A Guy Thing
A Guy Thing
PG-13 | 17 January 2003 (USA)
A Guy Thing Trailers

Paul Morse is a good guy. When his friends throw him a wild bachelor party, he just wants to keep his conscience clean -- which is why he's shocked when he wakes up in bed with a beautiful girl named Becky and can't remember the night before. Desperate to keep his fiancée, Karen, from finding out what may or may not be the truth, he tells her a teensy lie. Soon his lies are spiraling out of control and his life is a series of comical misunderstandings.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
fire-58 Just a regular Jason lee movie, There were some parts of the movie that were funny. The undertone of the move is to live life on the edge I guess. These are the types of movies that I think 14 year old girls watch at slumber parties. It was an all right movie. It is kind of one of those movies you have on in the back ground and look up every now and then to when something catches attention. I think That Julia stiles and Selma Blair are a good combination and would like to see them in a movie with a good story and plot. Its just kind of a boy meets girl movie. This is that perfect movie they would show on comedy Central. I am glad that I didn't see this movie in the theater, I would have been angry. But I guess that's why I didn't see it in the theater.
insomniac_rod Typical chick flick that should be enjoyed only by teens. There is not much to comment about this effort that could easily pass as a b-movie effort.The plot tries to be different from some other efforts of it's time but to be honest I didn't think it was a genre definer or a movie that should be kept in order to show it to anyone else!.The acting by Julia Stiles is wooden but it helps that she's pretty. Selma Blair is sexy as always but her character didn't help that much. Jason Lee always works for these kind of movies but the plot didn't help him either.So there you go, this is a mildly-entertaining, not clever or witty, but "ok-time killer" for those who enjoy regular almost mediocre romantic comedies.Watch it only if it airs on cable. I did that! I didn't spend a single dollar on it and I'm proud about it.
elshikh4 Let's try to write about a movie after months of watching it. I've had such a wonderful time while it. I believe watching a romantic comedy from the 2000s became such a risky matter, you don't know what would happen or be shown of horrible images since (There's Something about Mary) or (American Pie) which are the romantic comedy's mentors of the era! But this movie was a nice surprise, and nothing like what I feared of initially (hidden dirty meaning in its title!). I believe this is one script to honor. It utilized some colorful characters and fancy ironies, using many smart techniques (the continuous reveries for instance). There is a creative spirit behind every scene, a smart detail with every moment (the singing course at the end), and a real droll situations (the Odyssey of losing the photos). Save the easy ending, this is without a doubt a confirmation that (Greg Glienna) is enjoyable screenwriter, as his other works (Meet the Parents) and (Meet the Fockers) were nothing but "Meet the Pain" for me. Actually it's hard to believe that the 3 got one writer, and it's just an insult to say that this movie is far and away better than those 2 sins because it's far and away to compare it to them in the first place. The whole characters, even the little roles, were blessed by good people with performance that hit the mark right ; (Julie Hagerty) from the 1980s' (Airplane) movies is one high memorable point in here as the nice mom, and this movie got me to love (James Brolin) finally in something; it's a miracle ! He was that pompous idiot all along. The pace was fast, and the directing is fine yet as a TV work, it wasn't as crazy as the events sometimes and lacked some emotional feel as well, though the climax was perfect. (Jason Lee) is the best example if you want to summarize the cleverness and the loveliness of this movie. I only hated, and I mean HATED!, (Julia Stiles), she unlike the movie was so cold and frigid, let alone being anything but a comedienne or an effective part in a comedy, so how about being the lead's love interest?, in fact she was totally uninteresting !. I believe the romantic comedy lives a poor age at the 2000s, but small movies like this with low budget and not very famous names managed to outclass anything bigger (or accurately looks bigger !). So, (A Guy Thing - 2003) along with a few ones like (Get Well Soon - 2001), (Just Friends - 2005); with (Julie Hagerty) as the good light-hearted mom also, represented the best of what the American cinema could make at that genre lately. Thank god there wasn't one fart joke in it!
freakfire-1 Maybe this is every man's dream? To have a one night drunken fling with your fiancé's cousin? Or so you think. Turns out, it becomes a headache to keep it concealed for long.Enter panties left at the scene of the crime and everything just snowballs. From enraged police officers to wearing a wire for the FBI to bust such an officer, the movie takes one problem and turns it into multiple ones for the main character.Like many 90s films of this genre, however, this one also has a happy ending. Sort of. But this one is unique that it has two love triangles in one. But I guess I am happy everybody else was happy.Overall, the laughs were fairly good. So if you have a little time to kill, this will do the trick. "C+"