City by the Sea
City by the Sea
R | 06 September 2002 (USA)
City by the Sea Trailers

Vincent LaMarca is a dedicated and well-respected New York City police detective who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past, but then makes the terrible discovery that his own son has fallen into a life of crime.

Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
The Nater I honestly don't know if a worse movie has ever been made. Sure, somewhere someone probably dropped a camcorder down an porta-potty, but I am not sure that the final seconds of film before the big sploosh would be any worse that this. Truly terrible movie. Shame on Robert DeNiro, and Frances McDormand. I kind of expect this level of acting from the rest of the cast.
juneebuggy This ended up being just an okay crime drama despite the more than decent cast, an intriguing plot and a pretty brilliant performance from James Franco. It's based on a true story about a well respected and dedicated New York City police detective (Robert DeNiro) who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past, as his father was executed for the 1950s kidnapping of a child.With a tentative relationship just beginning with his downstairs neighbor (Frances McDormand) Vincent's latest investigation threatens to topple everything as his own (estranged and drug addicted) son has just become the lead suspect in the murder investigation. This is a gritty character drama that I'd expected to be better. 11/6
viro-indovina This is a great movie! The story is intelligent and effective, offering us two main characters with visible trajectories, masterfully portrayed by DeNiro and Franco. The supporting cast was relevant and also flawlessly played. The casting really is wicked good; there is chemistry bubbling away during every scene. The production design and cinematography are top notch. The modern ruins of the seaside town, a disturbing and forgotten wasteland, perfectly underscores the story's themes of lost innocence and abandoned hope. This movie ultimately makes a brave and romantic statement about second chances and the colossal struggle to love again in spite of the (often) painful consequences.
expatinasia If this movie was a gas, it would be inert. Although "inspired by a true story", it's not all that truthful. However, that does not distract from the picture. What matters is that the "action/thriller/drama" contains very little of anything. This is not even a passable "popcorner". It is, however, OK to use as background noise if you are doing some ironing, or tidying up around the home. DeNiro has done so much better, it is a shame to see this trite, flat, boring waste of film stock. Too, it is difficult to see how bad DeNiro is physically. He had to wear a heavily-padded suit to portray Al Capone. He was in top shape for "Heat". Now, he's a puffy, overweight, pasty blob. He and Steven Seagal ought to get a discount membership at Weight Watchers. While living in Shanghai, China, I picked up a copy of the movie for the equivalent of $1.15 - I want my money back.