Mama's Boy
Mama's Boy
PG-13 | 14 December 2007 (USA)
Mama's Boy Trailers

A twenty-nine year-old slacker who lives with his mom realizes his sweet set-up is threatened when she hears wedding bells with her self-help guru beau.

Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Darcy Marie Druck I loved this movie and think Jeff Daniels was funny, Jon Heder was cute and funny as heck and I have been a HUGE Diane Keaton fan since "Baby Boom" and she is the best actress in the whole world. The cast was perfect and the movie was funny and helpful to those old soul's that still live off mommy or daddy. LOL. Time to move on! I think there needs to be more movies like this made. Jon Heder continues to prove to be a wonderful actor and a funny man Diane Keaton will make movies forever and her and Jeff make a wonderful couple for movies like this and have great chemistry, clearly!! I am glad I went out and bought this movie and told everyone about it. In this day and age, we all need a good laugh and this movie did it for me and my family and friends. The sad thing is that with the economy, older children/adults might have to live back at home so here's to them! ~~Darcy~~
Pycs 'What the hell did I just watch????' Those were my closing thoughts after I subjected myself to one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. Some movies are bad. Some movies suck. But there's only one movie that's horrible enough to claim the title worst movie ever made: this movie.But just how bad is it? I'm glad you asked. I can sum it up as 93 of the longest minutes of my life. The movie just wouldn't end. I'm sure it didn't help that I was looking at the clock every ten seconds. It might even be a be a benefit in that way. Say you only have 93 minutes to live. Hell, sit through this colossal mess of a film and then seconds will stretch on like years.What the problem that is wasn't funny? Sort of. Was it funny? No. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was that there were no jokes. Some movies aren't funny, but at least they make an attempt to be. This movie didn't even try. It's like the producers just slapped together words in a certain order for a 'script' (I use that term very loosely for this movie) and then cast well-respected actors to earn back it's budget.Which brings me to my next point: the actors. Diane Keaton is a previous Oscar-winner who's starred in classic films such as 'The Godfather,' 'The Godfather Part II,' and 'Annie Hall.' Now she's doing this kind of garbage? There must not be much work out there. Same goes for Jeff Daniels. I wouldn't consider him a great actor, but he's been in some solid films over the years. And Eli Wallach? You appeared in one of my favorite films of all time in 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.' I guess you don't tread too far away from unfamiliar territory, because this is film is UGLY (for all the wrong reasons.) I'm going on too long about this film. It's already wasted too much of my time. My only hope in writing this review was to scare away potential viewers. To warn them of the dangerous, life-scarring, torturous, agonizing, cruel experience that would await. How anyone could rate this movie about a 3 is beyond me. They either 1) accidentally rated the wrong film 2) worked on the film (though that's not something to be proud of) or 3) are on drugs of some sort (maybe that will somewhat salvage this mess.)If you watch this whole movie, start to finish, you deserve some type of reward, my friend. If you can sit through it twice, my God, you must be inhuman.
Alritee.. I like Diane Keaton. In fact, she's my favourite actress. But this annoying movie makes her almost unlikable. I saw Because I Said So and thought I enjoyed the movie until I watched it on Sky Movies and realised how bad it is. Then, after that I saw this rubbish. It made me want to strangle everyone in it, including Keaton. No, wait, especially Keaton. I wanted to dump her head in my horse's muck. It's got good actors and actresses in it, and they all tried their best, but nothing can ever make me like this film at all, not in a million years. Try Mad Money, The Family Stone or Something's Gotta Give if you want a good Diane Keaton movie, but don't watch this if you want to be impressed. No, really, don't watch it at all even if you like rubbish movies. Keaton even said herself the movie wasn't that good...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Dan-I-am Oh my goodness. This was a real big mess that just couldn't help itself. Jeffrey (Jon Heder) is a 29 year old man still living with his mum (Diane Keaton) and not planning on going anywhere. Until his mother meets a rich businessman named Mert (Jeff Daniels) who she may be getting married to.It would have been an OK movie if Heder didn't play his Jeffrey so annoying, from the very start there is no chance of liking him and it only gets worse and worse. In the end, we are supposed to like him, but there was no reason to as he hadn't changed from the selfish brute that he was at the beginning of the movie.Keaton doesn't look to even be trying and is in horrible form after 2007's Because I Said So. Not to mention the shocking chemistry between Heder and Keaton, and where supposed to believe that their mother and son? The only saving grace is Jeff Daniels and Anna Faris although they don't look very interested either. Apart from a few little smiles, this film really doesn't deserve to be called a comedy simply because there is barely anything to laugh at! If your in the mood for a recent Diane Keaton flick watch Mad Money or Smother which are a lot better than this abysmal effort.