Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West
Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West
| 21 October 2005 (USA)
Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West Trailers

Obsession is a film about the threat of Radical Islam to Western civilization. Using unique footage from Arab television, it reveals an 'insider's view' of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Shakazoff Brought to you by the following among others:1- Yigal Carmon (Hebrew יגאל כרמון) is the president and founder of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)Yigal's Career: Colonel, Israeli Army Intelligence from 1968-88 Acting head and adviser on Arab affairs, Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria, 1977-19822- Raphael Shore is an Israeli-Canadian film writer, producer, and Rabbi employed full time by Aish HaTorah. He is the founder of The Clarion Fund, a non-profit organization that seeks to advance the idea that the United States faces a threat of radical Islam. Shore is also a regular critic of the media coverage on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, coverage which he alleges is regularly anti-Israel. (LMAO)3- Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Funny how ADL supports this hateful propaganda. You can never tell by reading their "Anti-Defamation" name title.Use your mind and see how objective these people are. They have their own agenda!I think, therefore I am.
lastliberal In a recent British poll, George Bush was second to Osama bin Laden and ahead of Kim Jong-Il and Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the person most threatening to world peace. So, since we are about to be ride of the second most dangerous person in the World, maybe we ought to know something about the man the British considers the first. Especially when taxpayers are paying to have the DVD distributed through their local newspapers.Of course, we have to take this film with a grain of salt - maybe a bucket of salt, as it is only promoted by Fox News, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and the the right wing Olin Foundation.Despite the fact that one website called the Writer/Director Wayne Kopping "an award-winning filmmaker," I can find no evidence of this and he has only made anti-Muslim films to the best of my knowledge. It has to be noted that his background makes making these films a logical step. Do not expect an unbiased approach.There is a distinct pro-Israel bias in the presentation of information in this so-called anti-extremist Muslim film. The overwhelming data presented is pertaining to those who hate Israel, and by extension we are supposed to believe they hate Westerners. They hate Westerners and the US to the extent that they support Israel. No nation that is not overtly pro-Israel is mentioned, nor are any examples given of terrorist attacks.The question of why they attacked a the US on 9/11 is quickly dismissed as irrelevant and the terrorism is directly attached to religious belief. It is well documented that Osama bin Laden attacked the US because of our military forces in the Islamic Holy Land.Those who watch this expecting an unbiased approach are advised that they are getting the same propaganda that the film criticizes.
strumdatjag First: I have a political bias. I am a conservative Republican who SUPPORTS "W", his war on terror and the war in Iraq. Therefore, I agree with the central premise of this film - That Militant Islamism is today's greatest threat to world stability and peace and that this is a time for us to be like Churchill rather than Ghandi. I also agree that politically correct peaceniks don't get it and undermine the war on terror so they can gain political advantage in order to enact things like socialized health-care. So I was disappointed with this blatant piece of propaganda. Please note that it is possible to make a good film which is blatant propaganda, even if it differs from one's political opinion. Unfortunately, Obsession is not one of these good pieces of propaganda. There are three problems with this film: too preachy, too sloppy and too obviously and unpersuasively propagandistic. The most impressive parts of this film are the clips of news footage from middle eastern television of hate-filled religious and political rallies and interviews with children who have been indoctrinated with islamist hate. Unfortunately, the clips are repeatedly interrupted with mostly unnecessary, preachy, "expert" commentary. This leaves a probably mistaken impression that the clips were being edited and taken out of context in order to promote the politics of the filmmaker. Except for the part of the film describing the "Matzo-Movie", the sources of the footage were not adequately described. The film was sloppy, i.e. poorly organized. Much like the NFL color commentator who won't shut up about the obvious ("You see here, how the quarterback hands off and the running back runs with the football"), the repetitious, preachy commentary destroys the impact of the great, scary footage which has been assembled. Why not describe how the footage was obtained and tell us how pervasive it is (Is it the #1 show or is it the equivalent of our Public Access TV)? Then show it and let the viewer come to the inescapable conclusion. The unnecessary, spooky music and intentional graining of the film was straight out of "Political Attack Ad 101". The disturbing footage does not need to be doctored and enhanced, since it loses its impact because it obviously looks doctored and enhanced. The most obvious propaganda is the long, botched attempt to equate Islamist Fascists with Nazism. Showing Nazis goose-stepping and comparing it to today's goose-stepping middle eastern armies proves nothing. It is a historically common way of marching and saluting in many countries, some very friendly to the west. It is not necessarily in a nostalgic homage to Uncle Adolf. This movie is a 4/10, one and a half star movie because the documentary certainly has some moments, which are unfortunately poorly presented by the filmmaker.
Aan Most of the clips, sound bytes and interviewees here have pretty much restated what is already talked about in the media. This film works well in not only showing an eye opening for those less news savvy but it also serves to scare the daylights of those who are not usually given a much more complex view of why hatred is rampant in many Islamic communities around the world. This film paints a picture for those who would not care less to think deeply that all Muslims are terrorists or violent and irrational. The left is also painted as a supporter of terrorism and is pointed at as the cause of radical Islam in the West. This film would do well at Fox News and other mainstream media who only see one side of the story. Shame, shame for lumping 1.1 billion people into a single pot of hatred and for pointing fingers at the left only.
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