Galaxy Quest
Galaxy Quest
PG | 25 December 1999 (USA)
Galaxy Quest Trailers

For four years, the courageous crew of the NSEA protector - "Commander Peter Quincy Taggart" (Tim Allen), "Lt. Tawny Madison (Sigourney Weaver) and "Dr.Lazarus" (Alan Rickman) - set off on a thrilling and often dangerous mission in space...and then their series was cancelled! Now, twenty years later, aliens under attack have mistaken the Galaxy Quest television transmissions for "historical documents" and beam up the crew of has-been actors to save the universe. With no script, no director and no clue, the actors must turn in the performances of their lives.

Steineded How sad is this?
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Charles Herold (cherold) This genial Star Trek spoof follows the cast of an old, Star-Trek-inspired sci-fi series as they go from dealing with nerdy fans at sci-fi conventions to, much to their surprise, going on a real-life sci-fi adventure. The idea is very clever, the cast is excellent, and the movie does a great job of tweaking its inspiration and action movies in general (I loved when Sigourney Weaver goes off on a particularly improbable obstacle).While this is a comedy, it takes the action-sci-fi parts, offering a nifty rock monster and some decent space fighting.Very funny and highly recommended.
maruku-87122 I found the film in my youth, not so bad. Nowadays he would be a mega flop. Nevertheless, he is one of my favorite films.
MrPositive1 And the jokes still hold today as they did nearly 20 years ago. It's a travesty a Galaxy Quest 2 was never made before Rickman passed sadly, especially in a world where Grown Ups and Scary Movies keep getting sequels. But what sets this parody apart from so many other attempted films that parody other sources, is that instead of just following the source material, Galaxy Quest creates it's own story completely. As well, the casting is possibly the best for a large ensemble comedy film ever created. Each character seriously just works perfectly. It's hard to imagine anyone else in almost any of their roles. Hell, even the special effects still live up to today. And who knows, maybe we can still get our sequel in Alan's honor some day.
a_chinn George Takei called this film, "a chillingly realistic documentary." Okay, it's not quite that, but it is a very funny parody/love letter to Star Trek and the Trekkies who love it. Tim Allen (the Captain Kirk figure), Alan Rickman (the Spock figure), Tommy Webber (the Geordi figure), Tony Shalhoub (the Scotty figure), Sigourney Weaver (Kirk's love interest), and Sam Rockwell (a Red Shirt figure), play actors who were once the intrepid crew on a corny sci-fi TV series, Galaxy Quest, which is a not so thinly veiled analog for Star Trek. Many years after the show's cancellation, the actors make their living attending fan conventions and appearing at electronic store grand openings. The first act of the film where they contend with obsessive fans, petty hatred and jealousies towards each other, and basically hate their current stations in life, is hilarious. Once the the main story kicks in the film gets even funnier, which is when real aliens attending the convention think that Galaxy Quest was a real-life historical document and want to recruit the crew to help them defeat their real-life space alien enemies. The helpful aliens have even created an fully functional replica of the Galaxy Quest spaceship for the crew! Allen is terrific as the very full of himself Captain and Rickman is hilarious as the classically trained British theater actor who despises his fans and resents only being know for his pointy-eared alien role (actually he wears a different alien prosthetic head piece, but whatever). I also have to say that there wasn't nearly enough Tony Shalhoub, but the cutaways to where he's in the engineering section of the ship barely pretending he knows what he's doing is priceless. There's also some very funny moments when the captain has to call an obsessive fan back on earth, Justin Long, for advice on how to handle a situation involving ridiculous minutia about the ship. The movies does lose some momentum for a bit in the middle when the Galaxy Quest team are sent down to an alien planet, but it's still a good time. J.J. Abrams called this his favorite "Star Trek" film and he's not far wrong. Now that geek culture is much more celebrated in the mainstream, I can imagine what kind of a major hit this movie would have been if it had come out now instead of almost 20 years ago. Overall, this film is a terrific comedy that is irresistible, but it's something special for Star Trek fans.