Stan Helsing
Stan Helsing
R | 27 October 2009 (USA)
Stan Helsing Trailers

A spoof on many horror movie series. Ending his shift at the video rental, Stan's picked up by his BFF and 2 cute girls, all going to a Halloween party. Will they even get there?

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
mrivas-42691 Cheesy, drawn out, cheap, not funny. Film either tries too much or not enough and never meets a happy median.
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain Oh dear Christ almighty! Van Helsing was pretty much a spasticated spoof as it was. Stan Helsing is a dedicated cluster fck of comedic incompetence. We see the ancestor of Van Helsing having to fight against a series of slasher spoofs. If the idea of Michael Myers (now called Mikey) wearing a yarmulke makes you laugh then a) you're a fricking idiot that should have been aborted and b) you might like this crap. The only reason to keep watching this is Diora Baird, literally couldn't take my eyes off her. The only 'joke' worth commenting on is the Michael Jackson pisstake. This shows that somewhere lay some comical balls of steel, or they stupidly forgot to edit it out. Probably the latter. It's a shame this was one of Nielson's last films, as it is quite the embarrassment.
Cell Life As a drive-by connoisseur of horror; this was a pretty darn funny send up. Beats the last couple Scary Movie spoofs that relied on too much cameo/star presence. This was formulaic, but in a good way, goofs, send-ups, mocking with some actual WTF weirdness. I'd rather watch this for the genre than another Scary Movie rehash. Bottom line, kookier, creepier, and fresher than the genre staples have lowered themselves to.Also, the actors are above par for a 'tongue-in-cheek' parody. If your expecting witty repartee, your in the wrong place. If you want a goofy send up of cliché horror tropes, you've arrived.
Andrew Pelechaty Anyone who's followed the '(insert genre being parodied) Movie' series will know that the series has steadily gone downhill since the quite good 'Scary Movie'. While 'Stan Helsing' may have avoided the 'Movie' title, it's just as bad as the worst of the preceding films.The barely-there plot involves four friends, Stan Helsing (Steve Howey), Nadine (Diora Baird), Teddy (Kenan Thompson) and Mia (Desi Lydic). On the way to a Halloween party, they are stranded in an isolated town and eventually forced to fight 'parodies' of six famous movie monsters Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, Chucky, Pinhead and Mike Myers.The problem with SH is it's just not funny. While meant to be a parody of monster movies, the six monsters aren't given enough screen time to justify the parody. The main characters are lazy stereotypes: Stan is a commitment-phobic slacker who refuses to believe his destiny as Van Helsing, Nadine is the bitchy ex-girlfriend (unfortunatley for Baird, her performance is overshadowed by her breasts, which are on disply throughout the film), Mia is the ridiciously stupid and incredibly slutty blonde (though, to Lydic's credit, she at least goes about with a smile on her face). Finally, Teddy is the typical jive-talking token black guy even though Thompson is quite funny and could be even better with a half-decent script. The biggest indignity falls to comedy legend Leslie Nielsen, who spends the entire film in drag.Like previous films, it reverts to gross-out humour and lots of sexual references for laughs and it comes off as desperate.Even if, like me, you see these films as a guilty pleasure despite their poor quality, 'Stan Helsing' is still disappointing.