Taken 3
Taken 3
PG-13 | 09 January 2015 (USA)
Taken 3 Trailers

Ex-government operative Bryan Mills finds his life is shattered when he's falsely accused of a murder that hits close to home. As he's pursued by a savvy police inspector, Mills employs his particular set of skills to track the real killer and exact his unique brand of justice.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
FountainPen The movie drags in certain parts, and many of the violent scenes are unrealistic, but it is an entertaining flick overall, so I awarded 7. I find Forest Whitaker to be VERY hard to take, with his weird wandering eye! Simply cannot get used to this; it is a major distraction to every part he plays. He is the actor chosen, unhappily, to portray Idi Amin in the movie bio. Very distracting! Liam Neeson was his usual self, though looking a bit raggy and haggard. There were some lapses in the actions of the character he plays in this film, but what the heck! It's Hollywood! Go with the flow and relax!
FilmBuff1994 Taken 3 is a mediocre movie with an average plot and a cast that look more inspired to get their pay check than to be in this. It certainly has its moments, there are some stellar action sequences and some really tense scenes that make for a pleasant viewing that is certainly not boring. It is a pleasure as always to see Liam Nesson naturally slip back in to Bryan Mills' shoes, he has a very effortless screen presence. When I first saw the trailer, I was delighted to see this movie taking a different approach and doing something very unlike the last two films. However, this plot is in no way as engaging or gripping as the previous two, it was a lot more predictable and felt like any other action. While the first Taken was breaking boundaries, this movie played it safe.There is also some very cringe worthy dialogue throughout that took me out of it on a regular basis. No matter how absurd the characters situation is, everything they say in response should still feel realistic, there were far too many "action movie lines" that no one would ever say in real life. No one's heart seemed to be in this, and that was it's downfall. Reasonably well executed, Taken 3 falls flat in far too many other areas for me to possibly recommend it. After being framed for a murder he did not commit, Bryan Mills sets out to find the real killer while on the run from the law. Best Performance: Forest Whitaker
jimpartridge OK, so I've read many of the reviews of this movie and wanted to put my view forward, as I feel it has taken (no pun intended) something of a bashing ! Basically, I found it to be a good, enjoyable action movie – so there were no Albanians, and no-one was taken – so what ??? Why are people so hung up on these points ? The return of most of the original characters was a big plus, a familiarity, and a new plot which was plausible, lots of action and Neeson doing what he does best, with the involvement and interaction of his special group. As for a poor sequel – go back through 50 years of the industry – what sequels are even as good as the original – Jaws, Star Wars, Rocky, First Blood, Die Hard to name but a few. Yet I still think we are left with an entertaining action movie, and if you are prepared to sit back and enjoy the fantasy, as all movies are, rather than sit there with a pen and paper trying to find any holes and irregularities, that you could find with any movie, then this is what it is all about. Maybe not a typical Taken movie in the same sense that the first 2 were, but none-the-less, entertainment, action, and for me, it hit the right note.
Margaret Pearce The success of 'Taken' was attributable to the calm, calculating, methodical and, ultimately, brutal actions of its main character played admirably by Liam Neeson. Who can forget his "I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you". Quiet, sinister and perfectly delivered.Then we get Taken 3, and Hollywood's usual ridiculous car chases, cars flying in the air and rolling over and over, jackknifed trucks etc., etc., the usual chaos. Fight scenes with camera shots less than a second long so you haven't got a clue what's going on. Only thing missing from the modern director's bag of tricks was a few dark scenes so you can't see what's going on either. All the usual rubbish and all totally unsuited to an actor of Neeson's age and expertise.When will these director's learn?