Why Did I Get Married Too?
Why Did I Get Married Too?
PG-13 | 02 April 2010 (USA)
Why Did I Get Married Too? Trailers

Four couples reunite for their annual vacation in order to socialize and to spend time analyzing their marriages. Their intimate week in the Bahamas is disrupted by the arrival of an ex-husband determined to win back his recently remarried wife.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Gail Fuji This was the perfect movie for me, hence the 10/10 rating! Why, because the educated, middle- upper class African American populace has waited too long to be represented in movies about African Americans. Tyler Perry's directing grew up in this movie and should be an example of what we expect and demand to see in movies. This movie was long past due as I grew tired of the "ghetto fabulous" antics that were delivered in most movies.As articulate as I normally am; I'm at a lost of words. I saw the movie Saturday and was extremely sleepy upon entering the theater (10:15pm show). However; this movie kept me connected with a great plot and great comedy. The rising action, climax, and falling action were well written; not that I expected any less from Tyler Perry. I found myself wanting the movie to continue on after the credits. Although I've heard some people mention certain aspects of the movie were predictable, that shouldn't be construed as negative. It's predictable, because we've either witnessed it or we were a product of it. There are some surprises which you will be happy to see! In short, this movie is for the grown, sexy, & successful! If you fit that category, then go and see this movie, you will not be disappointed! P.S. For African Americans; this movie should make you want to step up your game. Go to college, get degrees, and be successful in markets other than sports and entertainment. Open your mind to an infinite array of possibilities and I guarantee you will not be disappointed! We are better than what we are offering society as a race!
Benjamin Black "Why Did I Get Married Too?" is a good movie. I think it plays pretty well, and the situations are really good. One of the things that makes this movie good is that it's not a copy of the first movie. This movie has a new setting, new situations, and the characters have grown since the first movie. I want to see what's happening with them and how their conflicts are going to be resolved. The drama is not only suspenseful, but it also makes sense. You can understand where all of this came from. It's pretty good to see these same characters who have changed and stretched and how they react to the new situations.While the movie is good, though, I have to say I was very unsatisfied. I don't know why, but I wasn't as invested in this movie as I was in the first movie. There are moments where the movie drags a bit, and that takes you out of the moment some. But my main problem is the ending. I'm not too upset about Gavin dying, although that did come out of nowhere in a somewhat distasteful way. No, my trouble is with the following scene in the hospital. All of the couples are there soothing Pat, when she tells them to stop and turn to each other to fix their relationships.Now, first of all, I do understand what this is supposed to be. The message here is don't stay in the negativity and issues of your relationships, but rather fix the problems so you can spend your time in energy cherishing the other person and the relationship. That's a great and powerful message! What I don't like is how they do it. Like I said, Pat is crying, the characters are soothing her, and she tells them to stop and turn to each other and fix it. And that's exactly what they do! Just like that, they fix their problems! That's pretty weak! The genius of Tyler Perry's work is how well they reflect real life. This scene is more of something out of a fairy tale. If you want to show the other characters fix it, then let's see them fix it. Let's have them sit down and talk things out. Having that being said, I believe Marcus & Angela fixed their relationship. We saw them sit and have a conversation. I can sort of buy the Troy & Angela story because Troy worked things out with Mike, but we never saw him talk to Angela herself after the whole Mike situation. But what about Terry & Dianne? The last scene we saw with them ended so heavily; they never worked things out after that! Yeah, I don't like that.Finally, what was up with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's cameo at the end? That was really random and really pointless.True, the movie drags sometimes and the ending is weird, but besides that, I really like this movie. I think it's good, and it would been much better if the scenes didn't drag and the ending was more realistic. I still actually recommend this movie. It's not bad, but it could be better. Take a look at it. BOOYIKA!
Gabby I don't think I have ever laughed harder at a movie I watched out of boredom. I found this gem as I was perusing Netflix instant-watch, and I'm glad I decided to watch it.Comedy is prevalent within the first couple scenes. Unlike many of the films made today, it was refreshing to watch a movie that could make me laugh while exploring serious subject matter. The film covers all realms of marriage difficulties, many of which are real problems facing today's couples.As I was new to Perry's films, I looked up some of his other movies on IMDb. To my disdain, almost all of his films received bad reviews. Why? Perry took the "black stereotype" and made a farce out of it. The movie is completely satirical, and should be perceived as such. Also - Tasha Smith made me laugh the entire movie.
secondtake Why Did I Get Married Too (2010)I didn't see the first one, so can only approach this for what it was--an ensemble film that works with the problems of contemporary marriage. Yes, in particular this focuses on black America, but Perry seems to pull out the ways this part of the culture resembles American culture at large. And so there lies the flaw, in a way, of making much of this movie: it inevitably revisits familiar material. Does it do it well, or with freshness, or any edge of originality? Maybe only in the sense that it represents very very well to do African Americans, a segment not typical Hollywood fodder.This isn't a rotten film, as some viewers like to say, but it isn't as well acted, sharply written, exquisitely filmed, or narratively interesting as it could have been by far. And it compares badly with Perry's wonderful "For Colored Girls." You might say this is ambitious--there are nine full blown main characters, each more or less equally dealing with their spouses--but in a way it is overwhelming, and for me at least I had trouble keeping all the story lines straight at first. But these narratives don't ever quite get fleshed out as fully as they need to be, both for their own sake, as small stories, but for the movie as a whole, since none of the content really goes deep. I don't mean it isn't emotional, but it's moving in a surface way.If you do give this a shot, be aware that the second half of the movie is much better. It's less chitchatty, more serious, has better acting (including some really moving, intense stuff) and has the various plots intertwine and get a little edgy. But also be aware that none of this is especially well done. It rides in a style that might really be called prime time television, interesting but not amazing or transforming.