Why Did I Get Married?
Why Did I Get Married?
PG-13 | 12 October 2007 (USA)
Why Did I Get Married? Trailers

Eight married college friends plus one other non-friend (all of whom have achieved middle to upper class economic status) go to Colorado for their annual week-long reunion, but the mood shifts when one couple's infidelity comes to light. As secrets are revealed, each couple begins to question their own relationship.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
nicholls_les A very funny movie from Mr Perry, one of his best movies by far. It makes a change from those awful Medea movies where he dresses as a woman (and not very convincingly at that) Tasha Smith is Brilliant as the acerbic tongued Angela and she steals every scene she is in. The story line is not new and the ending somewhat predictable, but it is overall good entertainment and well worth a watch.Janet Jackson is the weakest of the actresses in this movie but that doesn't spoil the enjoyment.This is a much better movie than the awful sequel 'Why did I get married too'
callanvass Four married couples attempt to get their marriages back on the right track during a weekend of vacation. It's a yearly routine that has them ask the question "Why Did I Get Married?" Diane (Sharon Leal) & Terry (Tyler Perry) are having issues with one another, because Terry believes Diane is not paying enough attention to him, or spending quality time with each other. Marcus (Michael Jai White) & Tasha Smith (Angela) quarrel constantly about everything, especially over Marcus's ex wife, and Angela's heavy drinking. Gavin (Malik Yoba) & Patricia (Janet Jackson) haven't been the same since a tragic incident. Mike (Richard T. Jones) & Sheila (Jill Scott) are on the brink of splitting up, with Sheila trying to save their marriage. Mike belittles her about her weight, and sleeps around on her. This is considered to be one of Perry's best movies, and for good reason. It's a great mix of melodrama & humor. Tyler really has things clicking on all cylinders with this one. Despite all of the selfish motives from the characters in this movie, I was able to relate to almost everyone, except for Mike's character. Tyler's heavy heart is at it again, and he takes a realistic look at the problems of marriages. The melodramatics are here as usual, but they are believable. Perry provides us with colorful characters, and issues we can all sympathize with. I personally am very reluctant about marriage, for the same reasons depicted in this movie. Couples forget why they fell in love in the first place, and become very subdued and even estranged from one another. Perry looks at that issue long and hard in this film. I was really impressed with the dialog in this movie. Whether it was the fellows chatting away about their problems, or the females, Perry makes sure to keep things lively and witty at all times. The dinner scene is absolutely wild. I won't spoil it, but it's great. Tyler Perry is quite decent. I understood his frustrations with Diane. He's a great comedian, but it's always nice to see Perry take on meatier roles. Sharon Leal is rather cold as Perry's wife, but that's the way she is written. She did her job very well. Tasha Smith is alternately hilarious and infuriating. Her cantankerous character will have people divided, I'm sure. She was always lively, I'll say that. Michael Jai White does well as the incumbent husband of her's. Marcus & Angela are probably the most interesting couple. There is a reason their characters got a T.V show. Janet Jackson & Malik Yoba are good as the emotionally distraught couple. Richard T. Jones plays a loathsome, sexist son of a bitch. I hated his guts, and because of that, he did his job extremely well. Jill Scott has a couple off moments, but she's easily sympathetic as Sheila. Her character goes through a winning transformation in the second half. Lamman Rucker is quite bland as the sheriff. He doesn't have the range to pull of what is needed, and I felt he was miscast. My only real carp about this movie is that a sequel commenced. All the characters had a fitting ending in this movie, and I was really content with how everybody was heading. Money talks I guess…Final Thoughts: It's chaotic, wild, brazen, and very entertaining. This is Tyler Perry at his best. If you're a fan of Perry's work, you really have no excuse not to see this8/10
Gideon24 Tyler Perry's inexplicably meteoric career continues to be an enigma with WHY DID I GET MARRIED?, his 2007 comedy-drama that pretty much comes off as a blatant rip-off of the 1984 Alan Alda comedy THE FOUR SEASONS. Perry has gathered an attractive cast of African American actors together to play four couples who travel to a mountain retreat for an alleged couples seminar that turns into a weekend of ugly accusations, confused loyalties, not-so-surprising revelations, and what Tyler Perry deals in best: tired stereotyped characters. Perry has the nerve to make these people rich and upwardly mobile with high-powered careers despite the fact that most of the characters don't have a brain in their head. Perry's enormous ego once again casts him center stage as a pediatrician married to a partner in a law firm (Sharon Leal), who had her tubes tied in order to keep babies from getting in the way of her career. Janet Jackson and Malik Yorba are beyond dull as a couple dealing with the death of a child. Michael Jai White and Tasha Smith are loud and obnoxious as a couple dealing with STD's and an ex that won't go away. Richard T. Jones plays a sexist pig who makes his overweight wife drive to the retreat while he arrives by plane with his mistress. Perry's attempt to present contemporary African Americans just comes off as forced and the stereotyped behavior of some of the character in the film is just embarrassing. The only light in all this darkness is a surprisingly charismatic performance from R&B songstress Jill Scott, who lights up the screen as Jones' overweight and insecure wife who eventually finds happiness with a sexy sheriff (Laaman Rucker). There's some nice scenery and the actors try to make the most out of a pedantic screenplay, but the whole thing just smacks of "been there done that."
charlies123 I really did not want to see this because I have not liked perry's other works. however, I allowed my girlfriends to drag me to it. I got what I expected. A low class movie that was very bad from the direction, to the acting, to the production. I swear, I do not know what goes through casting folks minds when they make their choices. Have they even read the scripts at all? And I guess it is asking too much for the director to direct the actors and actresses. I say this because surely he can see what is going on in front of the camera, so he must know it is awful. So this would be the time to give the actors some direction to help them become better, and make something that won't have audiences washing their eyes out with bleach after viewing this garbage, and lamenting the fact that they are unable to physically gouge the memory of having seen this from their brain. It was my fault really, I know perry sucks, i know his movies suck, and I know after the last one, I said never again. Yet I went again anyway. I need to have my head examined.