Casual Sex?
Casual Sex?
R | 22 April 1988 (USA)
Casual Sex? Trailers

Two girls go away to a holiday resort looking for a change of pace, hoping to meet some nice men for a change. They discover that they can't find the perfect man, and this forces them to reconsider their attitudes to men in general.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
ShadySovereign "Casual Sex?" is one of those movies that will either be totally forgotten over time, or will be slightly remembered. It's a very cute comedy, but it can easily be forgotten if you don't have it on video or DVD (I've got it on DVD).The film has some average performances by little-known actors & actresses. Lea Thompson is very cute in her role, and Victoria Jackson was almost as good (although she was sometimes over-the-top with her character). Viewers will be able to see them both fully nude from their backsides at one point in the movie, but Victoria shows herself in other parts of the film as well.Perhaps what makes this movie really worth watching is Andrew Dice Clay. He gives a really classic performance as "The Vin Man", and he's really funny in some parts of the movie. He looks really cool too, especially when he wears his leather jacket. And best of all, his lines that he says are terrific and sometimes memorable.To sum up, this is a cute-but-average comedy movie. It will appeal more to women than men, but it's a great movie to watch with your partner on a date. It's a very light comedy, so don't expect it to be raunchy. And don't miss Andrew Dice Clay's performance! I give this movie a 6/10.
James Ignatowski Dice Clay proved he was more than just DICE. Lea Thompson showed that she could do comedy & that she looked so good on a nude beach. I read someplace that when they first tested the film Lea & Dice did not get together as in the final version. The test audience wanted the unlucky Dice to get the girl in the end. I totally agree that ending would have been dumb if it just ended with DICE back in NYC alone. It needed to happen. All in all it was a good 80's flick. I still watch it when its on TV. For you tv version buffs, the TV edit has more scenes with Lea & Victoria outside of Lea bedroom after she makes it with that bad actor wannabe. Do I smell a directors cut?
budikavlan Movies like this never win awards, never top lists, are never hot topics around the water cooler (do people ever have powwows around water coolers in real life?). This is the kind of movie critics like to cite as evidence of the decline of Western Civilization, because they make easy targets: they don't change lives, and they have few defenders. But, leaving aside Western Civilization for a moment, I want to say a word for the underdog. I watched the tape today, and was struck again by my happy mood after watching it. The story is featherweight, the acting likable if sitcom-ish, and the ending is as sweet as you could ask. Andrew Dice Clay's performance is indeed surprisingly good, and the occasional forays into real dialogue about "the mating game" touch on real issues. "Casual Sex?" won't change your life, but it's a pleasant way to spend a few hours. If you care what the snobs think, just don't tell them.
smatysia A mildly amusing sex comedy. Lea Thompson was OK, and Andrew Dice Clay pretty good here. I thought that Victoria Jackson was the real star here, though. She seems to have disappeared since then. I would have liked to have seen more of her. I can only recommend it casually, though.