Quiz Show
Quiz Show
PG-13 | 16 September 1994 (USA)
Quiz Show Trailers

Herbert Stempel's transformation into an unexpected television personality unfolds as he secures victory on the cherished American game show, 'Twenty-One.' However, when the show introduces the highly skilled contestant Charles Van Doren to replace Stempel, it compels Stempel to let out his frustrations and call out the show as rigged. Lawyer Richard Goodwin steps in and attempts to uncover the orchestrated deception behind the scenes.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Erin Halls Smart, Deceitful and RuthlessA historically accurate and entertaining film, Robert Redford's Quiz Show is about the lies and deceit of reality television back in the 1950's. The two main characters are Herbie Stempel, a contestant who is unbeatable, but is pressured by NBC executives, Dan Enright and Albert Freedman, to lose to charismatic, Charles Van Doren. The movie progress with Richard "Dick" Goodwin trying to uncover the truth behind the quiz shows.The Quiz Show is an scrutinizing, remorseless portrayal of the American people. Charles Van Doren is willing to cheat to try and receive attention from his father and when he fails to do that he settles for the attention of the American people. Herbie Stempel is socially awkward, which make him willing to cheat for fame and recognition. Recognition of the fact that he was very intelligent, intelligence which he prided himself on. Richard Goodwin is a naive, newly graduated law student who thinks that law will bring justice to the corrupt system of reality television. Dan Enright and Albert Freedman are businessmen to their core, selling the product of reality television. Reality television wasn't about providing recognition to those who deserved it but selling the idea of money to the American people. They knew people watched the shows for the money and not for the questions, so instead of making the show about knowledge they made it about gaining the most viewers providing viewers with the most interesting contestants. The motives behind each of these characters makes them relatable to the audience, making viewers care about them and the plot. The whole movie in general was very real, the setting of 1950s America was very accurate, besides a few minor details. In general, the actors did phenomenal jobs portraying their characters, Ralph Fiennes execution of Charles Van Doren and David Paymer portrayal of Dan Enright were amazing, on the other hand John Turturro's representation of Herbie Stempel felt like a caricature.Paul Attanasio's screenplay is witty, smart, subtle yet ruthless, utilizes the power of foreshadowing and full of memorable dialogue. Despite it's failure in the box office, it's a critically acclaimed movie that is a must see for all.
OneEightNine Media I almost want to give this movie a 6 out of 10 but whatever, I'm never going to watch it again. If someone holds a gun to my head and tells me to watch it, I'll beg that they fast forward to the last 20 minutes or so. This film is based on a true story but whoever wrote the script for the film added so much in and turned this movie away from an interesting singular story into an abomination with multiple little subplots which bore you out of your viewing experience. It is a shame because Ralph Fiennes gives an excellent performance. Fiennes is the only reason you should watch this film. The scenes Fiennes has with whoever the actor is playing the father of his character, makes the film interesting. Why couldn't it just be a film about the Quiz Show and the relationship between a father and son? This movie could have been a memorable drama but I'm sure I'll forget it by next week. John Turturro literally stinks up the screen. His performance is just too cheesy and doesn't fit. The only other good thing I can say about this movie is that the end credits are the best part of the movie. If you're about to watch this on TV, do yourself a favor and change the channel.
SnoopyStyle It's 1958. Twenty-one is one of the most popular TV quiz shows. Producers Dan Enright (David Paymer) and Albert Freedman (Hank Azaria) run the show. Herb Stempel (John Turturro) from Queens is the reigning champ. However the sponsor doesn't feel that Stempel is a good TV personality. Columbia University instructor Charles Van Doren (Ralph Fiennes) is fascinated with the show and tries out. Unscrupulous Enright and Freedman forces Stempel to lose on an easy question. Van Doren's TV success soon brings him out of the shadows of his renowned intellectual father. Stempel is frozen out and he goes to a grand jury. Richard Goodwin (Rob Morrow) is a congressional investigator who starts to investigate the game show.This movie is anchored by two amazing performances. John Turturro is at his jittery sweaty best. He provides the nervous energy while Ralph Fiennes gives the human fragility. It's a great character study of two fascinating personalities.
Ben Larson That is the crux of it. Charles Van Doren (Ralph Fiennes) not only risked dragging his own name through the mud, but that of his father (Paul Scofield) and grandfather.It was easy to take the money under false pretenses, but the truth will always out. When it does, it is always messy and painful. The harm is sometimes irreparable. Charles was torn from the start, but he still gave in.Fiennes, Scofield, and John Turturro were magnificent in this Robert Redford directed film. It had the unfortunate luck to compete against Forrest Gump.