Stand and Deliver
Stand and Deliver
PG | 11 March 1988 (USA)
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Jaime Escalante is a mathematics teacher in a school in a hispanic neighbourhood. Convinced that his students have potential, he adopts unconventional teaching methods to try and turn gang members and no-hopers into some of the country's top algebra and calculus students.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
ghostsvv A good movie which takes tends to avoid the caricatures that Hollywood regularly likes to use to represent inner city youth. This is perhaps the films biggest strength. The process of change which students go through from being lethargic to being vested in their academic futures was not some that the director chose to belabour. The time jumps are relatively significant but well chosen.The film has inspiring moments without being to quixotic and well worth a watch.
sketchyshadydude Any movie can be viewed a portal, a portal that can transport viewers to faraway places, alternate universes, or distant time periods. Although these movies started out as simple black and white projections, they have evolved into masterful cinematic experiences that defy the limits of the natural world. Today, a "good movie" typically boasts mind-blowing special effects, a deep plot line, well-known actors, or a combination of the three. These are just of few of the standards set by film-makers in the 21st century. However, I feel that it is worth recognizing films that were revolutionary in their time, not just films that live up to today's expectations. One of these films, "Stand and Deliver," is about a Calculus teacher at a local high school who turns a rag-tag group of seniors into excellent mathematicians. These students go on to take the AP Calculus exam, all earning passing scores. Although this movie is not impressive to modern-day standards, it is worth noting that at the time, passing an AP exam was very difficult, at any school. This simple, yet tremendous feat helps me appreciate the worth of the movie, despite it being outdated. Overall, "Stand and Deliver" is a likable movie because of its charismatic characters that are easy to relate to.Likable characters are important to a successful movie because they allow viewers to either relate to them or idolize them. In the case of "Stand and Deliver," there were both types of characters. Jaime Escalante, the teacher of the high school, was by no means a perfect teacher. Throughout the movie he made many mistakes, such as making a rude comment about a student's love life. He also had a heart attack just weeks before the students' exam. These downfalls show that Mr. Escalante is by no means a god or someone we are any greater or less than. He also showed his down-to-earth personality through his fun, charismatic teaching style. In one such instance Mr. Escalante created a simple algebra problem by replacing the variable "x" with the amount of "girlfriends" someone had. This did not only cause his students to like him, but the audience as well. In this sense, both parties develop a sense of respect towards him; it is very difficult for a teacher to educate and appeal to his/her students. Although Mr. Escalante is a likable main character, the supporting characters in "Stand and Deliver" demand viewers' affection as well.Likable supporting characters only add to the main character's charm because it shows how he/she affects them. For example, one of my favorite characters from the movie is a boy called Angel. Although Angel is involved with delinquent gang activities and smokes cigarettes, he shows viewers his soft interior when he is at home taking care of his sickly grandmother. On top of this, we later find out that Angel is an intellectual man who cares about his grades; although he doesn't want his friends to know this, he asks Mr. Escalante for extra textbooks so he can study wherever he is.Although movies can take us to amazing places and can let us travel with amazing heroes, but sometimes the best movies are the ones we can relate to. Although I have seen some exciting films, it's always nice to relax with one of the classics. "Stand and Deliver" is my favorite movie because it has likable characters that I can relate to. I hope reading this review will inspire you to watch the movie, as well as enjoy it as much as I did.
gavin6942 The story of Jaime Escalante (John Combover), a high school teacher who successfully inspired his dropout prone students to learn calculus.You might not think a story about math and calculus would be that interesting, but actually this is pretty good. Not as dramatic or intense as "Dangerous Minds", but shows us what is possible with the right teacher and students who believe in themselves. (Exactly how true it is I have no idea, but at least the general concept is true.) I would have liked to see more or the students. The home life seemed a bit silly at times, as though the students wanted more and the parents wanted them to fail. Is that right? I suppose it could be, but something seemed very two-dimensional about it.
