Guest House Paradiso
Guest House Paradiso
R | 03 December 1999 (USA)
Guest House Paradiso Trailers

Richie and Eddie are in charge of the worst hotel in the UK, Guest House Paradiso, neighbouring a nuclear power plant. The illegal immigrant chef has fled and all the guests have gone. But when a famous Italian filmstar, Gina Carbonara, who is in hiding from a fiance she doesn't want to marry, arrives at the hotel, things get very interesting!

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Lara Winfield I really liked this movie. It was childish, yet funny. Sadly, they took a lot of things from Fawlty Towers, which means it's not very original and just the same as Fawlty Towers but with different actors, 1 movie and nowhere near as successful. The movie was funny, if you like silly, childish and sometimes disgusting comedy. As I said, I liked it (lol). My opinion is: watch it! - if you don't mind the type of comedy - It's pretty funny, and if you like it, watch Fawlty Towers. And if you don't like the 'slightly' disgusting parts and prefer something a bit less childish, you'll probably enjoy Fawlty Towers very much! RIP Rik Mayall, who died last year (2014), and I didn't even know...
Swannee13 i had been looking for this film for so long before i found it, i had seen it when i was younger and loved it, after my second viewing i still loved it and i still do.this is a love/hate film, if you like bottom, young ones, the comic strip, then you will find this funny. If you don't like that kind of humour then don't bother. I love this film and have grown up with these comedy programmes, for me this film is simply placing their comic genius on the big screen.. It is not an award winner by any means but if you just want good wholesome slapstick then this is it!the film lacks the quality of the TV series and this is usually the case with films but it still has enough material to keep you laughing even if a lot of the jokes are pretty similar to their previous work.yes, the humour is a little childish and not to everyone's taste but sometimes you just need that in a film.
Chris 'PHEEB'this film is fantastic the jokes are funny, the stunts look really good and the actors are one of the best in the world 'PHEEB' this film should be more highly voted than what it is. Rik and Adrian have made a truly fantastic film here.the most entertaining part of the film has to be when they are serving breakfast to there guests and they end up fighting in the kitchen just because of a stray pencil in Eddie's eye and the same pencil goes up Richard's*bleep*where it snaps.this is a must see film for people with a crude sense of humour and arn't very squeamish
bartwilson007 I watched this film for the first time on Christmas day 2005 after buying it for my children. We all sat down and howled with laughter through the entire film. I laughed so much that my sides really hurt and I had tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks. Richie and Eddie are truly gross throughout and I hope I never meet real people who are so disgusting but likable. I would recommend this film to anyone with an easy going, "carry on" sense of humour like me and my family. My children really love this film and we've watched it too many times to count. They never get fed up with it, and have just found the out-takes on the DVD - really funny as well. One word of warning though - don't watch this film whilst eating your dinner!!!