Looking Glass
Looking Glass
R | 16 February 2018 (USA)
Looking Glass Trailers

A psycho- sexual thriller following a couple that buys an old motel in the desert looking for a new beginning, but what seemed at first as an escape is soon a thrilling ride through a mysterious world when Ray discovers a two way mirror and witnesses a horrifying murder. In a twisted game of cat and mouse, Ray must race to save his wife and himself from a gruesome secret connected to the motel and the strange people who visit there.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
nicolailaros Nicolas Cage played recently in some truely poorly executed strait to DVD movies in which he acted as if he would be on drugs or at least something like that... I was delighted to see that he still is able to be convincing as a believable characters without overacting the whole time. His performance here, even if not flawless, is still enjoyable enough.I really would like to understand some reviewers on IMDB which pointed out that they dislike the movie because of Ray's and Maggie's characters (apparently not the positive kind of guys there where expecting 'cause, for example, Ray is always looking depressed, obsessed, concerned...etc...etc...), but -sorry folks- I can't with my best will!!! Did you even figure out what the plot here is about? Did you realise this is no more "Face Off", "Con Air", "Snake Eyes" or "Ghost Rider" Nic is playing in for a couple of years by now....?????I enjoyed the movie for what it is, a kind of "film noir" about a familly drama and a removal to a new location lost in the middle of nowere, just in order to start new again (and, of course, hide from the past ...). Then, right from the beginning, something do not fully frame in the whole picture, some events happen, and -for once!- something totally realistic the main characters have to deal with. The mystery, even if there is nothing really new here, is still effective, believable and gripping enough to keep the tension alive. The resolution of the whole plot isn't that hard to figure, but does it really matter in the end? Director Tim Hunter ("River's Edge" with Keanu Reeves) did a decent job here (and his director of photography too) with a low budget, even if this flick has obviously more potential to become a first rate thrill (in the way "The Strangers: Prey at Night", directed by director Joannes Roberts, fulfilled it, for example)... But I enjoyed this little movie for what it is: a modest comeback for cage to "Red Rock West" with a little "Detour"/"(No)Vacancy" kind of of mood.Seeing is deceiving?.... Looking glass.... a mirror of souls... a reflecting image of ourselves... Have a try... Lol...! And give this damn Nic Cage movie a chance...! No doubt, It is one of his better -and at least more than believable- latest efforts!
tin-borgman It's one of those movies that, when you are clicking through 572 channels of useless brain numbing odd cooking, weird sporting, reality programming, infomercials, you suddenly land on a movie ... you watch for a few seconds and realize it's one you've seen 6 times already so you keep clicking, then land on THIS movie and you watch for a few seconds, and settle in and enjoy the whole darn thing because, even though it's a bit odd and melodramatic, i't's GOOD! And then you go on imdb and talk about how everyone dissing it is wrong because you just really enjoyed it.The next day you realize it was 2am and you always enjoy whatever you finally find to watch after clicking through 572 channels.But it isn't too bad. Nic is always entertaining if nothing else, and usually he adds something else.. oh ya, great acting because no matter how bad the movie is he always shines.I give it a 5 because when combing through bad movies to get through a few hours, this is a good bad movie to watch.
cdarran Never mind all the potholes and unanswered questions,but on top of that the editors left a mic in frame in top right of screen in the bedroom fight.
wessongroup Liked the local's and it was a good story line IF executed properly by the cast ... Cage was not believeable and took it down, he was after all the "lead" .. The location was fine and a wise choice to keep the overhead down .. music could have help a lot, in many ways ... imowill watch again and see if I change my thougts