| 01 October 1958 (USA)
Macabre Trailers

After his wife and her blind sister have died under his care, a doctor's small daughter is kidnapped and reported as buried alive, and he is given just five hours to find and rescue her.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
framptonhollis I caught this randomly of TCM. I was thinking of turning off the television set when suddenly I saw William Castle's name and got intrigued. I have previously seen 'The House on Haunted Hill' and I think it's a pretty great, genuinely CLASSIC horror film, and overall I have found Castle's career to be extremely compelling and kind of funny in a way. Castle was a filmmaker who grew to be iconic largely b/c of his gimmicks, which perfectly encapsulate the atmosphere of horror cinema at this time in filmmaking history ("this time" referring to the 1950's to the mid-1960's), and I was totally hooked on watching this film once it began, w/a shot of a large clock on a clock tower as a narration informs the viewer that over the course of the next hour and fifteen minutes prepare to be horrified or something along those lines, and amusingly suggesting that I, the viewer, calm whoever I am sitting beside in the theater if they get too visibly scared and that, and I just found this hilarious and felt like I was in for a comedic (if only ironically so) treat. Well, what I got was something quite unexpected and different than what my mind had planned. There were quite a few unintentionally amusing moments here and there, but the overall film was super dark. Like, it tackled some extremely disturbing topics in a really weird and eerie (if oft cheesy) way. I don't exactly know how I feel about this film, beyond knowing that I liked it, despite there being various extreme plot holes and the overall fact of its ending (which that same narrator from the beginning urges his audience to not spoil any of there friends, and to tell said friends to go see the picture for themselves, which I also found pretty funny) being less-than-satisfactory if (at least sort/kind of) unique/interesting/unexpected/fittingly-melancholic-in-a-way. Sometimes, watching films at total random can be a real experience, and this certainly was one. Full of surprises, unintentional laughs, genuine moments of shock and near actual's a time to be had for sure.
sherry-86424 My brother took me to this movie when it first came out and I hated it. I thought that it might have been because I was very young and didn't understand it. I came across it on TV today and watched it again to see if I missed something. I shouldn't have wasted my time. It was just as confusing as I remember it. The plot was hard to keep track of and most of it didn't make much sense. The idea wasn't bad and could make a decent movie if it was rewritten and made be a better group, but in this one the plot jumped around and the characters were not well developed or portrayed and the ending was obvious. It is probably the worst movie I ever saw.
MartinHafer Folks in a small town think that a doctor (William Prince) is responsible for the death of his wife due to his incompetence. Someone is so mad about this that they apparently kidnapped the doctor's daughter and have buried her alive. The doc must scramble to figure this one out--and the leads point to her being buried in the cemetery.In the late 1950s, director/producer William Castle began releasing horror thrillers with amazing gimmicks--such as electrifying seats and shocking viewers in "The Tingler" or sending skeletons flying over the audience in "The House on Haunted Hill". "Macabre" was the first of these--with insurance policies on the patrons because the film was supposedly THAT scary. Unfortunately, the film just wasn't scary! And, I really expected much more from this film. Plus, the ending was just confusing and rather anticlimactic. Not among Castle's better films.
GL84 Learning of a great treachery against his daughter, a man and his wife race to the graveyard containing her before a deranged madman can win out in his quest for revenge.An exceptionally flawed and not really all that worthwhile William Castle gimmick effort, only this time the gimmick isn't that great and the movie's little better. The central premise to this one is quite chilling, with the abduction of the daughter and being buried in a grave that requires a man and wife to find her, means we get some incredibly wonderful Gothic atmosphere with the scenes in the cemetery that are quite creepy in design and chilling in how the story's built up. These scenes here and their bantering about where she is and where to dig are really the only parts of this that's worthwhile, as the rest of the time it doesn't have a whole lot to really get interested in. As it goes around with all the potential suspects and why they're interested in seeking revenge, the flashback nature of these participants and why they're out for revenge is not in the slightest bit interesting and drags the movie to a halt as it goes about this section of the movie, dropping all potential horror angles and does so for the majority of the film's running time. Even more so, the fact that the central premise doesn't allow for a lot of time dealing with the graveyard search forces this upon the viewer, a rather unfortunate handicap right off the top. It's got its moments, but not a whole lot of them.Today's Rating: Unrated/PG: Mild Violence and children-in-jeopardy.