Sex and Death 101
Sex and Death 101
R | 15 June 2007 (USA)
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A guy's life is turned around by an email, which includes the names of everyone he's had sex with and ever will have sex with. His situation gets worse when he encounters a femme fatale (Ryder) who targets men guilty of sex crime.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
hall895 This movie makes very little sense. The whole thing is exceedingly bizarre. But somehow the movie kind of works. Simon Baker turns in a fine performance in the leading man role and it his charm which more than anything else enables the movie to be considered at least a mild success.Baker plays successful executive Roderick Blank who is about to be married. And then something strange happens. He receives an anonymous e-mail which lists, in chronological order, the names of every woman he has ever slept with. Bizarre to be sure but not a crisis as long as his wife to be is the last name on the list. She's not. She's number 29. There are 101 names on the list. Roderick initially shrugs it off as some kind of practical joke being perpetrated by his friends. Then again how would his friends know the names, in order, of every woman he's ever slept with? When Roderick accidentally (yes, accidentally) has sex with woman number 30 on the list he realizes there's something going on here. Looks like that wedding's not going to happen after all. Apparently there's a higher power at work. What is that higher power you ask? Well you see there's this computer which apparently knows everything. And it occasionally spits out random pointless lists of women that men will sleep with for example. This is all explained by the three men who work with the computer in a mysterious, futuristic-looking office. These men are named Alpha, Beta and Fred. Told you this movie was bizarre.Anyhow it's pretty apparent where the sex in the movie's title comes from. Yes a multitude of women come and go as Roderick crosses off names on his list. But what about the death part? Well that's where Winona Ryder comes in. She plays Death Nell, a shadowy figure lurking mostly in the background of the movie, who goes around seducing men and then putting them into comas. But only men who deserve it you see, sexual deviants of some kind. Death Nell becomes a feminist hero, Roderick goes on sleeping with all these different women and hey, do you think perhaps these two characters might be destined to meet? Well I certainly hope so or else this whole thing is going to be rather pointless.For a supposed comedy this movie isn't particularly funny. No real belly laughs to be had here, maybe a mild chuckle or two. It seems that Patton Oswalt, in playing Fred, is set up to be the designated funny guy but he's really not that funny at all. There are a few good moments here and there but there are a lot of times where the movie drags and there's nothing funny or even interesting going on. The plot perks up a bit when after sleeping with all these random women Roderick actually ends up in a quasi-serious relationship with a doctor played by Leslie Bibb. But that relationship comes with complications. And we know that this woman is not the last woman on the list so inevitably it's back to the parade of women in Roderick's life. There are times where it seems the movie is close to falling apart completely but Baker, who really has to carry things pretty much by himself, manages to hold it together and in the end it's a relatively enjoyable movie. Baker is excellent, Ryder does OK with minimal screen time and there's also room for another somewhat familiar face as playing Roderick's lesbian secretary Trixie is Mindy Cohn. Yes that would be Natalie of Facts of Life fame. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have...a reasonably decent movie. That's Sex and Death 101.
lastliberal I am probably not the first to say it, but the choice of Simon Baker for this romantic comedy was brilliant. Left in the hands of someone who is more familiar in rom coms would leave his movie tasting like the typical breast and fart jokes that so many popular comedies are today.Sure, he is shallow. After having sex with 29 women, he finds that he is to reach 101 before dies. Knowing who number 101 was caused him some concern, but fortunately he found out when he had 20 to go before her. No sex and he had 20 human shield to keep number 101 away. How is that working out? There are some really funny moments (Patton Oswalt is a riot!), some tender moments, some interesting moments (Bambi and Thumper, Granny C), and 100 moments of romantic comedy.Winona Ryder was amazing.You have to see this one.
