R | 20 December 1991 (USA)
JFK Trailers

Follows the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy led by New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison.

MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
cinephile-27690 This movie is nearly 3 1/2 hours long but to me it felt like 2 hours. It's my 2nd favorite Kevin Costner movie after Field of Dreams. The movie gained controversy for who the movie pointed fingers at for the assassination of JFK. But it's a movie, for Pete's sake! Besides, it's decided that we will never know who did it.(Is that really a spoiler?) Like Beauty and the Beast, this is a 1991 nomination that earned Best Picture more than The Silence of the Lambs. Roger Ebert called it the best movie of the year and it was Gene Siskel's 7th. There is also numerous celebrities including Kevin Bacon, Joe Pesci(with blonde hair),Sissy Spacek, Gary Oldman, Tommy Lee Jones,Donald Sutherland, etc. Most of these are cameos. There is a lot to enjoy here, so go and do so!
VAndolini I truly admire Oliver Stone gifted filmmaking, his service to our country, and insight into many issues. However, i believe he has simply lost his freaking mind with this movie. None of the portrayals represent the whole truth, because we do not know the truth. That is fine, whatever Oliver. But pandering to the lowest common denominator, i.e.,conspiracy theorists (I use that term loosely) that believe LBJ, the CIA, Castro and little green men from Mars were all behind the assassination. Costner's portrayal of Garrison 's emotion run the usual gamut from A to B. Would it kill the guy to maybe not look like he is always constipated? However, i took delight in the film's portrayal of that insane, evil, closet case J. Edgar Hoover. He looked positively ravishing in this film! So beautiful! Hoover, you entered the wrong profession - you could give RuPaul a run for his money!! sly old dog Hoover
thedarkknight-99999 This movie is just A-Mazing! Maybe this is the best film editing ever! Can't wait to watch more Oliver Stone movies!(8.5/10)
Rameshwar IN Reviewed April 2012The movie might have exaggerated, dramatized or manipulated certain real events, but what a stunning presentation featuring one of the best ensemble performances and intense screenplay that holds the audience attention for well over 3 hours. Though it reminds a bit of 'All the presidents men', it doesn't have its subtlety. It all starts after the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the conspiracies surrounding the investigation. Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) a DA of New Orleans is convinced that there is a lot more to what the officials are willing to share and after finding a lot of loop holes in the Warren Commissions report, starts an unauthorized investigation with a small team from his office. He starts putting together facts, speculates certain conspiracy theories and the case starts consuming him. The fear, humiliation, object of losing his family doesn't stop him from going further. The amount of information, fact or fiction fed to the audience in extraordinary and since it is a little speculative and involves one of the most popular conspiracy theories, there is a better chance the audience gets sucked into it. Screenplay doesn't allow a single dull moment and every actor gives a one up performance scene after scene. The look of the period and a clever mix of real and shot footage helps too. One problem here is that, it does not just present the important facts and let the viewer decide, it thinks for the viewer too. Thus dumbing down and ending up one dimensional. Knowing the runtime beforehand might be a daunting task for you to attempt to watch this, trust me time flies is an idiom never more appropriate while watching this movie.