Big Trouble
Big Trouble
PG-13 | 05 April 2002 (USA)
Big Trouble Trailers

The story of how a mysterious suitcase brings together, and changes, the lives of a divorced dad, an unhappy housewife, two hitmen, a pair of street thugs, two love struck teens, two FBI men and a psychedelic toad. Based on Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist Dave Barry's best-selling first novel, "Big Trouble."

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
trcgabriela i just love this movie, i laughed from the beginning till the end; i really don't understand why he made such a poor audience on the big screen! these Americans don't know to appreciate a good comedy! the cast was great, everyone of them; the script is good, the directing also; my favorite character was Dennis Farina's; as a matter of fact, i love Barry Sonnenfeld movies, in general, i really think that he is a great director and big trouble is one of the funniest comedy ever! i think that Zooey Deschanel was spot on and Tim Allen was very funny too; and the movie was also a very good start on their careers for Sofia Vergara and Ben Foster; LOVED IT!
NateWatchesCoolMovies It's sad to think that Barry Sonnenfield's modern day screwball comedy Big Trouble got itself buried in a sea of controversy before it was even released. It was completed right around 9/11, and since certain plot points involve a bomb on a plane, it was understandably delayed a long while, eventually getting a lackluster release that no one seemed to notice. Too bad. It's not groundbreaking in the genre, but it provides a largely varied group of characters, each wildly different so that everyone will find at least one aspect hilarious. It's somewhat hit and miss, with some odd choices, but often it rips along with a 'mad mad mad world' style, go for broke insanity and a bizarrely absurd nature to the narrative. It basically concerns a huge group of people, many of them complete morons, navigating their way around a mysterious package that may be a bomb, tripping over each others asinine actions and getting into crazy madcap chases, confrontations and loopy encounters. Tim Allen plays an ad exec with a midlife crisis, who's immature son (Ben Foster) is engaged in high school shenanigans with Zooey Deschenal. Jason Lee plays Puggy, a hippie who lives in a tree and falls in love with both Fritos and Sofia Vargera, who is a maid for upscale douchebag Stanley Tucci (steals the show as an absolute ponce) and his wife (Rene Russo). Tom Sizemore and Johnny Knoxville play pretty much real life versions of Beevis and Butthead as the world's most clueless ex cons. Bewildered cops Patrick Warburton and Janeane Garofalo try to figure out just what's going on, mob assassins Dennis Farina and Jack Kehler get driven nuts by everyone including Gator fans (those friggin gator fans), and Omar Epps and Heavy D have fun as two cheeky FBI Agents. That's not even the half of it, as the impossibly intricate dodgeball match of a storyline couldn't be understood in one viewing of the film, let alone one review. It's a treasure for me though, with endless exchanges of dialogue that I hold dear with the nostalgia I have for it. The cast also includes work from Andy Richter, Michael McShane, DJ Qualls, Daniel London, and director Sonnenfield as *gasp* a gator fun. It's all in silly fun, a weird but ultimately feel good comedy for the hyperactive and light of heart.
Bkaj88 Some of the humor was kind of corny but still a very funny movie to watch. The title fits right in the story, a bomb gets tossed in and in the end, everybody is involved with it, either wanting to set it off, or turn off. Then there's a war an everybody is in Big Trouble. Listen to some rock and roll music while watching the second half of the movie and I assure you, it will be like an action thrilling music video. Very good movie to watch once again. I liked the actors who are in it. If you are looking for a movie with some of your actors or actresses, then you would know damn well you will like the movie then. I think I've seen this one at least a dozen times. The humor is raunchy, funny and you will laugh till you cannot breathe. (So control your laughter) I'd recommend it to anyone who digs comedies.
ruggie_uk As others have stated in their reviews, this excellent comedy is one of the funniest films I have seen. It's over the top, slapstick, situational comedy at it's best. The casting and acting was perfect for this movie, Tim and Rene provided just the right mix of romance and hilarity. The hit men and Gator scenes are absolute laugh out loud classics and made me laugh the hardest and longest I ever have. It's a film that I mention whenever the topic gets to comedy films but it is one that everybody else seems to have missed. I'm not a fan of sequels usually as I prefer originality but I really wanted more after watching this work of art. Well done chaps.