bloodymonday Do you remember Daniel Waters? He's the guy who wrote Heathers, the greatest (if extremely unpleasant) teen-oriented movie of all time (Yeah, you can quote me; I'm THAT confident haha+). But then he squandered his talent and reputation by writing abysmal films like Hudson Hawk, Demolition Man and even Batman Returns (yeah, that one too). Now he's back with a new film in six years which he wrote and directed.Just before he's to marry Fiona, Roderick Blank (Simon Baker) receives an anonymous e-mail with 101 names on it; Fiona's is the 29th, the first 28 are women Rod has slept with. The notion that he will have sex with 70 more people sends Rod into crisis mode, especially after three odd men in an aseptic office confirm that a celestial machine has made an error. They suggest destroying the list, but Rod finds that easier said than done. Working his way through it consumes him, plus he realizes that death may await him after #101. Meanwhile, a femme fatal nicknamed Death Nell (Winona Ryder) is putting men into a coma. Are they fated to meet? (Thanks again, IMDb) I'll have to admit, this is quite interesting premise. And the good thing is, it hasn't gone wasted, since the person behind this film is definitely having a right mind to do it right. It is clever film about crisis of men and their quest to search for sexual fulfillment. Because once you hooked (to sex), even there's a hell right in front of you, you might not hesitate to dive into it. It raised a question about when one woman just wasn't enough, how far could you go? It's also about fate, when there's something that doesn't belong to you, it's just doesn't belong to you. And if you're persistent to have it, then you will lose it forever.OK, let me stop you right here, before you storm out to buy this DVD. It's just too bad that they did it right doesn't mean that they did it good. Because Sex and Death 101 is the movie that put too much ambition for its own good. In my opinion, Daniel Waters was thinking way too much on this project. It supposed to be good dirty and fun little movie that eventually might create cult following. But what I saw is just such a promising project engulfed by director's self-absorbed vision. It's doesn't sync with audience like his Heathers script, which is like a wake up call for all generation-x who consumed by popularity. In the mean time, Sex and Death 101 was also talking about important subject alright, but it can only be able to educate people about sexuality. It's just can't relate to audience (especially target group like generation-x who probably got older by now).And when director's vision has gone wrong, everything in this film also has the same destiny. Simon Baker's narration didn't really mean anything, and then it got worse when the story went on to unexpected turn. Also, the story about god-like operation room is pretty unnecessary. Come to think about it, I saw a similarity between this film and Danny Boyle's Life Less Ordinary (because it has something to do with an act of god too!). Although LLO is a flawed film, but it is an entertaining movie where you can almost feel filmmaker's burning passion on the project. But Sex and Death 101 is just cold as ice project where you could feel a touch of isolation miles away.But it has some redemption moments, especially when the comedy was kicked in. I think I laughed out loud a couple of times (so rare these days -,.-'). There were the scene where Roderick ALMOST sleep with Sophie Monks, and the scene where he vs. catholic girls on school bus (even it's so absurd, but it's just damn hilarious). And also a fine performance by Simon Baker, even if he's not particularly A-list star, but he's charming enough to make me bought him as a striking handsome ladies man (he got to sleep with 101 women, alright?). On the other hands, Winona Ryder is simply dreadful. She supposed to be disturbing femme fetal, but she act like she's on crack or something. Comes to think of it, it's almost ten years since her last good role in Girl, Interrupted, I wish she will comeback real soon.Sex and Death 101 may have some sharp idea and hysterical black humor moment, but it tried too hard to be something important (and then chicken out in one of the most whimsy ending I have ever seen). I kind of admire the director's attempt to reach out for his royal fans and tried to reignite his good old days with familiar subject. But, sorry Mr. Waters, this wasn't the one yet.
reality_bites70 Conceptually, the film actually doesn't hit its point until the final twenty minutes in which Baker finally confronts Ryder and accepts his fate. The final coffee shop scene and discussion conjures memories of Daniel Waters' impeccable dialogue and pace ever-present in 1989's "Heathers". Yes, this isn't "Heathers" and thankfully, it isn't "Hudson Hawk" either, however, "Sex & Death 101", unlike both of the aforementioned films, doesn't stay with you, for better or worse. Again, the final scenes are well worth the wait and highlight exactly why Winona Ryder is everybody's favourite outsider. Her ability to present warped innocence and make it seem endearing is wonderful to watch. The moment that we see Death Nell writing in her journal (a throwback to Veronica Sawyer in Heathers) really emphasises this...Ryder's representation of the madness of youth and sex and sadness, all connected in one bizarre character. So, as a film, "Sex & Death 101" isn't great, but as an example of good screen writing and character development (in the case of Death Nell), it is interesting to experience.