NR | 21 November 1955 (USA)
Diabolique Trailers

The cruel and abusive headmaster of a boarding school, Michel Delassalle, is murdered by an unlikely duo -- his meek wife and the mistress he brazenly flaunts. The women become increasingly unhinged by a series of odd occurrences after Delassalle's corpse mysteriously disappears.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
adonis98-743-186503 The wife and mistress of a loathed school principal hatch a plan to murder him while having the perfect alibi. They carry out the plan...but then his body disappears. Les Diaboliques seriously missed the point that a very creepy film should have and it's sad cause the storyline was very interesting but the execution came out as cheesy and even stupid at times, the acting wasn't anything good either and the script not that well written as it seemed and it's disappointing because the movie had such an interesting plot but was ruined easily. (0/10)
happytrigger-64-390517 Since the age of 6, I've lived in the village where the school scenes were shot (that castle was at the time abandoned and Clouzot wanted to buy it to get his studios inside, but it was too expensive, now it's the Town Hall since 1968). Each time I went to school (not the movie's one), I kept thinking of that horrific movie and when I saw it at 15, I was quite impressed, discovering Clouzot's Noir filmography.Like the townspeople watching at the shooting and how the beautiful castle had become sinister, full of mud all around. During the shooting since three weeks, all the team was completely sad and sinister, shooting night and day. They got more joyful when eating in the local restaurants. A lot of villagers came at the gate to watch with excitement all the famous team shooting one of the most well known classic thrillers. Clouzot never shot again in that village, and no other movie was shot there.
christopher-underwood Great stuff! But here's the thing, even though I know have seen this before, I remembered nothing. Just recognised the odd scene vaguely as I might have done if seeing clips. It certainly seems likely that I have read the book and seen the remake since first being it but even so... Maybe it is that the blu-ray is so fantastic that I don't recognise it or just maybe I originally watched it with a bottle of wine and dropped offer and there. Surely not, although even now I feel the the first part with the school, the kids and the general exposition probably does go on rather more than it need. Still, once we get going we certainly do and I was held in complete suspense and caught out terribly in the end. Stunning, with great visuals and superlative performances from Simone Signoret and Vera Clouzot. Again, I don't recall being aware that Vera was the director's wife but that might explain the extremely see-through nightdress, which seemed a bit surprising for mid fifties cinema, or maybe that's just the blu-ray!
elvircorhodzic LES DIABOLIQUES is a mystery thriller full of surprises and suspense. The director of a boarding school in France sadistically abuses his wife and his mistress. Two women come together in the murder of a overbearing husband. The seemingly perfect murder turns into a nightmare, because the corpse mysteriously disappears. Women are witnessing the everyday phenomena that points to the fact that the director of the boarding school is still alive...The beginning of the film is done in a typical French style with a lot of raw passion and sadism. The main villain is a ruthless tyrant, which applies to everyone with the same level of violence. It is a fascinating relationship between two women. They love each other, respect, empathize and hate at the same time. A psychological drama turns into an exciting thriller that at certain moments borders with a horror. Mr. Clouzot uses his, already recognizable, morbid style. The atmosphere is great. It changes throughout the film, along with rising tensions that eventually all ended with a climatic explosion.This recipe will become recognized by most of the psychological thriller. The script is also very good without being illogical, which is common in thrillers and mysteries.Véra Clouzot as Christina Delassalle is the wife, who is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. There is an interesting traditional relationship with her husband and marriage in general. Her sense of guilt and anxiety corresponded to the tension in the film. Simone Signoret as Nicole Horner is swift and icy as the mistress who plans everything. Paul Meurisse as Michel Delassalle is the protagonist who keeps the audience awake. The villain that is difficult to understand, and yet it was pleasant to see him in the frame. Dead or alive, absolutely not essential.A conspiracy is enough for a good thriller. Double conspiracy is not desirable for those with a weak heart.