maedeh_d This paper utilizes Co-cultural communication theory that is based on two groups one is muted group theory and standpoint theory. To analyze the film we start with the Muted Group theory, Film starts when the teacher is driving in the street while looking at people and places. So we are looking through American society. It means that this film deals with social issues and goes within the society. There is a written expression on the wall which is "Not a minority?" Therefore film is introducing the theme of the movie to audience. They are introductory scenes which want to warm our mind up about the theme of the film, it is a great introduction. It is hint for us that recall the audience "Are you part of majority or minority?" the film generally questions position of minor and major people in American society. It portrays circumstances of minorities within the society from different factors like matter of education, medical care, mentality or ideas, daily lives etc. Based on the theory they are muted or non-dominant group who are ruled and dominated by dominant groups in ways of communications in this case. One the means of communication is education. You should know who to communicate correctly in which way or how to communicate. Also you must know the language written and spoken, so language is being learn by schooling and education. Moreover there is job finding. If you want to have better position in society it is essential for you to have a good job. But as matter of fact there are some barriers to improvement of minorities. They do not have any possibilities to go higher or even there is no expectation of their improvement. So they will remain in just one level, not go higher or even try to be higher. In addition they are preoccupied with some non-sense issues or unimportant issues like sex. At the first sight when math teacher enters the class they said: "we need no Math" or "Are we talking about sex?" they themselves feel and believed that they are minorities and most of them won't object. It is a chaotic classroom part of big society. They are lucky to have such teacher. Escalante is dedicated kind, clever man who is skillful in teaching methods and he make a great relationship with them by respecting them in a way, calling them by some nickname like "Finger man", he is not monotonous foe students, his speech has ups and downs, he sings some songs in the class, thus he attracts students and grab their attentions. As there is hierarchy within the society between higher and lower class system, there is a hierarchy in this classroom which is a view trough society of 1980s. Teacher talks about positive and negative numbers. It is a hint of society. Like unemployment who are minorities and positive who are dominant ones. Concept of zero is hint of absence of value in mute group that there is no voice from them. So students are from minorities. Nobody accept to teach them as they are unimportant part of society. The teachers want to change their jobs to go for a business; it means that they want to be part of majority who has money and power, not wasting their time teaching to minorities in this society. Nobody cares about these students. Film shows that if somebody wants to change this issue. There is variety of obstacles as when Escalante wants to teach Calculus. The boss male and female one in the film, and the other teachers make fun of him and said "This is ridicules" "our kids do not need it", they are imposing this kind of thought to them. The case of Anita whose father has a restaurant and she is a waitress there. The dedicated teacher cares for her to continue his education. This part is Standpoint theory. The role of women and girls in society, her father do not let her study. He thinks about the family business more. It conveys he want to be part of majority and to be rich. Girls are dominant, too. She will be the first one to go to college. The case of male student whose name is Angel. We witnessed the situation of medical care in the society. His grandma is ill and the secretary pays no attention to him while she was talking on the phone and answering a person who is part of majority of society. The personality of Mr. Escalante is as interesting and attractive as it can be. He is hard working and the cases he chooses for teaching all are among minorities. Not just this high school students but also adult evening school. So he wants society to change .He unlike the manger of high school that imposes that our kids are not needy for calculus, the teacher repeats the word "Simple" in his speech or "piece of cake" to impose students that you are deserved to be expected higher than a minority. In the case of exam, we witnessed that in exam paper there is written the "ethnic Group": black ones and Mexican Americans or etc. it shows how much important is the group of students. After testing system claim of cheating in the exam, the female boss cannot believe that they did not cheat in the exam. The testing system does not have any proof for their claim they just have suspicion of the cheating. It means that they are accepting unconsciously that no minority is possible to win. As they are not clever or as they do not have facilities to enter such situation maybe or they are not allowed to be accepted. So they are the members of minorities and matter of race discrimination is obvious, too. They stand and deliver the best reword of their lives with their great leader Mr. Escalante.