Free Willy 3: The Rescue
Free Willy 3: The Rescue
PG | 08 August 1997 (USA)
Free Willy 3: The Rescue Trailers

Willy the whale is back, this time threatened by illegal whalers making money off sushi. Jesse, now 16, has taken a job on an orca-researching ship, along with old friend Randolph and a sarcastic scientist, Drew. On the whaler's ship is captain John Wesley and his son, Max, who isn't really pleased about his father's job, but doesn't have the gut to say so. Along the way, Willy reunites with Jesse

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Jackson Booth-Millard The first wildlife family film is alright fun, the sequel wasn't as likable (once in a while), so I had to finish the trilogy, and see which of all of them is most bearable. Basically, (Jesse Jason James) Richter is now sixteen years old, and has taken a job on a ship as both researcher and protector of Orca whales. He is working with old friend Randolph Johnson (August Schellenberg), sarcastic scientist Drew Halbert (Annie Corley), and on the ocean he is of course reunited with old friend Willy the Whale (Keiko). Meanwhile, on a whaling ship is John Wesley (Patrick Kilpatrick) and his young son Max (Vincent Berry), who after seeing many of them isn't very keen on killing the Orca whales. While he doesn't have the guts to say no to his Dad, Jesse gets Max to meet Willy and his new girlfriend who is pregnant with their baby, and he realises that his Dad is doing something illegal and nasty to nature. Also starring Tasha Simms as Mary Wesley, Peter LaCroix as 1st Mate Sanderson, Stephen E. Miller as Dineen, Ian Tracey as Kron and Matthew Walker as Captain Drake. The problem with this one is that the human story takes over and we hardly see enough of the beautiful, originally show stealing creatures, the birth of a baby nearly makes up for the lack of time they are used, but the first film is always going to be the one to watch. Okay!
lukepic123 Well, here we go again. The blonde dude is getting older and so it Willy time for one more adventure I think. This film wouldn't be so down rated it it maybe had been the second instalment. By now we have seen enough of the same stuff. In Willy 1 it was kind of boring and in 2 it was a little better but nothing too exciting, apart front he exploding boat of oil. So I would suggest watching number 1 (If you like wales) and number 2 (If you really love wales). But if you don't pass on by the whole lot of them. This is the final instalment, if your desperate for Willy watch, if not... Watch Spykids. Not saying thats any better either.
hhallmark Okay guys, the fact that this movie got such a low rating really makes my blood boil! If you can't appreciate such a touching film as Free Willy 3: The Rescue, I'd like to see what you guys watch. This movie really touched me, so did the other two movies in the trilogy. I'll admit, this movie may not have been as good as the other two, which is why I'm only giving it a 9 out of 10, but it still is quite the masterpiece. It's better than any of those other bullshit movies about animals, like air bud or MVP! Those movies were garbage and have absolutely nothing on free Willy. Free Willy 3: The Rescue, has, and always will have, a special place in my heart. I grew up with this trilogy and I hold it very dear to my heart. If you're a parent and you want your child to see some quality film making, I advise you to rent Free Willy 3. This movie doesn't have any violence or anything that'll warp your child's mind into growing up to be some crack-head, animal beating criminal, which is what most movies tend to be doing these days. No, this movie will inspire your kid to do good with his life, it'll make your child appreciate the beauty of animal life. If you haven't seen this movie, I recommend you watch it asap. It will appeal to people of all ages.
ross robinson free willy 3: the rescue is a good movie, i first watched this when the movie came out in 1997, Jesse is back, now older (16 years old) Old enough to drive and is now working for Randolph. Jesse meets willy yet again and is shocked to find out that he now has a girlfriend called Nicki, Jesse also is shocked to know that Willy is to become a father. A young boy named Max is going fish hunted with his dad, he meets Jesse and Jesse tells him that Willy is no harm to anyone, Max tells his father at the end not to kill willy as he is to a friend to the while, Max's father doesn't listen to Max and then admits that willy is just a friendly whale. I give this movie 10 out of 10. I hope there will be a Free Willy 4.