Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
R | 24 August 2001 (USA)
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Trailers

When Jay and Silent Bob learn that their comic-book alter egos, Bluntman and Chronic, have been sold to Hollywood as part of a big-screen movie that leaves them out of any royalties, the pair travels to Tinseltown to sabotage the production.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
derrickneal-98015 Jay and Silent Bob strike back is the story of best friends Jay and Silent Bob and anyone wishing to start with Kevin Smith's filmography should start with this film. It introduces the central character of the Universe and has cameos by almost everyone from other films. Plus a lot more, especially if you love Star Wars. The jokes are funny and the script flows very well. Cameos abound and some like Will Ferrell's ranger had me in stitches. Go see this film now.
roberjruiz Comedy is one of the most varied genres in cinema. You have social comedy, intelligent comedy, comedy mixed with drama, slapstick comedy, parody, surrealistic humor, etc."Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" belongs to a genre we may call "Idiotics comedy". That is, two idiotic retarded dumbasses making idiotic things supposedly funny (If you have seen Jar Jar Binks in Episode I, you know what I mean). OK, to be fair, only Jay is a retarded idiotic. Silent Bob is just weird.May be some people find that kind of humor funny, but I find it way too stupid to be funny at all, even for children
CompuLOL This "movie" is about a couple of morons that for some obv reason (they're dumb; duh) start to take themselves too seriously, think that a movie (within) about them is being made without credit; and also they're being badmouthed on line; rightfully so, and simply decide to get even. A following roadtrip ensures. But that doesn't matter, because those guys aren't even interesting in their own sporadic appearances of their group of other movies; let alone this silly reply of a film. If they wanted to properly answer their detractors; they failed miserably, because now they've only confirmed that everything bad about them is indeed true. They are unfunny and can't act ass poop; but so all of the other people around. Especially the all star cameos showcased. They were gathered for nothing; because the direction, script and plot were so weak, that no-one could save this ridiculous mess; not even collectively. &BTW, they're fugly and metrogay too; but that won't matter to their minions. Smith even somehow managed to turn his "babes" into a turn off set of ugly vinyl silicon look alike trannies. Even the ape acted and looked better that everybody else put together in this P.O.S! People that actually paid to see this crapfest got ripped off. If you stayed to the end; then you simply got raped, and I feel sorry for you. I also felt sorry for the other "actors" that appeared in this POS; for about like 5 seconds. These characters simply cannot carry a movie. Hence please, do yourself a favor, and don't waste your time with this overrated trash. It's beyond me how this could even be loosely considered entertainment. I know this will get lost and sink to the bottomless pit of useless IMDb "reviews"; but I'm sick and tired of hearing that Smith's "a genius", that his movies are "good and funny", that "you don't get it", "what's wrong with you", "are you not normal?!", etc, etc, etc. The only thing I get is that he had this coming, and that he's a talentless hack whose only real talent is to hoax other stupid people into thinking he's a real and talented filmmaker; that's for sure. Nevertheless, I do admire him for that, alone. So bottomline: WORST MOVIE EVER MADE!!! So much in fact, that this is a perfect example of how NOT to make a movie. And finally, this sorry excuse of a film is also childish, amateurish, boring, lame, uninspired, insipid, unenjoyable, bland, and pure torture!
kai ringler Jay and Silent Bob have to trek across country to stop a movie from being made , based on their likenesses. after being kicked off of their block where they hang out at the corner store, they run into someone they know and they tell our heroes about a movie being made , and it turns out it's about them, they get advice from George Carlin and many other,, they get involved with sexy girls,, stealing a monkey,, and many other misadventures along the way including a showdown, with Ben Affleck and Matt Damon,, this is one of the funnier movies that I have seen in the past 20 years,, lot's of crude sexual humor, and sight gags,, lot's of references to other movies that have been made recently. if you're looking for a great funny "road trip" movie, than this is definitely worth watching,, and by the way Shannon Doherty is great in this movie as well.
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