fire chief of a small Pacific Northwest town who, due to the size of his enormous nose, declines to pursue the girl of his dreams, lovely Roxanne Kowalski. Instead, when his shy underling Chris McConnell becomes smitten with Roxanne, C.D. feeds the handsome young man the words of love to win her heart.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Vonia Roxanne (1987) Director: Fred Schepisi Watched: April 2018 Rating: 6/10 Cliche, saccharine, Nose a needless plot device. Wished to strangle Chris, Funnier adapted play, But Martin is all it has. Comets, great houses, Firefighters on fire, Written love letters, Laughs and banter so witty, Martin is more than enough. Somonka is a form of poetry that is essentially two tanka poems (the 5-7-5-7-7 syllable format), the second stanza a response to the first. Traditionally, each is a love letter and it requires two authors, but sometimes a poet takes on two personas. My somonka will be a love/hate letter to this film? #Somonka #PoemReview
John Brooks This isn't a knock on the American people, but for those who may know the actual Cyrano de Bergerac story (the one this is solely based on), with all the effort in the world to give into it this film can only come across as forced, and a hollow reinterpretation of the myth as a mainstream American disposable comedy.Steve Martin does well at times with the dialog (like the famous 'big nose' tirade, in the bar here), but it's just too obvious what he's trying to do, and the entire narrative is too obvious; and although Steve Martin is certainly very pure at heart as a man, and this is another one of his outlets of how much romanticism and sensitivity he has in him, it just falls way short really in the end. Just not convincing, too obvious.It's not awful though but 4/10 as it barely gives the original any original added value.
Robert J. Maxwell A diverting and light-hearted rendition of Edmond Rostand's play, "Cyrano de Bergerac," about a real historical figure who didn't have a particularly large nose.Martin is the chief of Nelson's Fire Department. His nose "marches on before him by a quarter of a mile," as Jose Ferrer put it in the 1950 film version. Hannah, a student astronomer, comes to Nelson to observe a comet. Martin falls for her but she's more interested in the handsome, muscle-bound Chris, Rossovich. Rossovich is a nice guy but dim-witted and very nervous around women, so much so that he vomits at the thought of courting them. He persuades Martin first to write love letters for him to Hannah, and finally to serenade her with flowery prose beneath her balcony. Martin hides his identity as the author but Hannah finds out and -- well, it all ends happily.I'm glad it ended happily. As Howard Hawks once remarked, an audience doesn't like to see nice people get killed. But the ending, and all the things that precede it, DOES turn the film into a genial comedy instead of a gripping tragedy. Here, no one is likely to be moved to tears but, if he is, they will be tears of laughter.And there are some very funny moments, almost all of them stemming from Steve Martin's performance. When Hannah finally confronts Martin with the evidence that it's been he, not Rossovich, who has been writing the letters, Martin screws up his features into a phony smile as he reads his own epistles and, still trying to convince Hannah that the author was Rossovich, he bends over to emphasize his explosive, "It's so -- HIM." (Well, it loses in the transposition.) It's amiable enough, yet its being a comedy drains it of much of the story's emotional content. Not for a moment, does Martin convince the audience that his heart is breaking while he sends his true love to bed with another man.The direction doesn't help much. The funny stuff is in the script. The director, Fred Schepisi, has a blunt style. He practically attacks the material. He thrusts. He lunges. There are multiple in-your-face close ups that have no special point. And there are way too many interpolated burlesques involving the incompetence of the members of the fire department. The Keystone Kops were just as amusing.On the plus side, Nelson, in British Columbia, looks like the kind of small town that one might dream about living in before it gets swallowed up in featureless, soulless urban sprawl.
SnoopyStyle It's a modern interpretation of "Cyrano De Bergerac". C.D. Bales (Steve Martin) is the well-liked fire chief of an incompetent group of guys. Astronomer Roxanne (Daryl Hannah) gets locked out with no clothes on and he befriends her. She's there for the summer. Hot hunky new firefighter Chris McConnell is completely head over heels but he is too stressed out to talk to her. Just when C.D. thinks that she's falling for him, she tells him that she likes the gorgeous Chris.This is such a good rom-com. It hits all the right notes. Steve Martin is hilarious. The chemistry is very delicate here in that none of the characters can come off as the villain. It's important that Roxanne is able to believably fall for Chris and later for C.D. without coming off badly. It's impressive that everything turns out so well. There is good passion. There is sacrifice. The original story hits on the universal notes and Steve Martin adds his humor. His character is not just fun and games. He's actually broken. That makes this such a good rom-com.