The Big Easy
The Big Easy
R | 21 August 1987 (USA)
The Big Easy Trailers

Remy McSwain is a New Orleans police lieutenant who investigates the murder of a local mobster. His investigation leads him to suspect that fellow members of the police force may be involved.

Tockinit not horrible nor great
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Roedy Green This is a thoroughly charming movie. It is a musical, a police drama, a murder mystery, a romantic comedy, and a story about a man who undergoes a transformation to maturity. It takes place in New Orleans. The movie is steeped in things New Orleans. The strong local colour gives everything an exotic other-worldliness, for the example the stripper bar with the gigantic women, or the voodoo heroin dealer with the gigantic number of offspring, a elderly "wise guy" (Mafiso) in yellow golf togs. Dennis Quaid is such a handsome slick charmer, that you can't help but be charmed. Underneath he is a kind, considerate, likable character, though that is not immediately obvious. Unfortunately, nearly all the actors are affecting their accents. If you are familiar with the accents of the area, they often do not ring true. The accents kick in and out at random. The DVD came with subtitles, which helped quite a bit. The food you can almost taste. The music makes you want to get up and dance. This is an old movie, but it feels like a modern movie made about 1986. It contains a classic joke, that ranks up there with "I'll have what she's having". I laughed and laughed for about 5 minutes. Hint: it involves a man startled while scrounging in a refrigerator. There is something for everyone in this movie.
homespun13 This movie was an unexpected delight. In general, I don't like thrillers or suspense, so I braced myself for something that would not be to my taste. Was I ever wrong! The moment the opening credits came on with that wonderful music playing, I knew I would love this film. Although I didn't meet anybody in New Orleans who talked like Dennis Quaid did in this movie, and his portrayal of Rennie McSwain came off as something of a caricature, I still found him extremely enjoyable to watch and as a leading man, he was as sexy as a romantic hero can be. Ellen Barkin was great as the leading lady. The suspense part of the plot was perhaps the weakest part, but the romantic storyline was perfect. The music was so great, it made everything work. Yes, the movie makers made some mistakes with their geography, but that was completely forgivable, as the overall film was such a delight to watch. And few movies nowadays have such a great soundtrack as this movie has. A true delight, this will be a timeless classic. We missed this movie when it came out 22 years ago but caught up with it this past weekend. Set in New Orleans, it combines a murder spree with an investigation into police corruption. Dennis Quaid leads the investigation of the murders, while Ellen Barkin is the assistant district attorney looking into police corruption. Ned Beatty is Quaid's superior and John Goodman is a detective on the force. Without giving away too much of the plot, Quaid's police lieutenant and Barkin's ADA begin on opposite sides. However, sparks fly (quite credibly) between them, and a steamy but very complicated love affair ensues. I'd never seen Quaid or Barkin at this stage in their careers, and later on I would never have thought either of them as movie star beautiful. But they are in this film. Incredibly so.Ned Beatty and John Goodman make important contributions to the character and scene driven movie. While people from New Orleans have described the movie as totally unrealistic, those of us who've known it only as tourists will greatly enjoy the Cajun flavoring.Wish I could give you the plot twists and turns that complicate the relationship between Quaid's policeman and Barkin's prosecutor but, trust me, it's a serviceable script and the stars are well aligned in more ways than one.
Boba_Fett1138 It's not a horrible movie, just one of those movies that will leave a redundant impression. It's a movie you can easily do without. Disappointing, since I always heard good things about this movie.Somewhere in this movie there is a story about police corruption and a faked gang-war but it all feels so disconnected and not developed well enough that you just never start to care about any of it. The movie is mostly about the Dennis Quaid and Ellen Barkin romance. I wouldn't say that the chemistry between them is anything too great, also since their entire romance seems to be sex-based above anything else really. Not really the actors fault of course, since they are obvious capable ones. The movie just perhaps didn't had the greatest casting.Dennis Quaid seems to pick up and drop his New Orleans accent randomly. It's annoying when he in the one sequence speaks with a fat accent, while in the other he speaks in his own way.I blame mostly director Jim McBride. He's also a director that just never broke through and mostly works for TV productions and directs music clips. The directing makes the story looses its focus on its main story, which often just drifts away. It has as a result that nothing ever really fully works out in the movie, including its climax. But the worst thing about the entire movie was its action. This seriously was some of the worst action and definitely action-editing it had ever seen in my life. It's the sort of stuff that will make you laugh instead and makes you wonder; now what the bleep was that? Like Ed Wood had risen from the grave.The movie gets mostly saved by the fact that its a rather light one, with light characters and dialog, which makes sure that the movie for most part remains an enjoyable one to watch, despite all of its flaws and weaknesses.Just not a movie I would like to watch again.5/10