R | 01 February 2002 (USA)
Slackers Trailers

Dave, Sam and Jeff are about to graduate from Holden University with honors in lying, cheating and scheming. The three roommates have proudly scammed their way through the last four years of college and now, during final exams, these big-men-on-campus are about to be busted by the most unlikely dude in school. Self-dubbed Cool Ethan, an ambitious nerd with a bad crush, enters their lives one day and everything begins to unravel.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Matthew McNaughton Poop jokes, fart jokes, masturbation jokes: this movie's got them all. A love story that's as bad as Jason Schwartzman's eyebrows, and a plot which moves as fast as carousel. How could anybody enjoy this movie? At one point Schwartzman gives a sponge bath to a topless old lady, and it's supposed to be funny. A guy has a sing-along session with his penis, I mean what the eff? Was this movie meant for perverted five-year-olds who go sneaking into 'R' movies? *sigh* You know, if they had dropped all the immature bullish, moved the beginning cheat scene to the middle, and make more sense of the whole Schwartzman character, this would be tolerable. But this makes me want to throw up.
fursur2005 The first time I saw this movie I was a lone female living in a home with two bearded men and a dog named Stella Marie. It was my last year of college and my house was a major "hang-out" house for the male slackers in town. We threw in this DVD one sunny afternoon and didn't know what was about to happen to us. All we knew was, David Schwartzmann, sweet.What then happened was a phenomenon like no other. My roommates, friends and I realized that we were watching a film masterpiece. When the DVD came to an end, we quickly hit play again. During the next week, this movie was watched 15+ times. It was brought to other peoples homes for "movie nights" quickly defeating any other option that was presented.So you may ask yourself, how could someone watch such a low-brow comedy so often in one sitting? This film has so many little nuances that it keeps you going and going. They are absolutely genius! For example, the girl who refers to Cool Ethan as "New Wave Boy" while he's playing a love song on the key-tar. Or how during a pivotal moment in the movie, Segal's character adds, "I think this would be better said outside of the cage".While I absolutely adore this movie, I've got one complaint. And it's kind of a major one, which is why I don't give this movie a 10. The love scenes with our main couple are so incredibly cheesy, they just don't add up with the rest of the film. It's to the point that while my roommates and I watched it 15+ times, we fast forward through those scenes every single time. Maybe the director added it in for the girls, but seriously they are too cheesy for a movie so incredibly hysterical.So do yourself a favor when you are find yourself bored on a sunny afternoon, get Slackers into your DVD or VCR player and sit back with some friends. It'll do you some good.
ragreen259 I found it had some good moments, but I don't find humor in someone so mentally disturbed that he's stalking some naive college girl and masturbating in her dorm room while she sleeps. This guy is purely sick, and the fact is this guy would probably be locked in a mental ward in the jail section of a hospital immediately, if some of his fellow students didn't hunt him down and kill him. Ethan supplies no humor to the movie whatsoever, but does supply a certain warm fuzzy to the audience whenever someone kicks him in the nuts. It's a standard gimmick to put someone in the cast that's a dick, but this guy is a dick in the same vein that Charles Manson is a dick.Other than that, however, if they could've made that particular character not be a psychotic stalker jerking off in this chicks room while she's laying there asleep, and just kind of a dumbass instead, I think the movie would have been a little better accepted by the general public. Cute story, good music, decent cast--it's just that trying to extract humor for a sexual predator doesn't cut it.
General_G If you like teenage/college humor and dirty jokes, this is your movie. The whole movie is basically goofy college humor and most movies like that don't really have a well thought out movie. With this they had all of that without forgetting about what the movie was about or ruining the story at the end. I felt very sorry for Dave when Ethan lied to Angela about him. Luckily they got everything settled out. I liked some of the actors and actresses who played minor characters in the movie too like Michael McDonald, Retta and Jim Rash. I'm surprised actor Michael C. Maronna isn't as big as he is because he was funny in this movie. He should get himself into more movies like this. See this movie if you haven't seen it. If you have, see it again.