Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry
Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry
G | 11 October 2005 (USA)
Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry Trailers

After being evicted from their old house by Tom's owner for causing major damage, cat and mouse Tom and Jerry enter a race entitled the "Fabulous Super Race" to win a mansion.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
pwnmaster360 Then what is this anomaly of a movie? Here's my theory; the studio wants some corporate cash in for Tom and Jerry not caring about how faithful, but the storyboard writers end up thinking "FORGET cash-ins they are boring, let's do what we WANT to do" and so they let their imaginations run as wildly as this 75 minute film would allow them. As a whole, the more modern retreads of the 50's classic cartoon has been hit or miss over the decades, some turning out to almost rival the classics, and some turning out abysmal, this is the most unique modernization I have seen out of any of them; but that also means this is the most "What-the-crap-did-I-just-watch?". This movie stars Tom and Jerry doing what they do best, chasing each other and breaking stuff, but this time they end up destroying the entire house, so they need to find a new home, and that is where they enter the race around the world for a huge mansion. And the story ends up so bizarre that all I can do is just smile. Who cares if this is faithful or not(well, it kind of is) it is one of the most entertaining modern attempts I have seen in a long while, which is a good thing.
TheLittleSongbird I love anything to do with Tom and Jerry. I was disappointed with Tom and Jerry: The Movie, but I found both Shiver Me Whiskers and The Magic Ring surprisingly good. Sadly, the Fast and the Furry, out of the Tom and Jerry movies, is for me the worst, and I will explain why. I liked the idea of Tom and Jerry travelling across the world to find a new mansion, and I will say the movie starts off well. For me, there was very little other than the title, that made it Tom and Jerry, there was little of the comic violence that made the TV show a childhood favourite of mine. The plot, like another reviewer said, was highly suggestive of Tom and Jerry meets Wacky Races, and none of the supporting characters I found particularly likable. I wasn't too impressed with the flat animation, and the forgettable incidental music either. What disappointed me most, was that the film just wasn't funny. In fact, Tom and Jerry themselves were the only redeeming qualities to this dreck. 2/10 Bethany Cox
bbrruuccee7162 I watched this on the Cartoon Network. The movie was spectacular and superb. When they had the big race I liked it when it was being continued from The Amazon then all over the world and back to Hollywood. The races were crazy when every time they stopped for a break the next round they would change the racing style to underwater, on land, sailing or flying on nuclear powered jet planes. I liked the animation, the computer effects and the sounds. I liked the slapstick comedy, especially the bit with the penguins and when Tom had to wait for them to walk and it took about 5 minutes for Tom to race again so Jerry was miles away! I loved the movie and I think that 70% of the people on Earth would like this movie too.
ed_two_o_nine Well what can I say? Take a classic cartoon destroy the formula trying to modernise it and end up with a mess that neither works as a classic or a modern animated movie. The basic premise of Tom and Jerry wrecking their house, and in means of finding redemption separately entering a road race to win a new house. Feels tacked on to a series of set pieces which is basically an overlong and sub-standard episode of 'Whacky Racers' with an attempted send up of reality television. This really does not work on any level and does not better classic Tom and Jerry in any area. Do you self a favour and hunt put the classics to see what the fuss is all about.